I found some rare videos on a classic movies forum called "Vintage erotica Forum". I recommend you guys register, because they posted 3 sweet18 from prague movies (all them with silvia saint, of course):
Sweet18 from prague02: http://vintage-erotica-forum.com/showthread.php?t=157695&highlight=sweet+18
I dont know if I can post those links here, so I hope I helped you guys to find those rare and most wanted silvia's videos. There are a lot of rare and nice classic movies, so if you are a fan of classic porn you will have lots of fun there.
Thanks to the original uploader for these Silvia´s early movies. Now, I have a question: does anybody know how the year of these productions (1997) was determined? is it shown in the cover, the credits or elsewhere?
Gracias a la persona que subió originalmente estas películas antiguas de Silvia. Ahora, tengo una pregunta: ¿alguien sabe cómo se determinó el año de estas producciones (1997)? ¿se muestra en la portada, en los créditos o en algún otro lado?
Hola compañeros...me sumo a los agradecimientos dados por Victor.. a la persona que encontro estos videos....y por supuesto a aquella persona que los subio.. a la pagina...Realmente .... gran descubrimiento.....
Finally i Watch "Sweet 18 from prague 2: Horny Birthday party (FULL MOVIE) no cuts!
Filme completo sem cortes!
its a damn,
In portuguese: Filme fraquinho comparado ao que ela já fez! e principalmente para o que esperávamos!
In the "hot pics" the scene starring Silvia Saint with "Jean Yves" and the pic set is amazing!, however in the original movie, the scene isn't a hot scene, weak!
Well, Good Job to uploaders!
Thank you for all members!
-- Edited by acyole on Monday 9th of May 2011 04:32:31 AM
As I earlier said I would check these links out; I downloaded all 3 of the movies listed at that forum and to my surprise none of them had any audio. I checked them with G Spot and it said I had all codecs necessary to play them both video and audio requirements. It's probably my computer and I really haven't checked that out as of yet, but I was just wondering if anyone else had the same problems.....foxxy!
gracias a loudnessbr por encontrarlas a bernd30 por los links y al que las subio originalmente, foxxy I use windows media and VLC an the audio is fine, try with vlc
Olá caro amigo Bernd30! Muito obrigado pela grande contribuição!
Por favor, se não for pedir muito, gostaria muito de ver os caps destes filmes da série Sweet18 From Prague... Tenho alguns flmes desta série, que baixei aqui mesmo no fórum... Quem puder me ajudar postando essas imagens, agradeço desde já!
Pleaseaskif it is notmuchI would love toseethesefilmsin the seriescapsSweet18FromPrague...I havesomeflmesthis series,I downloadedright hereon theforum...Whocanhelp mepostingthese pictures,thank you very much!
Hey, it was not me, but loudnessbr who pointed out the fact that these films have been posted on the vintage erotica forum by GaleKlinetsky. So you have to thank mainly these two. Caps and useful additional information are there, but because it seems to be so difficult to register (Why? For me it was easy) I add the caps here. They are a bit strange, always two or three interleaving scene caps collections of the whole film.
You guys have to thank the original poster GaleKlinetsky. He is the one who found all those movies and uploaded them. I'm glad to know I contributed to this forum.
Pros brasileiros que curtem um porno vintage brasileiro. Ele tá postando raridades, bem das antigas, das brasileirinhas. Ele postou o filme Vandemburgo e a Manicure. Um clássico homenageando o Luxa hahahahaha