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Post Info TOPIC: A Message to Monica - Poll Winner


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A Message to Monica - Poll Winner

Miss Monica Sweetheart, The Czech Republic

Dear Monica,

I hope that you are keeping well. I was delighted to see that you won a poll on the French Forum owned by Max at:-

We all keep fresh the memory of your best friend Lea De Mae as much as we can on the various Web Sites I visit. Lea is very deeply missed, but her glorious legacy remains forever. Lea was truly one of the most beautiful and vibrant models ever to have graced the glamour magazines and movie screens. 

There is a special topic on Max's Site "Lea De Mae" in the "Actrices" Forum.

There is also a whole Forum devoted to Lea at the ClubSilviaSaint Forum, which is at:-

There is also a topic about Lea at:- and Lea is also mentioned in two postings on Katja Kassin's (English language) Forum at:-

Maybe you will visit the French Forum one day?   Katja Kassin did in a topic bearing her name and caused much excitement. Katja was the first movie star to support the donations for Lea after Oldrich Widman and Lucie's appeal last year, when Lea was unwell. They made one movie together, I think not long before Lea became ill.

If you have any message for Lea's devoted fans, maybe you will let me know and I will post it up on the Web Sites, whose members admired and adored lovely Lea.

Best wishes from London.

Wishing you the best of luck, good health & happiness.

Victor London, UK. 10th July 2005.

"And Lea was her name. I never knew her but I loved her just the same" 

~ The lovely and elegant star, Monica Sweetheart




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Message to Monica

Dear Friends,

I have only just found out from one of our members that there are many photos of Lea with Monica and Daniella etc. that we have never seen before on (activated after Lea died).

I have written to Monica as below to seek permission to display some of these on here. Please see below,...

----- Original Message -----
From: Victor
To: Monica
Saturday, August 20, 2005 4:47 PM
Subject: Hello Monica!

Dear Monica,

I just saw some of the pictures that you kindly gave Chris Danneffel.

Please may I have your permission to post a few of them on the CSS Forum where I have gathered almost all of the many tributes and good thoughts for Lea from all around the world in a topic "Remember me!" ?

Best wishes and hoping to hear from you.

Vic.  20th August 2005



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RE: A Message to Monica

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to tell you that I have just received a very charming message from lovely Monica Sweetheart sending good wishes and granting me permission to use the personal photographs given to Chris for the Site at

I have replied to Monica thanking her and asking some questions about her early work and also Lea's first movie work.

Please check out the "Remember me!" topic in Lea's Forum from time to time.



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A Message to Monica - Thank you.

A Message to Monica

Thank you very much Monica for your kind permission to allow the display of some of your own personal photos on the Forum here.

They are to be found in the "Remember me!" topic dedicated to your dear friend Lea De Mae (Andrea). This topic was started on 9th December 2004, - after we heard the sudden news that we had lost Lea, but in the knowledge that she was not having to suffer anymore in her brave struggle to endure the unendurable. 

The photo chosen to start this topic was one taken by Chris Danneffel with lovely Lea blowing us a kiss. It is a really beautiful picture of Lea as is the following one, also taken by Chris.


To date, there have been over 2,700 viewings of this topic by Lea's fans and admirers.

Gathered together are messages from many countries posted on various fan sites and forums including tributes, song dedications and poems from fans and friends in Canada, Russia, Spain, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Australia, USA, Mexico, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, Holland, Scotland and England. 

This other special photo of Chris's displayed below has an almost magical quality of gentle beauty with Lea's pretty blue eyes and soft smile - I think it is perhaps the loveliest photo of Lea ever taken.


To these wonderful photos, thanks to your kindness, are now added a selection from your own personal collection of happy days during 2001 - 2004 including the very nice picture of yourself and Lea by the famous bridge of Avignon in France a few years ago (Sur Le Pont D'Avignon, as the song goes) where you are both looking very happy.

Thank you again Monica.

Love from all Lea's fans at CSS.

Best wishes,
Vic. 24th August 2005.



