Do anybody have these cool albums of galactic girls and sister silvia saint? The look awesome and the page seems to have an update this year after over a decade an a half since these album were made
He's now recycling old materials and nothing new or upgraded to better resolution.
I don't advise anyone to join these sites, since the galleries are voluntarily limited to 20 pictures instead of 150-200 in the original posts. And still in 768px, even if previews are now 800px
I complained recently about this scam but i think these sites are now quite dead.
I sincerely hope these galleries won't be lost forever and JJ or someone else will restore them and repost high quality one day
Guys, you know I'm not running after thanks, but when 27 people download my files and none post a single 'thank you', it doesn't encourage to answer more requests in the future.
the legendary "adamtomcolova" ... i m sure that you exactly know that it not the only reason for you to share these pics and vids with us. You do it for her. we all don't want her to be forgotten. u too. thats the real reason.. we all thankful for ur sharings. heil silvia :P
Guys, you know I'm not running after thanks, but when 27 people download my files and none post a single 'thank you', it doesn't encourage to answer more requests in the future.
I totally agree.
It's even more annoying when someone then takes your work and posts it on VEF or elsewhere without comment about where they got it from. Not that I mind it being posted on VEF to make my tribute to Silvia more widely available, but a comment like "Scans by Spike on Saint-Archives forum" would be nice. "Secondo" please note.
You certainly have my thanks for all your great work.
Hé hé Spike... i thought Secondo was your avatar on VEF . If not, i confirm the guy is exagerating spoiling your recent wonderful scans without any comments or thanks.
Thanks for the albums, dude. But is there one where she actually shows up with that weird ****ing demon looking monster? Also, do you have the galactic girls albums? That would be neat!
NOOOOOO :O That's awesome, mah dude! How bad it's just a dozen of pics for s part II, but I'm gratful to have something to look at, Silvia making those scared faces is something we don't have much of.
Can you put them in a zip file or rar for download? That would be sick.