Thanks for that new ALS Angels photoset (or at least new to me). A welcome addition.
In terms of completing the ALS series, the two least complete sets of the ones I uploaded a while ago are the "ALSFlipFlops" and "ALSGarden" sets (as I have called them). Here are some photos to give you a better idea of the sets I am talking about:
I notice Silvia is wearing the same skirt and top in the "ALSGarden" photos as she does in the set you have just uploaded, so it looks like they were taken in the same session. That gives me hope that there is a full set out there somewhere.
I see what you mean. That official Silvia103 set looks like a compilation of what I've labelled as "ALSHome", "ALSGarden" and "ALSScan".
My collection has more of the Home and Scan photos, but the same 7 Garden photos, so that is probably where I got them from (I can't remember it was years ago). Last time I checked the links to my upload were still working, so you can get the other photos from there if you haven't already got them.
If you are willing to upload the other official sets, I would be much obliged. I am always looking for photos of Silvia to plug the holes in my collection.
Thanks for your kind words, Victor. But that's not why I'm posting.
After uploading the ALS Angels sets previously, I was doing some reorganisation of the catalogue sets (Set191-Set224) to make their numbering correspond with the scene numbers.
In so doing, I came across four photos that are neither in the original ALS Photoshoot series, nor in any of the catalogue sets. These appear to be bonus/publicity photos I must have picked up in the past, but haven't found their way into the catalogue.
I have labelled them with identification of where I think they fit into the ALS Photoshoot sets and the catalogue sets as follows:
ALS Photoshoot 1, Scene #01
Set191 between 027 and 028
ALS Photoshoot 1, Scene #06,
Set202 between 039 and 040
ALS Photoshoot 2, Scene #02
Set210 between 020 and 021
ALS Photoshoot 2, Scene #02
Set210 between 025 and 026
I will leave it to Venizelos to decide what he wants to do with these in his catalogue in terms of numbering, assuming they should be included in the catalogue.
Thank you Spike! You made me very happy with this set from our pet Silvia Saint. I used to be able to find several of these sets of pictures on different pages, and now thanks to you I have all these sets of pictures and watching them I rest my eyes. Thank you very much again. Miro-Zg