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A Message to Monica

 ----- Original Message -----

From: Vic.
To: Monica Sweetheart
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:40 AM
Subject: Letter to Monica 25th August 2005

Miss Monica Sweetheart,
The Czech Republic.

Dear Monica,

Thank you again so much for granting me access to the wonderful pictures that you kindly lent to Chris Danneffel for

have placed a selection from these treasured photographs on pages 4 & 5 at the CSS Forum (the usual link is below in blue).  I have framed them (the larger one in red and all the others in black) and I have added some text from the Web and a song verse about the famous bridge in Avignon, France that you visited with Lea in 2002. You both looked so happy in that photo!  I wonder, did you know of that famous children's song "Sur Le Pont D'Avignon"

Fate was very harsh and took away your lovely friend who brought a light to the world that truly adored her.

It is still hard to reconcile why nature can be so careless with her finest work? 

With her beautiful blue eyes, lovely smile, warm and kindly nature,  - not a day goes by, when I do not think of Lea and remember the happiness she brought to her friends and admirers in a dozen or so countries. We must be thankful for that and remember those precious days.

Best wishes from London.

Thinking of you both.

Victor Thursday 25th August 2005. 

Shortcut to:

These words from the song "All The Things You Are" , I dedicate to Lea.

You are the promised kiss of springtime
that makes the lonely winter seem long.

You are the breathless hush of evening
that trembles on the brink of a lovely song.

You are the angel glow that lights a star.
The dearest things I know are what you are.



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A Message from Rodrigo in Chile.

Dear Lea:

All was so fast, so brutal, that the world did not have the opportunity to say goodbye to you as a Princess.  You have not gone far away, you have remained in our hearts, in our marvellous memories of your beauty and humanity.  Youre still alive, Lea. Among millions of people on all of the planet, in the five continents, - we continue admiring you and wanting you as yesterday, today and always. 

A red rose for you, adored Andrea.

Rodrigo, Santiago de Chile

05-03-2005 / 18:38
(Ex: Chris's Site Forum - translation by the kindness of Camanos)


These words - for us all, in the loving memory of Lea De Mae.



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When you're walking down the street

Popular and world-famous movie star, Monica Sweetheart (who was Lea De Mae's best friend) writes from Prague that Lea's loyal photographer friend Chris Danneffel from Germany will be visiting the city again today and she will be seeing him soon.

You'll recall that Monica lent her own personal photos to Chris Danneffel to be displayed on the Web recently at and she also kindly gave permission for me to use them as I wanted to make some special smaller framed versions for Lea's fans and admirers in the various Forum topics.

I have asked Monica a few questions about the early days with Lea De Mae, Silvia Saint and Daniella Rush making movies, travels, etc. so that I could place some more information on the CSS and others sites. Perhaps Monica will let us know later on  - she has only just recovered from a two week bout of the 'flu!  

Monica deeply appreciates all the good thoughts and warm messages that have been posted up on the Web on the various sites (in the USA, Greece, France, Germany, Czech Republic etc.), many of which I have reproduced on here over the months since Lea passed away and they are all to be seen in the "Remember me!" topic, which has received almost 3,000 viewings to date.

Lea was a light to the world - a remarkable person bringing happiness to all who knew her. Lea's kindly manner and her glowing natural beauty made her a very special person indeed. 

I feel sure that the spirit of lovely Lea will never leave us.

         When you're walking down the street 
         and you've got me on your mind, 
         I'm walking in your footsteps 
         only half a step behind.

         And when you feel that gentle breeze
         or the wind upon your face,
         that's me giving you a great big hug
         or just a soft embrace.



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Sur Le Pont D'Avignon

Dear Friends,

Chris Danneffel, the devoted and loyal photographer friend of the late Lea De Mae, wrote to me a few days ago that he is visiting Prague right now.

Chris is in touch with Monica Sweetheart and Lucie (Lea's younger sister).  Chris is also hoping one day to speak to Daniella Rush (now, I believe, a Doctor) and Silvia Saint to obtain some recollections of their happy times with Lea when they were leading the way for the Czech glamour stars in both their successful modelling and movies work.

