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Lea the butterfly

Hallo to everyone..

I'm Matteo, an Italian boy. Yesterday I was thinking about Lea, in my room and something strange happened. Just in the moment I was thinking about her I saw a butterfly coming on my body. Strange thing for a winter night..

I like to think that she was Lea that wanted to thank me for my thoughts..

I'm still disturbed for the lost of this great person.

I love You Lea, You will always live in my heart.

XXX Matteo



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Hello Matteo,

Thank you very much for writing in about Lea De Mae. I do think of her every day, - her life was so short with too much suffering at the end of it. However, Lea's overwhelming beauty always cheers me up when I see her lovely eyes and her wonderful smile and to know (from her friend Chris Danneffel) of her kindly and modest nature, I feel a little less sad.

I do not think that there has ever been a more natural beauty amongst the stars than Lea and I doubt if there will ever again be one like her.  There was something very extraordinary and special about her that makes one a devotee for life. Lea was truly adorable.

Some stars are very cute, gorgeous, pretty, sultry, seductive, tantalising, etc. but in addition Lea seemed to have an inner beauty  - as shown in Chris's charming photos taken informally in Prague in the Autumn of 2003, which are shown elsewhere in Lea's Section of the CSS Forum, courtesy of Silvia and her Admin Team.

One of Lea's favourite pictures by Chris is shown below.


When I see this picture and those beautiful blue eyes, I always think of these song lines,..

Sweet and Lovely
Sweeter than the roses in May,
Sweet and lovely,
Heaven must have sent her my way

Skies above me
Never were as blue as her eyes
And she loves me
Oh but what a sweeter surprise.

(from the 1931 Bing Crosby song "Sweet and Lovely")

Although Lea's years upon the Earth were only during 1976 - 2004, the memory of her glorious presence will long exceed them, as evidenced by the many loving tributes and condolences from around the movie world that came in on various Web Sites and Forums (many of which are gathered together in the "Remember me!" topic on here).

Thank you for helping to contribute to that!

Best wishes from London.

In thoughts of Lea.

Victor. 9th March 2005.

PS. When Chris Danneffel asked to take the photoset shots of Lea (he was an Erotic Photographer just starting up), Chris said he did not actually realise at that time how famous Lea was in the movies.  Chris said that he offered payment to Lea for her modelling assignment  - but Lea refused to accept any payment and did it all for nothing. 

That assignment produced some of the most lovely and natural photos ever taken of Lea. Several were used at her Funeral Services. How lucky we are that Chris obtained that assignment and it was actually on the very day that Lea completed her recorded interviews for the then forthcoming Double DVD Boxed Set "The Private Life of Lea De Mae" in Prague nearby to her apartment.



Thanks Victor for the answer!

It's the first time that I enter to this Forum.. but I feel like to come back in a old friends group.. Here in Italy I'm far from the news and the persons but I decided to be here to thank Lea.. and of course all the people who were near Her because You have been great! (In special case Silvia Saint & You.)

I'll watch this forum frequently..

To share the pain helps us to tolerate.

Now I feel better.

Ciao to all,




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Dear Matteo,

Thank you so much for your nice messages.

I have noticed a lot of tributes to Lea De Mae made in German, Spanish and French on two Web Sites and with the kind help of Frank, Camanos and Ze-Dude (Globox) we were able to get translations of the many messages and these are now added into the "Remember me!" topic.

I wonder are there any Italian Web Sites where fans and admirers of Lea De Mae may have left some messages?  If you have time, perhaps you could have a look for us.  If there are some  messages on an Italian Site, maybe you could send them to me with a translation into English which I can finally check and post up. 

Movie Note:  The Italian releases of movies for Silvia Saint by the way cause us some confusion for the List of Movies (419 Titles so far) because the original names of the films are usually completely altered!  I think perhaps that the "BOSS" film studio is an Italian one? 

One of the most striking Italian stars (but born in the USA) is the dark-haired Aria Giovanni and she has made some very stylish movies for American Director Andrew Blake.


