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Post Info TOPIC: silvia has real tits? silvia tiene pechos verdaderos?

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silvia has real tits? silvia tiene pechos verdaderos?

estimados amigos, hace tiempo que note en los videos que los pechos de silvia son algo diferentes al pasar los anos. quisiera saber si son verdaderos o operados? en algunas paginas dicen que si, en otros que no. muchas gracias.


dear friends, while you notice in the videos that Silvia's breasts are somewhat different over the years. I wonder if they are true or operated? in some pages say yes, others no. thank you very much.



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doctoramor wrote:

estimados amigos, hace tiempo que note en los videos que los pechos de silvia son algo diferentes al pasar los anos. quisiera saber si son verdaderos o operados? en algunas paginas dicen que si, en otros que no. muchas gracias.


dear friends, while you notice in the videos that Silvia's breasts are somewhat different over the years. I wonder if they are true or operated? in some pages say yes, others no. thank you very much.


Que yo tenga constancia, los pechos de Silvia no están operados, y viendo la imágenes antiguas y las mas recientes, los cambios no son muy apreciables, así que según mi opinión personal no creo que hayan sufrido ninguna operación.


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Respaldo lo que dice Venizelos, sus pechos no han sufrido grandes cambios a lo largo de su carrera, siempre han mantenido una buena forma, es obvio que se los cuida muy bien.

Además, en el video del casting de Woodman le pregunta a Silvia si son verdaderos y ella lo afirma, también el mismo Woodman comprobó en aquella época que sí eran naturales.

Felizmente, Silvia es una de las pocas actrices porno que siempre ha resaltado por su belleza natural, aún hoy en día luce espectacular.


-- Edited by kkenppe on Monday 27th of August 2012 05:22:25 PM



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I agree totally with Venizelos and Kkenppe regarding the authenticity of our Silvia's tits, and I have also read most of those accounts of her doing "this or that"! I've always said this >> "SEEING IS BELIEVING", and until I SEE some concrete evidence proving otherwise....I'll stick to THEM being natural....that's what I believe!

-- Edited by Silviafoxx on Tuesday 28th of August 2012 02:28:55 AM


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Yo estoy 100% seguro que son naturales, desde siempre me parecieron naturales, pero también leí esos comentarios que ponían en duda que lo fueran, entonces revisé todo el material de Silvia (fotos y videos) y pude confirmar que sí lo son. Además, hoy en día los nuevos videos de Silvia son en FULL HD y se puede ver claramente que no hay ningún rastro de operación. Esos videos son lo más cerca que podemos estar de Silvia jejejeje, quizá algún día la pueda ver en persona.


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estimados amigos. es verdad que en los videos de alta definicion no se ven rastros de cirugias, pero no todas las cirugias son visibles. hay 3 formas de colocar implantes mamarios. la mas frecuente es a nivel periareolar. la segunda es en el surco mamario pectoral (o sea por debajo de la mama). yo no pude ver cicatrices en esos lugares.
la tercera posibilidad es a nivel axilar. se realiza una incision en la axila y se coloca la protesis retro musculo pectoral. de esta forma es imposible ver cicatrices a nivel mamario.
si ustedes se fijan en algunos videos se ve que las mamas se mueven como si fueran tensas. algo duras. y como se puede ver en otras mujeres sin cirugia, con el paso de los anos las mamas se van volviendo mas laxas y tienden a colgar mas. la verdad no estoy seguro que no hayan sufrido alguna cirugia.


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Bueno, al parecer no te has fijado muy bien en sus videos y fotos. Vamos por partes, eso que dices que algunas veces no se puede notar si una mujer se hizo una cirugía a los senos, es cierto. Pero si revisas todos los videos de Silvia, el más antiguo es cuando ella tenía 20 años (al menos esa es la edad oficial que hasta ahora se sabe que Silvia empieza en el porno), donde se aprecian sus senos que no pueden ser producto de cirugía porque en esa época 1996, los métodos no eran tan avanzados como los de ahora( sin cicatriz), además, ten en cuenta que en esa época ella era de origen humilde, no creo que contara con los medios para costear una cirugía que en aquella costaba mucho más, por otro lado y aunque yo no soy europeo, por las pelis, puedes ver que las actrices pornos europeas no son tan fanáticas de las siliconas como lo son sus pares norteamericanas.