Monica was Lea's best friend and from our own experience missing Lea and being sad for what transpired and we never had the pleasure of know Lea in person, we can easily imagine the devastation and sadness that Monica has suffered.  Lea and Monica used to love their chatting and going places and partying together but I hope that the pleasant memories will sustain Monica and also the knowledge that we are all sharing in her grief.

Monica has a new Web Site organised in the USA and I have written to the Webmaster, Christian Amico to hopefully send a little material which I can place on the Forums.

I have also written to Monica yesterday and one day perhaps she will be able to give us a few recollections of the two best friends' visits including to France in 2002, where we saw that lovely and happy picture of Monica and Lea "Sur Le Pont D'Avignon" (On the Bridge of Avignon) in France.  The French title became a famous children's song!  This picture is from the personal collection of Monica's who kindly made it available to Chris for and also for us here.


Monica & Lea "Sur Le Pont D'Avignon" (FRANCE 2002)

I recently asked Chris if he would be kind enough to send me a copy the original file of the photo he took of Lea in the local park with Lea looking through the trees. I do not think that I had ever seen that particular shot before and I noticed it amongst a number of small sample pictures located by Greek fans, (please see below) who sent me the reference and I then contacted Chris, as I knew from the setting that it was one of his from the informal pictures taken in Prague in Autumn 2003.


What an unusual and stunning picture! (PRAGUE Autumn 2003)

I think most of us agree that Chris's pictures had a magical quality about them and we are lucky indeed that this set was taken as I believe they are amongst the loveliest and most natural pictures of Lea ever taken.  NB. Although Lea was a professional model, she declined to make any charge for this photo shoot and Chris also told me that early on, he did not even fully realise how famous Lea was as a movie star!

Chris wrote to me that Lucie had been asking their mother for some more historical details of Lea, but her mother began to cry so she is not troubling her more.  Hopefully, some of the later information can be given by Monica, Daniella, Silvia and any other friends and colleagues.

You may remember that Silvia wrote last winter,....

I am writing today-news because I want to help to my friend and colleague Lea De Mae, who undergo severe operation of brain tumor that has been taken away. Her cure and therapy will take a long time so she will need lot mental but also financial help. You can get to know more on my page in introduction. Yesterday I had chance to visit her with my old agent and friend Oldrich Widman. You have no idea how happy she was when I could hug her and talk to her. I also have to say thanks to you from her, for thinking about her. You know...I will not describe you all details, because it is unbecoming, but yesterday meant a lot to me.

I enjoyed with Lea De Mae lot of fun in work, but also in free time. We traveled a lot and visited a lot of beautiful places in the world. (Brazil, USA) I remember our first joint work.... She laugh all the time to something, but she was also ashamed. Producer asked us all the time to be little bit more serious otherwise we would never finish that scene.... if I should remember everything what we saw, I could sit before my PC till the Christmas smile.gif) She is amazing girl and friend in the same time, so please keep your fingers crossed for soon recovering of her health. Thank you.

With love  Your Silvia Saint     ----------     Newsletter 200435 added Oct 27, 2004



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A Message to Monica

Dear Monica,

Thanks again for all the lovely photos from your collection that you kindly made available to Chris and us. It was so nice to see your happy photos with Lea and Daniella.

The one taken in France in 2002 was especially delightful to see  -  "Sur Le Pont D'Avignon".

Best wishes to you from CSS Forum members.


24th October 2005.



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Monica's Official Site

Dear Friends,

I have just received permission from Monica Sweetheart's Webmaster in the USA to display some photos from Monica's Official Site.

The ones I have chosen are solo shots of Monica (non-explicit) and there are hundreds of others on there plus various other guest stars galleries, film clips and bonus items. You can obtain a 3-day trial membership for a small fee.

I found the wording on the small print billing section slightly confusing at first, but it is best to give notice after 1 day's use if you do not wish to convert to a full monthly membership. [This will allow taking into account time differences between countries, as the billing arrangements ask for 1 day's prior notice on the 3-day trial only usage if you wish to terminate without converting to the monthly membership].

