Imagino que a estas alturas muchos de vosotros ya conocereis la existencia de mi catalogo (catalogo del foro), asi que he decidido empezar este post donde ire inlcuyendo los sets.
No obstante la continuacion de este post depende exclisubamente del interes que mostreis y de las colaboraciones para que este proyecto avance.
Naturalmente los sets de CSS no se postearan por las normas establecidas y que todos sabemos.
dejo el primer set, que no el primero del catalogo
You forgot to give an explanation about this post, so here it is : last month, we were a few in another topic, looking for ATK sets ; our good friend Pyro found the big part of this quest (many thanks again Pyro !), and Spike, and Tomcalova, and others i apologize not to remember.
All these sets were complete (verified in Venizelos catalog) except this one, with 8 pics missing ; so i asked Venizelos to post these missings.
I realize now it's a better idea he decided to post the complete set, because all pics of the original were totally disorganized...
Now, thanks to Venizelos, everyone here can have a complete and sorted set. Isn't it Heaven ?
So, don't forget him next time you see something interesting on the web !
And here's my contribution :
Set102 - 102 pics
Venizelos my friend, you can also see it's an update (+4 pics)
i thought you guessed, refering to my last post in 'Ven's little elfs' topic : i began to sort my pics from '' ( now !) and sistersite ''...
So, stone floor in checkerboard is the common point of ... '' sets... of course
Thanks for this set. Now i see the pics instead of vignets, i can search my '' folder for possibly update.
For information, i sent the pic from '' (with big *** alien) to editor and asked where i could find this set if existing... I wait for the answer.
No se cual fue el motivo, pero wicked decidio quitar las galerias de Silvia de su web, asi que para el que no tubo oportunidad de bajarlas en su momento aqui teneis dos de estos sets.
I was so disappointed when, after 2 months searching for a pass to, i finally had an access and discovered that all Silvia's pics & vids were missing...
You're very kind to share these sets, because i think we can't find them anywhere anymore.