Hi folks,
this is my instagram account:
Tributes to the Silvia's beauty.
The Strabismus of Venus
personal sketch
Dear Jo
I wonder if you know where the second photo (with the car) comes from? Are there more from this photoset, I wonder in good quality?
I'd like to use them for a "wallpaper".
Thanks, Vic.
Victorandss wrote:Dear JoI wonder if you know where the second photo (with the car) comes from? Are there more from this photoset, I wonder in good quality?I'd like to use them for a "wallpaper".Thanks, Vic.
Dear Victor
The photo is taken from a Suze Randall set (396 on the catalog).
I suggest one of these photos for your wallpapers
TomcaLover wrote:wow, you have some very rare pictures, I havent seen them before!
wow, you have some very rare pictures, I havent seen them before!
Thank you, TomcaLover
I have a lot of photos of Silvie, some quite rare.
I would like to share some of them on my Instagram account and in this forum, which is undoubtedly the best forum dedicated to Silvie.
Could you share full photoset?
Great selection of pics,some not so famous photos in there!!great work.
Muy buenas fotos de la Diosa
Some pics:
Fresh & mature beauty: