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Remember me





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RE: Remember me!

Yes.. Our love for Lea is great like this heart!



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Chris's "Condolences" Book

Chris Danneffel's Book of Condolences and Forum are at the following new locations:-




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RE: Remember me!

Thank you for the dedication to " Mea " ... Sure she will always be remember.As long as there is forum like this and others;There will always be " A Special Thread " for " Mea " ...

Kind Regards - Fotzenus ...

Xeycocob rules


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Lea De Mae - Remember me!

Dear Fotzenus,

Thank you for your nice words. Are you in Russia? - like our friend, Alexander!

Do you by any chance own or belong to a Russian Web Site which has many thousands of pictures (free)? If so, maybe you would post some information in the GENERAL or MOVIES & PICTURES SECTION for everyone's information.

Best wishes from the UK.
Victor 7th April 2005.



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Italian messages

6 months have gone by since we lost our lovely Czech star Lea De Mae but all the fond memories will never leave us.

I noticed some postings on Matteo's page in memory of Lea, which I set out below. Perhaps, one of our Italian members would be kind enough to send me a translation so I can check it finally and add this in.

Cercavo il tuo nome qui su internet ed ho trovato questo sito..raramente sono rimasto tanto colpiti da una notizia.mi è scesa una lacrima dal viso...e mille altre dal cuore.....non potrò mai dimenticare Lea.non potrò mai dimenticare uno degli sguardi più dolci che siano mai esistiti.Il mio pensiero va a te dolce angelo...prechè altro non eri che un angelo!Anche se non ci sei più resterai viva nei pensieri miei e di tutti quelli che hanno un posto x te nel loro cuore.Ti voglio bene.   

Posted by
Layran (2nd April 2005)


Le persone che se ne vanno non muoiono mai se il loro ricordo e il loro sorriso restano vivi dentro di noi.

Spesso certe persone vanno via prima del tempo e lasciano un gran vuoto nel cuore di che le pensa
Spesso ci chiediamo perchè il loro cammino si ferma così di colpo.

Forse perchè certi angeli non sono fatti per restare a lungo su questo pianeta....appaiono rapidamente e alla stessa velocità spariscono per sempre. Mi piace pensare di averne incontrato uno.

E anche se ora non è più con noi ha lasciato nel cuore di chi l'ha incontrato la consapevolezza che i miracoli esistono,e che vivono vicino a noi,anche se per poco.
E al tempo stesso voglio credere che prima o poi tornerà a trovarci in qualche modo,attraverso un raggio di sole, sotto forma di farfalla o col sorriso di un bambino, o verrà di notte a farci una carezza sulla testa,senza farsi vedere ma lasciando un po di se dentro di noi.

Addio Lea, dolce angelo mancherai!   

Posted by
David  (3rd April 2005)


Translations kindly supplied by Daniela from Italy/London,.....

"I was looking on the Internet for your name and I found this website..rarely  have I been so shocked by such news... a tear came down my face... and a thousand others from my heart... I will never forget Lea.

I will never forget one of the most sweet looks that ever existed. My thoughts are for you, sweet angel...because you were nothing but an angel! Even if you are not here anymore, you will stay alive in my thoughts and in the thoughts of those who will keep you in their hearts. I love you."  




"People that pass away will never die if their memory and their smile are kept alive inside of us.

Often, some people go before their time, leaving a big emptiness in the hearts of those who think of them. Often, we ask ourselves why their journey of life can end so suddenly. Maybe, because some angels were not born to stay a long time on this planet...they show themselves quickly and then as quickly, they disappear forever.

I like to think I have met one of them. And even if now she is not with us anymore, she has left, in the hearts of  those who have met her, the awareness that miracles exist, and that they can live next to us, even just for a little while.

And at the same time I want to believe that sometimes she will come to see us somehow, through a ray of sunshine, as a butterfly or in the smile of a child, or maybe she will come in the night to give us a caress on the head without showing herself but leaving a bit of herself within us.