Dicho lo anterior, si sigues todo la filmografía de Silvia puedes ver que sus senos mantiene la misma forma hasta hoy en día, si bien es cierto en el pasado lucen más grandes, se debe a que Silvia a variado de peso ligeramente a lo largo de su carrera, con lo cual también prueba que son naturales, ya que los senos están compuestos por grasa, al menos en un buen porcentaje. Si te fijas bien, el seno izquierdo de Silvia es ligeramente mas grande que el derecho, algo que se mantiene constante al paso de los años.

La caída de los senos, es algo que sí ha pasado con Silvia, una de las características era que ella siempre los ha tenido como dos gotas de agua cayendo, bueno eso en realidad lo leí por ahí, pero comparto esa observación jejeje. En efecto, si aprecias los videos de Silvia observarás que han caído pero ligeramente, ten en cuenta que ella nunca ha sido madre y que siempre se los ha cuidado, si ves sus videos, hay muy pocos donde le apretan los senos o se los tocan mucho.

Por último, como lo mencioné arriba, el mismo Woodman admite que la primera vez que vió ha Silvia desnuda pensó que eran falsos, porque al igual que tú les parecía duros y algo grandes, pero al tocarlos supo que eran reales, aunque algo duros como tú mismo lo afirmas. (esto lo puedes ver en su web, donde él mismo responde todo en su foro).
Woodman no tendría problemas en decir si son verdaderos o falsos, si lees su web, él odia las siliconas, como mucho de nosotros que preferimos lo natural.

En fin, dicho esto, si no te convencí, pues no hay forma de hacerlo jejeje, solo te digo que admires sin problemas la belleza de Silvia que es 100% natural, al menos hasta ahora jejejeje, y espero que sea así por siempre.



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It would be nice to have a summary in English of the Spanish (I believe) postings.





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One could try the google translator, although its result is not always comprehensible:
Victorandss wrote:

It would be nice to have a summary in English of the Spanish (I believe) postings.






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Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con la extensa explicacion y analisis de kkenppe

Sigo pensando que sus pechos no tienen cirujia.

I totally agree with the explanation and analysis of extensive kkenppe

I still think that their breasts are not surgery.


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Tako ste se lijepo raspriali i nadopisivali na panjolskom jeziku, da smo svi mi ostali "sve razumjeli i sve nam je jasno". Molim da tako nastavite i u budue. Pozdrav Miro-Zg



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Another translation needed for the above posting please!

Please note that Silvia's original manager Mr Widman (same manager for Daniella Rush and Lea De Mae) said that he did not like the USA female performers' "enhancements". 

It would seem very strange therefore if his own No.1 Star from the Czech Republic should have already done the same!


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Hello everyone! I deliberately wrote this post, in my language, Croatian. So everyone can see what it looks like when you do not understand. Imagine that someone from China or perhaps from Japan and writes reports on his language. I just do not know English well, which is why I use the translator, which I recommend all of you who write in Spanish. Thank you all for your understanding. Hello Miro-Zg (Zg This is an acronym for Zagreb, the Croatian capital.)



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Kkenppe wrote a fairly long comment  - I wonder can someone translate it please (in summary will do).  Thanks.



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Here you go Vic: (hope I got it all!)

(Translation of Kkenppe 1st comment)

I'm 100% sure they are natural, always seemed natural, but also read the comments that questioned
who they were, then check all material Silvia (photos and videos) and I confirm that they are.
Furthermore, today's new videos of Silvia are in FULL HD and you can clearly see that there is no
trace of operation. These videos are as close as we can be of Silvia hehehehe, maybe someday you
will see it in person.