Victor. 9th March 2005. 



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Dear Matteo in Italy,

Your original message was very touching and two days ago, I was looking through the "clip art" on the Web and I found an unusual picture of what I think is the sky and rays with a lovely turquoise colour Butterfly.  It matches exactly the colour of the top that Lea was wearing on the day Chris Danneffel took the lovely informal photos of her in the Autumn 2003 in Prague at the modelling assignment (that Lea declined to charge him for). Please see the most recent posting in "Lea De Mae - lovely to look at". I hope you like it.

Chris told me in an e-mail last year that Lea lived quite nearby in an apartment and earlier on that very day Lea had recorded some interview segments for the special DVD Double Box Set that was being prepared at that time by "Private".  Do you have the Box Set "The Private Life of Lea De Mae" ?  It is a very fine product indeed.

- the only great pity is that "Private" did not offer to help in the campaign to save Lea's life. Lea is also included in the beautiful set of 2 discs in the version made for Silvia Saint, which was the second in the series.

The honour of being the first in the series was accorded to the lovely and pleasant Hungarian star, Monique Covet.  Incidentally, Monique was the only female east European star to film with our own British film-maker, "Ben Dover" (aka Steve Perry) in one of his movies, which was originally released on PAL video on the "Sculpture" label (which I think was connected with the company "Helen Duval Entertainment").

PRIVATE's FAILURE: Having seen "Private" magazines (and much later the movies came along) for over 30 years, it was a great regret to me and I am sure to others that, as far as I know, "Private" failed to heed our pleas to them to assist Lea in any way.  As it was, Lea's health struggle was brought to an untimely and abrupt end but that does not excuse the company's inaction and I am afraid that it will remain a stain against the character of the now multi-million organisation for all time.  They ought to have made that moral gesture  - as "Hustler" did and Lea had done much more work for "Private" studios than for "Hustler". 

If I had been Mr Berth Milton (the founder of "Private" in Sweden), on hearing of Lea's plight, I would have offered to help at once without question (as many fans worldwide and colleagues of Lea did). Certainly, "Private"'s photographic staff thought the world of Lea  - just read the 24 pages praising her in the "TRIPLE X - 54" magazine. I have posted up extracts from that in another topic in Lea's section.

All best wishes from London.

Vic 17th March 2005.



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Dear Victor,

Thank You Very much for your messages! The butterfly is really nice!

This forum is my magic book.. with fantastic pictures and wonderful words that make my dreams come true..  and the dream is to feel Lea near me!

I tried to find some italian forums but till today my search is not very lucky.. so I created a personal page to receive some message from other italian fans.

I'm sorry if is not professional but it's my best!:

I sent also a E-Mail to Corrado Fumagalli, a funny guy that has a Tv Network in Milan about pornstars, to ask if he is interested in a special transmission about Lea's life. His secretary told me that he received the message and he is thinking about it.. If You want to contact him too is web site is and his e-mail is

I wish You and to all the Lea's friends a sunny week-end.




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Reply to Matteo in Italy.

Dear Matteo, ("Butterfly Boy")

Thank you for your message and information. This is very interesting. I shall be looking at the references you have kindly given us and I will write to the offices of Mr Fumagalli.

About fans' efforts, one of the members of this Forum is Alexander in Russia and he has recently created a Fan Site in honour of our host, Silvia Saint.  Alexander is an expert in Web Sites, and he may be able to offer some help for your page as well. Alexander's Site also caters for Chinese and Russian fans with extra translation help.

I do have some graphics programmes but I do not really understand how to use them fully. If you are familiar with "Photoshop" or similar programmes, maybe you would be good enough to send me a separate e-mail to

On Katja Kassin's Forum , they use a different method to put up photos and you have to type the Web URL reference in between "[img ....and.... /img]"tags and the photo then displays - provided the size is not too large (about maximum 100Kb). I must say that from reading her Forum, I found Katja to be a very pleasant and hard-working star and Katja actually started movie-making only in March 2003 (but has already made 176 films!) mainly because of her admiration for Silvia Saint's work with Lexington Steele, etc. in "The Academy" by Frank Thring for the "Pirate Video De Luxe" label - now Katja herself works in movies with Lexington Steele such as for "Rosebud" Studio, (i.e. the recent movie "Heavy Metal VI"). 