Goodbye Lea....sweet blonde angel. We will miss you." 





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A request to French moviestar and director, Christophe Clark.

from the French Forum at:

A request to famous French moviestar and director, Christophe Clark.

London UK

95 posts
02/2005 - le 25/06/2005 à 04:58:34

Dear Christophe,

Bonjour and greetings from very warm London!

I have a special favour to ask of you if you would be so kind.

On this Forum (also on the ClubSilviaSaint Forum, Snowman's Forum and Katja Kassin's Forum), the Site Owners have been good enough to allow us to express our condolences, tributes, memories and devotion in honour of the late Czech star, Lea De Mae (Andrea Absolonova) who, after suffering from a very aggressive brain tumour, left this world on Thursday 9th December 2004 at the age of only 27 years and she is now in a better place.

Christophe, you met Lea De Mae and filmed with her. Katja Kassin speaks very well of her and in fact Katja was the first moviestar to contribute to the Medical Appeal Fund when we tried to save Lea's life by getting her to Munich or another country for advanced treatment, as the Czech medical team were even having difficulties in stabilising Lea's condition. As you may have read, I wrote to "Hustler" who were willing to help, but "Private" made no response to repeated requests to help Lea in her hour of need.

Silvia Saint, Daniella Rush and of course Lea's best friend Monica Sweetheart all speak very highly of Lea De Mae - one of the most beautiful stars we have seen since the days of the gorgeous Angelica Bella (before DVDs existed!), who I believe you introduced in those days, along with the elegant star Deborah Wells.

Monica wrote:- "I can't even express by words how much I am missing her. She stays in my heart forever..." and there is a huge amount of messages, photos, poems, dedications etc at the CSS Forum especially, which is at the URL:-

These expressions of affection and tribute are written by friends, admirers and fans of lovely Lea from all over the world.

Christophe, I wonder please would you say a few words about Lea De Mae on here (perhaps both in French and in English) in her memory and then I can re-print them on the CSS Site and the other Sites. This would give comfort and pleasure to us all, - many of us have felt inconsolable since we lost Lea. Lea wanted so much to live and she struggled on enduring the unendurable, I think for our sake too. Her beauty was matched only by her good nature and kindness.

On Max's Site here, there is a special topic (thread) for "Lea De Mae" in the "Actrices" section.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours sincerely.

Victor in London. Saturday 25th June 2005.



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for French fans.

Especially for French-speaking fans of Lea De Mae:

Dear Friends,

There are many postings about the late and much-loved Lea De Mae at:-

plus many other stars.

Quite a few of the stars and directors write on there too. So far, I have spotted the names of Katsumi, Katja Kassin, Christophe Clark, Hervé Bodolis.

Best wishes from London!



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from the Web


by - Hermit C-2 </user/ur0249396/boards/profile/> on Sun Dec 26 2004 01:42:13

We've been posting birthday greetings for our favorite females for years now, and we've loved doing it. We even used to post memorial messages for those departed from this world, but we stopped a while back because frankly, it was taking a lot of time.  But we want to make an exception after we were shocked and saddened to hear of the unexpected and untimely death of Lea De Mae, since, through various circumstances, we never got around to giving her a birthday greeting in the first place.

She was a beautiful woman and a wonderful performer who was loved and admired by many.  We extend our condolences to her family and friends and we hope they can draw some solace from the knowledge that she brought much joy and happiness to many in the too-short time she was with us.


2005-07-02 00:55   bluser

Lea te extrañaremos siempre...
mis mas siceras condolencias para todos los que estuvieron muy cerca de
ti...en especial a tu familia y a todos tus amigos y amigas
te queremos y te extrañaremos...pero seguiras inmortalizada en nuestros
recuerdos y en nuestras peliculas y revistas que tenemos de ti....

