It has been discussed on and the following pages. We believe that it has been a Czech movie. Either from the "Sweet Eighteen from Prague" series or a BDSM scene from which we don't know the title.
if you click on this link
you see article in czech language with Rocco Siffredi and he says:
Silvia won Miss Erotica in 1996 and part of the prize was the making movie with me. Silvia came from the stage into the limousine, where I was waiting. With limousine we rode in Prague and shot her first porn movie. It was big experience.
if you click on this link
you see article in czech language with Rocco Siffredi and he says:
Silvia won Miss Erotica in 1996 and part of the prize was the making movie with me. Silvia came from the stage into the limousine, where I was waiting. With limousine we rode in Prague and shot her first porn movie. It was big experience.
The Rocco movie wasn't her first movie! She had made some othes scenes before.
Some of them were published in the "Sweet 18 from Prague" and there is an other "early movies" compilation, I don't know its title. They were shot in the early 1996! And maybe they contains her first scene ever! She looked and moved as a real "beginner" in these scenes. We all could see she did it much more "professional" with Rocco!
And an other mistery: the "sgt Pepper" isn't a Silvia movie! It isn't containing any scene with Silvia! This is just a mistake on imdb!
Esta es una discusión que no tiene fin. En mi opinión, creer que Silvia trabajó con actores o directores famosos en su primera película no tiene sentido. Por esta razón, yo descartaría películas como "Lee Nover...", "Irresisitible Silvie" y "Miss Erotica".
Apostaría más bien por la película de bondage/sadomasoquismo, "Monjas adolescentes", "Dos bellas y la Bestia", o la serie "Sweet 18 from Prague" (acabo de darme cuenta que hay una especie de "perversión" en el argumento de las tres primeras). Pero esta es solo mi opinión.
My friends:
This is an endless discussion. In my opinion, to believe that Silvia worked with famous actors or directors in her first movie is non sense. For this reason, I would discard films like "Lee Nover..", "Irresisitible Silvie", and"Miss Erotica".
I would rather bet for the BDSM movie, "Monjas adolescentes", "Two Beauties and the Beast", or the "Sweet 18 from Prague" series (I just noticed a kind of "perversion" in the script of the first three films). But this is my opinion only.
About Widman? I think he just forgot about Silvias pre-professional works! He isn't a liar but sometimes fans care much more about the past than managers. :) I think you should check her early compilations mentioned before. They containing lot of scenes with Silvia between poor surroundings, lightings, techniques, shooting, cheap clothes, no-name actors who speaking in CZECH language! Silvia seems to be very-very young here and a bit rookie of sex. (Rookier than later) I think one of those has to be her first shoot!
Pierre Woodman told us some weeks ago that Christophe Clarke made Silvias first pro-shot (2 scenes in a toilet room) but The Lee Novers movie released a bit earlier! The Clarke movie published a bit later. So I think the first ever internationally released material should be the Lee Nover movie.
But maybe the Rocco movie was shot a bit more earlier. Right before her first professional contract. In 1996 its a fact. But who knows...
Could anybody tell me when those erotica festival was held in Prague? It has to be mentioned somewhere in the internet!
Apostaría más bien por la película de bondage/sadomasoquismo, "Monjas adolescentes", "Dos bellas y la Bestia", o la serie "Sweet 18 from Prague" (acabo de darme cuenta que hay una especie de "perversión" en el argumento de las tres primeras). Pero esta es solo mi opinión...
Hola Victor, estoy de acuerdo contigo, pero quiero saber a que te refieres cuando dices que en la serie "Sweet 18 from Prague" hay una especie de perversión.
Hola, kkenppe. Cuendo hablé de perversiones no me refería a la serie "Sweet 18...", sino a las películas de bondage/sadomasoquismo, (perversión 1: causar dolor por placer), "Monjas adolescentes" (perversión 2: sexo entre religiosos), y "Dos bellas y la Bestia (perversión 3: zoofilia). Saludos.
Confirmed : Miss Erotica was shot in October 1996.
So that's the same period she encountered Pierre Woodman in Prague, but she began her first movie for Private ('les obstacles de l'amour' from Christophe Clark) one month later.
But what about Frank Thring's movie 'Lee Nover' ? Anyone knows when it was made ?
Confirmed : Miss Erotica was shot in October 1996.
So that's the same period she encountered Pierre Woodman in Prague, but she began her first movie for Private ('les obstacles de l'amour' from Christophe Clark) one month later.
But what about Frank Thring's movie 'Lee Nover' ? Anyone knows when it was made ?
En realidad fue entre el 29/11/1996 y 01/12/1996, si ves la película de nuevo, ahi sale la fecha. Seria interesante poder ordenar cronológicamente las películas que hizo Silvia, algo muy difícil, pero al menos podríamos ordenar algunas.
she said she had been making porn movies for 5 months! but when was this scene shot? i think in early 1997, maybe late 1996 so her first (non professional) porno scene were probably shot in the (late) summer of 1996!
Amigos míos, estoy un poco confundido. ¿Alguien me puede decir en qué película de Lee Nover aparece Silvia? Casi estoy seguro haber leido que fue en "Lee Nover 2: the search of the perfect breasts". Pero de acuerdo a esta infomación, eso no es cierto:
Gracias. +++++++++++++++
Dear friends, I am a little confused. Can anybody tell me in what Lee Nover`s film Silvia appears? I am almost sure I read somewhere that it was in "Lee Nover 2: the search of the perfect breasts". However, according to this information, that is not true:
Honestly, when i try to follow her porn career, i have a problem to understand how and when she could have made this famous 'Lee Nover : search for perfect breast', because she began in Europa, that"s sure now, in late 1996.
Her first 'official' movies were 'Miss Erotica' and some others for Private Media Group, all made in the Czech Republic, and she didn't began her US career before 1997.
So i won't be surprised if somebody could confirm she's not in this 'Lee nover..." movie.
Perhaps another error of Wikipedia and 'official' biography !
Este es un tema que estube preguntandome hace mucho y lo que pude descubrir es que existen dos versiones de esta portada, en esta que tu enlazas no aparece Silvia, pero en la que yo tengo por ahi (pero no encuentro) si aparece.
Incluso me lleva a pensar que existen dos versiones, una con la escena y otra sin ella.
Seguire buscando la portada.
De todas formas, la escena que incluye esta perlicula es de sobra conocida, ya que la podemos encontrar en Sylvia Does It Again, Scene 1.
Esto me lleva a pensar, que esta afirmación sobre la primera escena, es completamente falsa y ella ya habia trabajado anteriormente. (esto es una opinión personal)