Thanks very much for your useful information. There's a lot there to inspect!
By the way, please don't forget to complete the 3 Quizzes by the end of the month, then if you give one of the best 3 sets of answers, you will win a prize from Martin (which I expect will be a period of free access to one or more Pay Sites).
At the moment, only two people have responded, so at the moment they are guaranteed a prize no matter what they score, as there will be 3 prizes given!
I hope more members will support the Quiz efforts.
Started giving MySQL connection errors about 24 hourus ago and no access at all in the last 12 hours. Expect it is down for repairs. Back soon, I hope.
The 2 year holiday is a typo I expect - 11 Nov 2011 = 11/11/11 - lazy date entry. Or at least that's what I'm hopiing.
i think they're still working on new materials (photosessions & videos we saw in preview at with Zuzana Prestova and Monica Sweetheart)
It's not ready yet, and they give us a... fill-in to make us wait !
i think they're still working on new materials (photosessions & videos we saw in preview at with Zuzana Prestova and Monica Sweetheart)
It's not ready yet, and they give us a... fill-in to make us wait !