Lovely Lea De Mae also appears in "The Academy" of course (along with Daniella Rush, Sandra Russo and the young lady who was Lea's best friend, the charming Monica Sweetheart).

NB. In the outtakes on the DVD, Lea dives into the outdoor swimming-pool several times,  - no doubt, a little reminder of her former high-diving sports activity as a member of the Czech High-Diving Olympic Team! (of course, we did not all know that at the time).

Here in London, it's suddenly become very warm  - no more hats, coats and scarves!  How's the weather in Italy and in what part of the country do you live, I wonder?

Best wishes.

I will write again as soon as I can.

Victor, London, UK.
19th March 2005. 8.58pm.



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Lea the butterfly

Ok Victor!  You're great!

I live in Brescia, a town between Milan and Verona, on the Garda Lake..

Here the weather is fantastic.. a warm sun and really blue sky!

How's in London?

Happy Sunday to everyone!



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Hello Matteo, you live by a lake!   That sounds very nice. Maybe you'll take us a few photos of your home place on a sunny day for our viewing? Are there swans on the lake?

Later tonight, I shall be visiting my favorite Italian Restaurant in Soho (in the west end). That's where Lea's manager, Oldrich Widman twice joined me for an evening meal when he was visiting London at the time of the "Erotica" Show in November 2004. 

I gave Oldrich presents and cards to take back to Lea at the hospital plus a DVD for Silvia Saint of her own movie with Rocco "Miss Erotica", which she didn't actually have. Silvia had written to me earlier in an e-mail:- "...I SEE ROCCO IN BARCELONA AND WE WAS TALKING TOGETHER BUT HE DONT GIV ME THE MOVIES, BUT ENYWAY VICTOR I DONT MIND. SO IF YOU HAVE THIS MOVIE CAN YOU MAKE ME  A COPIE PLEASE?..."

Unfortunately, when he got back to Prague, Oldrich found Lea was too ill to receive visitors, but I know that Lea was aware of our efforts to help her at an earlier stage for the Medical Treatment Fund the month before.  Silvia herself wrote to me on 18-10-2004 that Lea says hello. I was pleased to get that message, as below,..

----- Original Message -----
From: "Silvia Saint (" <>
To: "varme3" <>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 4:53 PM

Hi Victor,

I just want to thank you, bacause you really try to help my friend Lea De
I was visit her yesterday ........she say hello to you and thanks for
everything what are you doing.
It was for me happy moment see her, talk to her and hold her.I belive that
she recovert health.
........this is also my big wish to her.
Take care

 * Update: Thanks Matteo for your e-mail and the lovely photos of the Lake near you. Maybe I can post them up on here with your permission?




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Hello Matteo,

I have sent you an e-mail separately about your nice Web Page. I just wanted to tell you that I had been washing in the kitchen sink and some water must have splashed onto my computer monitor screen from my hands when I sat down again - the water droplet formed itself into a small gem-like "butterfly"!

I immediately thought of you!

Victor  24th March 2005



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Hello Victor!

I have found the resolution for the "privacy problem" of my guestbook, now it's ok!

Of course You can put my pics on the Forum..

I live near the lake but not exactly near the castle of Sirmione.. but 2km from Salò. But It's very beautyful too!

Uh.. How do You put the pics on these messages? If You teach me I'll leave some other photos!

Good night!




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The Lake

Dear Matteo,

Thank you for your new message and regarding the pictures to be embedded into the messages, it took me a long time to understand this and on each Forum Site, there are different methods that must be used, also some file size limits both in physical and file size.