(Translation of Doctoramor comment)

dear friends. is true that in the HD videos are no traces of surgeries, but not all surgeries are
visible. There are 3 ways to place breast implants. The most common is periareolar level. the
second groove is in the pectoral breast (or the breast below). I could not see scars in those
places. The third possibility is to armpit level. An incision is made in the armpit and the
prosthesis is placed retro pectoral muscle. thus it is impossible to see mammary level scars.
if you look at some videos is that breasts move as if they were tense. something hard. and as you
can see in other women without surgery, over the years the breasts are becoming more lax and tend
to hang more. the truth I'm not sure which has not undergone any surgery.

(Translation of Kkenppe 2cd comment)

Well, apparently not very well have you noticed in your videos and photos. We split, that you say
that sometimes you can not tell if a woman had surgery to the breast, it is true. But if you look
at all the videos of Silvia, the oldest one is when she was 20 years old (at least that's the
official age hitherto known to Silvia starts in porn), where they appreciate your breasts may not
be the product of surgery because at that time, 1996, the methods were not as advanced as now
(without scarring) also note that at the time she was of humble origin, I do not had the means to
pay for surgery that that cost much more, on the other hand, and although I am not European, for
the movies, you can see that European porn actresses are not as fanatical of silicones as are
their American peers.

That said, if you follow all the films you can see Silvia keeps your breasts in the same way to
this day, although in the past look bigger, is because Silvia weight varied slightly over his
career, which also proves that they are natural, because the breasts are composed of fat, at least
in a good percentage. If you look closely, Silvia left breast is slightly bigger than the right,
which remains constant over the years.

The sagging, is something that it has happened to Silvia, a feature was that she always had like
two drops of water falling, well that actually read somewhere, but I share that comment lol. Indeed,
if you appreciate the videos of Silvia notice that have fallen slightly but note that she has never
been a mother and always taken care of, if you watch their videos, there are very few where you
tightened the breasts or the touch much.

Finally, as mentioned above, the Woodman himself admits that the first time I saw naked has Silvia
thought were false, because like you I looked hard and rather large, but when touched knew they
were real, if somewhat hard as I affirm yourself. (This you can see on your website, where he
answered everything in your forum).
Woodman would have no problem in saying whether they are true or false, if you read his website,
he hates silicones, as many of us who prefer the natural.

Anyway, that said, if you are not convinced, as there is no way to do lol, just telling you to
admire the beauty of smooth Silvia that is 100% natural, at least so far hehehehe, and I hope so



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Translation has never really been a problem for me, since I use google chrome, but I could see how it might be a problem for someone who can't or doesn't know how to translate.


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Thanks Silviafoxx, did you use google translator??. It's not a perfect translation, but I thing anybody can understand what I tried to say.

-- Edited by kkenppe on Wednesday 19th of September 2012 05:57:05 PM



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Hi kkenppe, yes I used google translator and you are correct in what you say about the perfectness of the translation...and generally it is plenty good for understanding eachother.



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Thank you very much for the translations!

I seem to remember that film-maker Viv Thomas had a comment on his Website about Silvia's enhancement  - but that remark would seem to be wrong.

As mentioned above, Silvia was quite ample in her earliest days, so it is unlikely that any kind of invasive surgery would have been undergone by her.  Silvia's manager, Mr Oldrich Widman hated the US silicone implants and he remained involved with Silvia up to the time of her retirement in about Spring 2001 and then again, after her comeback in late Summer/Autumn 2002 with Wanda Polak and Martin Bucek and up to the present time.

When you think that Silvia has been almost "male-free" in her photos and movies (and no full action at all) since April 2001, she has done very well to keep up her efforts for another 11 years.  I always thought that Silvia could have done some "male" shots in photos (even if more restrained) but so far, this has not happened. Maybe?




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Los pechos de Silvia Saint son reales, turgentes, y hermosos.

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