Lea we will miss you forever...
The most sincere condolences for all the ones that were very close to you.
..Especially to your family and all your friends, we want you and we will
miss you. ..but you will continue immortalised in our memories and in our
movies and magazines that we have of you....

(translation: courtesy of Camanos in Colombia)

2005-04-21 09:57   soldadox

siento mucho su partida, es muy triste

I feel so much she is gone, is very sad.

(translation: courtesy of Camanos in Colombia)


2005-05-27 08:00   gilo

I am deeply sorry
to all Lea's fans,
She was one of my favorite pornstars..

My sincere condolences to her relatives
ans friends, specially her sisters,
Silvia Saint and all people who worked
and was closer to her in her worst moments,
but now she can rest in peace
and she is not suffering any more,

Love to you Lea
wherever you could be,
in our hearts, minds and dreams..

go in peace baby..

2005-05-27 08:04   gilo

Thanks my dearest sweetheart
for being yourself
we will miss you forever..
beloved angel..


2005-05-27 01:01  jan

rip, lea !

2005-04-25 13:26   Anthony

Jesus will take care of you now!
I'll never forget you darling.

2005-04-22 22:47   chagall praha

We still miss you, we never forget you.

2005-02-18 02:33   Fotzenus

Sorry My " Dearest " ... Just hear, you have joined the " Angels " ... Thank you,
for everything you done - Either in " Diving " as well as an actress ... Missing you,
but not forgotten ... Promise. 
Kind regards - Rest in peace, my dear ...

2005-02-13 17:59   runa

Sleep with the angels.

2005-02-10 22:10   doc

Thanks for everything you did - we will never forget you.

2005-02-07 23:59   LUFC

I can't believe Lea died. Such a beautiful lady!

2005-02-04 19:37   negrabarba

She is the girl of my dreams

2005-01-30 08:26   jeansboy

Heaven must be fun with you around. God and the angels must love having you there!




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Posting on IMDb

From IMDb:   by - varme3  21 hours ago (Sat Jul 30 2005 04:58:53)   

Dear Friends,

I just came across your message board via and noticed some postings about the late Czech star and beauty, LEA DE MAE.

May I invite you to our Memorial & Trubutes Forum for late Lea De Mae. This is to be found in the Lea De Mae section which is part of the Official ClubSilviaSaint Forum at:- opicPage=0

This Forum is entirely free of charge to access and post on (you need to register as usual to post). The Forum was kindly provided for Lea's fans by Martin Bucek, Silvia Saint's Website administrator in Prague. On the Forum, there are many messages of devotion, poems, song dedications, photos and tributes from Lea's friends, admirers and movie fans all around the world.

Other Forums:

You will also find special topics dedicated to Lea at Max's French Forum in the "Actrices" section at:-

In Snowman's Forum:-

In Katja Kassin's Forum:- feb27dc30e6

and of course in the large USA Site at:-

Vic UK. 30th July 2005.



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Metin's thoughts of Lea De Mae

Below is part of a posting in another topic by CSS Member Metin who lives in Germany, on 14th August 2005,....

I saw Katja Kassin once in a German TV show. She is a really great person but unfortunately I never saw a film by her. It surprised me that she joined a movie with lovely Lea de Mae, because I've never read or heard about it.  But I will take a look at Katja Kassin's forum, I'm sure it will be very interesting.

Please let me contribute some words about Lea de Mae's tragic death.  I remember it was Friday at a about 4.00 p.m. when I read the shocking news. After that I was not able for days to think clearly what happened with her. For days I just listened to Mozart's "Requiem" and thought why this unjustified death of a young and beautiful person, whose eyes expressed so much life in her, has happened. I was sure that she will overcome her illness.

May the Lord rest her soul.

Regards from Germany 




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In Thoughts of Lea.

More good thoughts and beautiful words in memory and celebration of lovely Lea De Mae, copied from Chris Danneffel's Condolences Forum at

Dear Lea,

If I looking to the stars, the moon, and the sky!
I'm thinking about you, I still can't believe that you passed away.