1) On the Yahoo Groups Forum Site, pictures now have to be uploaded into the "Photos" or "Files" Section, since Yahoo removed all attached photo files, although in Brazil I think they allow them to be displayed for 3 days.

2) On this Forum Site, the photos must exist somewhere on the Web already and then when the photo is open (displayed on screen), you simply right-click it with the mouse and click on "Copy" and then "paste" it in to the message text area.  Most Web ISPs provide Web Space I believe and there are other numerous facilities I understand, so the photo files need to first be published somewhere on the Web.

3) On Katja Kassin's Forum Site, the photos have to be on the Web as above, but instead of copy and paste operations, you type in the URL of the photo in between tags using img & /img (in square brackets), as usual.

4) On the French Forum Site I have recently been visiting, there it's different again. In this case, the picture file should be on your hard drive ("C" Drive usually) and you attach it using the facility provided by Max and then he checks the photo and displays it himself.  I presume that this gives some control over strong/explicit material being displayed, as it is a free Site that anyone can look at, I suppose.

So, this makes 4 separate methods and on here, you need the 2nd method.

There's one more thing  - normally there is a size limit to the photo file of 100Kb and on the French Site, there is a physical dimensions size limit too. Earlier today in fact, I had to twice re-size a photo using a very useful free programme called "Mihov Resizer" made by an East European inventor, I believe. That programme has been most useful to a computer beginner like me! 

I will leave you to try to get your three lovely photos of the Lake area in Italy posted up. So, initially, you need to get them onto some Web space of your own or some other free space area available.  Please let us know if this is O.K. or if there is a problem.

Best wishes and goodnight from London.

Victor 25th March 2005.  1.33am.



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RE: Lea the butterfly

Click to enlarge






"The Butterfly Boy"




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Best wishes from London, UK.

Victor.  Easter Monday 2005.

In thoughts of Lea and all our dear
ones, who are no longer with us



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Hello Matteo, 

Greetings from London!

Did you see that I "discovered" an original Czech Web Site for Lea in her real name of Andrea!

Please see the other recent postings about this. There are some nice pictures of Lea, Monica, Daniella, Silvia and others on there and I have posted some of them up on this CSS Forum in one of Lea's topics.

Hope you are keeping well.

All best wishes,

Victor 21st April 2005.



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Hello Matteo!

How are you keeping and what's the weather like by the lake?

Tonight here in the UK, they are counting the country's votes  - it's been our General Election today! The TV programmes and commentators will be up all through the night as the results come in one by one.

The current Prime Minister is Tony Blair.


Victor 5/5/05.




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Hello Victor,

Thanks for your messages!!

Here everything is ok,

soon all the turists will arrive to the Lake to spend a funny summertime..

How are You? I hope all is well!




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Hello Matteo, 

Thanks very much for your message. Have you been away or just busy? We haven't heard from you for a while. Perhaps you'll send us some more nice photos in the tourist season of the lovely views of your town. Here in London, it's been raining today! It has however been quite sunny during recent days.

I was delighted to find the hitherto "unknown" Web Site of Lea De Mae  and there is a great picture of a happy Lea on there (please see below).

It's a real joy to behold and note the kindly words of Lea's then personal message below,...

"Hi, my name is Lea and I live in Prague. Now I am 4 years in the adult industy, so I decided to make my own website. Because I travel a lot, I would like to show you something about my business and private life. You can see my friends and of course me in action and my holidays in unusual places in the world. I am very sports girl and I like everything wild and dangerous. I will be happy if you have some ideas what you want to see on my websites, so @ mail me and I will try to do it for you.  Kiss"

..........What a beautiful smile from our own super wondergirl!



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Hi Victor!

Yes, I'm very busy in this month because I'm working and doing my last univerity exams too!!!

This summer I'll send You some photos taken by my telephone...

Have a nice week!





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Good luck with your university exams, Matteo.

We look forward to hearing from you in due course.


Victor. Tuesday 17th May 2005.

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