Hi What is name of the movie where Sylvia is teasing Randy Spears in a sexy short green dress made of stretch before having sex with him ? Anybody knows ?
hello, first of all i don't speak and write in english, i downloaded the files, but i can not see the scene, maybe it ins`t "rar" archives. somebody can explain me, please.
"Yep, "Passion Tales" looks like the original title. The "Silvia Exposed" version is a compilation video and the VOB version I have is a mash-up from various sources. Nevertheless, my version does have a better resolution and bitrate than other versions I have found (including the version mentioned below).
I have therefore used ffmpeg to extract the scene from the VOB and do a bit of "post-processing" to clean it up a bit. Specifically, I have taken the letter-boxed 4:3 video with strange 15:9 content area and converted into a 16:9 window-boxed version, which can be viewed better in widescreen without black bars both above and to the sides (now just to the sides). I have deliberately forced the narrow black bars left and right to ensure the video is standard 540p format and will play on "consumer electronics" like smart TVs or DNLA players that choke on non-standard aspect ratios. I also tried to adjust the aspect ratio from 15:9 to 16:9 to get rid of the bars, but it looked stretched.
I also tweaked the gamma, saturation and contrast levels to make the scene a bit brighter and more in keeping with the photos and the DVD cover art that Bernd found for "Passion Tales".