I've noticed Silvia has done a few photoshoots with atk; and some BTS videos. I could find useful links for the albums, but most important the bts videos, was somebody able to download them? I would really appreciate a link to download this material if that's the case.
On this one "478_SilviaSaint_Privare.interviews.wmv" she talks about an accidente while filming, it would be a cool challenge to identified the scene, but she gave too few information.
żDoes any body knows if Silvia appears on the Rocco's netflix movie?
If I understand it well, this accident did not happen while filming, but when she drove from Brno to Prague. The reason was black ice 106.5 kilometers from Brno, this should be near Humpolec.
Incidentally in 1992 the former Czecho-Slovakian president Alexander Dubcek (hero of the Prague Spring and the Velvet Revolution) died by injuries sustained in a car crash on the highway from Brno to Prague near Humpolec as well, see https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alexander_Dub%C4%8Dek&oldid=1057163516#Death and https://newsfounded.com/czechrepubliceng/dubcek-crash-question-marks-remain-novinky-cz/ . By a hair's breadth Silvia would have become the second emblematic Czecho-Slovakian with this fate.
According to https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-reviews/rocco-926205/ and https://www.huffpost.com/entry/naked-for-the-first-time_b_12083824 "Rocco" is a film about the (allegedly) last active year of Rocco (2016 or so) in front of the camera. So we can almost certainly exclude that Silvia appeared there.