The original file sizes are quite large so I will need to get them re-sized for our Forum limits (under the size of 100Kb as a .jpg). Nice photos of Monica to follow soon.



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Lovely photos of Monica


MonicaOffSite. copy.XAT.bmp




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Model Star Monica

Some lovely pictures above - from Monica Sweetheart's Official Site, by kind permission.

Once again, this super elegant Czech star shows her kindness, good nature and consideration towards the fans. Thank you Monica in Prague for sharing these with us. Thank you Christian (Monica's Webmaster in the USA at

As I have commented before, what would the glamour movies have done without the Hungarian and Czech stars?  Think how many movies would be left without their contributions!

Wonderful Monique Covet, elegant Deborah Wells, seductive Anita Blond, magnificent Rita Faltoyano, jolly Michelle Wild and beautiful Sharon (Szilvia Lauren), etc.,  - they have continued that great tradition of Hungarian excellence and enthusiasm set by the gorgeous dark-haired and with flashing eyes Angelica Bella in the early days (well before Dvds arrived!).

Angelica Bella is still regarded by many as perhaps the greatest of them all and of course we have our own great Czech stars led by Silvia Saint, Lea De Mae, Daniella Rush ("The Bride Wore Black") and the "baby" of them  -  the kindly, charming and lovely Monica Sweetheart.

I should think there is hardly anyone on the planet who hasn't heard of Silvia Saint, who has now become virtually a living legend? Could you find a movie or glamour Site on the Web without Silvia on there somewhere? There is even a music band named after Silvia!

I just typed in "Silvia Saint Pornstar" in the search panel and there are 891,000 entries to check through!  Even checking say 50 sites a day, it would still take 48 years to check these all out!

So, let's remember these happy days  - as we have seen alas, they can be cut tragically short.

With lovely Lea De Mae, we were at least able to show our gratitude and good feelings in a little way, when we joined Lea's battle for life  - which Lea knew about and was very touched to discover. Lea's sister Lucie (also a former high-diver for her country) wrote to Chris Danneffel how Lea began to cry when she heard that people around the world wanted to help her with her medical expenses, etc. to try to recover her health.  In that moment, Lea realised how much she was loved by us all and I am sure that this strengthened her a little to endure the unendurable, as she did.

Thanks again to all our fine stars who in their modelling and movie appearances shared their beauty and elegance with us. We shall not easily see their likes again.



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to Monica


Love from London.
21st December 2005.




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Message from Monica

I received a very nice message from Monica in response to a musical greeting I sent her which contained a Xmas scenes slide show and the whole of John Lennon's famous song that starts off "So, this is Xmas" with accompanying animated lyrics!

Best wishes to all and in John's words, "and a Happy New Year. Let's hope it's a good one without any fear"

Lovely Monica's message read as below,..

From: Monica Sweetheart
To: Victor
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: Happy Xmas.

Thank you, Victor.. I wish you great holiday too :)
Take care and all the best in 2006 for you.. Kisses



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Monica in London with Lea for the last time


Monica Sweetheart and Lea De Mae together at the "Erotica Show" at the Olympia Exhibition Hall, London in the Winter of 2003

- for the last time.



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A Birthday Message to Monica

For Monica, with love from London. Have an enjoyable birthday.  xxxxx



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Message from Monica

This charming message has just arrived from Monica Sweetheart in Prague for us all,....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Monica_Sweetheart"
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: Birthday greetings!

Thank you sooooo much!  It is very nice.. You make me feel even more happy today :)

Thank you Victor! Thanks to everybody!

Have a great day too :)


Komu: "Monica_Sweetheart"
Datum: 23.06.2006 02:02
Předmět: Birthday greetings!



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Monica in the frame!




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A Message to Monica

Message from Monica:

I was very happy to receive an SMS Text Message from Monica last night as the new year came in in reply to my greetings sent to her not long before.

Actually, I also had an audio message call with all sorts of partying sounds and I think Monica pressed the wrong button, as the girls happy voices were in a foreign language!


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A Message to Monica - Poll Winner

we love monica sweetheart

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