Thanks a million for the movie. The movie seems to be one of the earliest movies she had made. Silvia looks very young. In the movie she wears the same dress she wore in Double Anal Club. Also the neckless she had worn was the same on she had in movie Bose Madchen. And the lingerie looks to be similar to the one in Voyeur 9. So, it looks like this movie was shot around the same time frame as these other movies.
Thank you VERY MUCH for sharing this film with us, Mikiness. You found a needle in the haystack! I wonder if someday we will have the complete collection of Silvia's works.
Here are some caps (of the parts of the movie involving Silvia, that is). Although it is actually one unbroken act, I have split it into the three separate scenes.
Gracias amigo Mikiness esta película está fántastica. Es increíble. Alguna vez recuerdo haber visto el cover pero nada más. Ni me imagine que era esto, creí que era sólo una compilación o algo por el estilo. Sería bueno hacer un listado de aquellos movies que están faltando e ir bucándolos y compartir en el foro. Saludos
Please, someone could make available to part 11 of the film? The link is broken ( , just missing this part for me to watch the movie ...