This topic is for my friend Venizelos, to help him complete some of his picsets, and for everyone here, to have one day a complete listing and description of almost everything silvia did in her model/pornstar life.
The reference is Venizelos site, at this adress :
I encourage every fan of silvia to contribute to this site.
Set081 - 212 pics - Complete set Set113 - 74 pics - Complete set Set161 - 90 pics - Complete set Set170 - 150 pics - 1 pic added to complete the existing set Set182 - 125 pics - complete set
Message to Venizelos... It's only the beginning, you'll hate me soon...
PS : i was puzzled to see some of your DDF sets (#157,169) were bigger than mine, that are originals from DDF site... where did you find the extra pics ?
Venizelos, i found myself the answer of my last question... I didn't notice than CSS sets contained exclusive pics ; for me there were only reprints of DDF's
Muchas gracias por las actualizaciones y esperemos que pronto la gente se anime con nuevas colaboraciones.
Todas las imagenes de estos set don de DDF production, pero la clave esta en que Silvia colabora en dos de sus webs.
Mucha gente cree que son galerias identicas, pero muchas de las imagenes no lo son y se trata de una misma galeria repartida por ambas webs DDF, de ahi que algunos de mis sets contengan mas imagenes.
Un saludo.
PD: Tengo pensado ir aņadiendo en el titular de los sets su lugar de procedencia, para tener mayor informacion.
adamtomcalova wrote:
Venizelos, i found myself the answer of my last question... I didn't notice than CSS sets contained exclusive pics ; for me there were only reprints of DDF's
This topic is for my friend Venizelos, to help him complete some of his picsets, and for everyone here, to have one day a complete listing and description of almost everything silvia did in her model/pornstar life.
Shouldn't that be "everything Silvia will do in her model/pornstar life"? I hope you're not announcing her retirement!
Seriously, though. Venizelos has done fantastic work compiling the site and it would be great to make this the definitive record of all Silvia's work.
I'd like to help contribute, but my own collection is much too disorganised at the moment to allow me to do anything sensible. I'm working on sorting that out, so hopefully I can provide some useful input soon...
Spike, be reassured, this mistake is due to the fact english is not my native language, and as Venizelos, it's difficult for me to make coherent sentences sometimes...
Of course silvia is not about to retire... and i predict her a good fortune for many years more...
And i finish with a request : Venizelos, i discovered you have the 3 Danni Sets (#241-242-243) in very big size... I'd like to have these 3 because mine are original small size and i never saw them in such a quality. Many thanks in advance
Esto es una gran ayuda para completar todas las imagenes que existen de Silvia en la red.
Siento decirte que si cometiste el error con el nuevo set (set654), ya que es el set187 en mi catalogo, pero no te preocupes, porque seguro que encontaras nuevos sets.
I'd like to help contribute, but my own collection is much too disorganised at the moment to allow me to do anything sensible. I'm working on sorting that out, so hopefully I can provide some useful input soon...
Hola Spike
Precisamente el catalogo esta hecho con la idea de que al fin podamos tener todas las imagenes de Silvia organizadas y sepamos cuales no falta en la coleccion, asi que animate y si encuentras algo nuevo postealo.
And i'm sorry for the mistake... i verified and you're right of course, set already exists
The most amazing in this affair, is i didn' see anything : i print all the summary pages of your sets, i draw a big red square around all sets checked, and i don't see the 'not checked' #187... Must be my old age... beginning of blindness...
Of course Venizelos, i never doubted you had these sets... i think that every fan of silvia must have them
But in case someone here missed them, please send me a private message...
Bye for now
Added at 23h00 : Venizelos, between set472 & 473 (CSS#083-084 - CSS#126), you forgot CSS#125 - Livingroom set II - I also noticed a missing pic 088 in the Actiongirls set #181 ... the same than me, he, he, he
Ambos sets estan en el catalogo y no veo ninguna imagen nueva.
Si es cierto que para el set 418 encuentro imagenes de mayor calidad que cambiare en el catalogo en las posteriores actualizaciones.
Respecto al set CSS125 living-room II, este es un set original de y lo puedes encontrar como set 295 en el catalogo.
Sobre la imagen 88 de actiongirls, no me habia dado cuenta (gracias por el aviso), pero he de decir que no existe la version large, de ahi que ninguno la tengamos, asi que tendremos que conformarnos con la version normal.