Lea I'm still a big fan of you.
I was hoping to see you ones a time and ask a photo with an autograph.
But now I'll cry my wish to meet you is over.

You are in Heaven with Lord Jezus. He will take care of you now.

My condolences is to the family, I wish them God's love too.

Anthony de Boer (age 26), Holland
04-22-2005 / 00:31

Querida Lea:

Todo fue tan rápido, tan violento, que el munudo no tuvo la oportunidad para despedirte como una princesa.

No te has ido lejos, te has quedado en nuestros corazones, en nuestros maravillosos recuerdos por tu belleza y humanidad.

Sigues viva, Lea. entre millones de personas de todo el planeta, en los cinco continentes, que te seguimos admirando y queriendo como ayer, hoy y siempre.

Una rosa roja para tí, adorada Andrea.

Rodrigo, Santiago de Chile
05-03-2005 / 18:38

Translation by the kindness of Camanos in Colombia:

Dear Lea:

All was so fast, so brutal, that the world did not have the opportunity to say goodbye to you as a Princess.  You have not gone far away, you have remained in our hearts, in our marvellous memories of your beauty and humanity.  Youre still alive, Lea. Among millions of people on all of the planet, in the five continents, - we continue admiring you and wanting you as yesterday, today and always. 

A red rose for you, adored Andrea.



your spirit, your image, your figure, your character, your strength in the last moments.....YOUR ALL always will stay in our memory

your Spanish fans will remenber you always forever!!!


Oscar & friends, Barcelona, Spain
06-26-2005 / 04:37

I am so sorry to hear about the tragic events it breaks my heart, i only recently discovered her works.

The world is missing an angel

God bless xxx

07-01-2005 / 00:53

I only know Andrea from her movies; but when I looked into her eyes, I saw a great joyous loving glow for life.

She did not waste one second of it. She will be remembered.

I shall always remember her.

Dr. Zenson Halorak Omnicog, Australia
07-10-2005 / 17:17

I know about this tragedy for like 3 weeks, i was so sad. I knew her only as a actress and she was stuck in my mind even i havent seen many of her videos. I was especially shocked that she was from Czech Republic what is country next to mine. I will miss you a lot. So young... :(
Zdeno, Slovakia
07-21-2005 / 23:34

Dear Andrea

only the forgotten are dead, you always will live in our hearts

Jochen Dahnke
08-09-2005 / 16:13

Dear Andrea, yesterday I became aware of this terrible tragedy. I still find it hard to believe. And it makes me very sad that you are not among us anymore. I loved to see you. Each time when I saw your beauty, I could dream all day of you and I always will. You are released of your pain and you are in a better place now. I will miss you very much.

Thank you forever.

Paul, Germany
08-14-2005 / 12:56



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Re: Private - appeal for help for Lea.

TripleX.54.bmp Lea de Mae, a Godsend - appeal to Berth Milton

Extract from "Private" Magazine TRIPLE X - 54 (which has 24 pages devoted to Lea de Mae)

"As a brunette, a blonde, a redhead...Lea de Mae is one of our hottest babes. Her mere presence can quite ignite anyone's passion, and that's without seeing her in action, getting it on, in the flesh! 

Of Czech origin, our twenty-seven year old, blonde (her natural colour) Capricorn, is one of nature's wonders. With sensational upholstery, this exceptional female whose perfectly balanced vital statistics that are as real as life itself (no artifice here), has a look that'll just burn you up, destroying any pretence at rational thought, blasting away the cultural conventions that supposedly separate us from animals, dragging us into her territory, hypnotised and drawn in by the voluptuous contours of her body.

Those stunning breasts, the curve of her hips, the sensational legs, the lips ready and willing to eat whatever comes their way - I should add that this magnificent porn beauty also speaks five languages...... Her skin is as smooth as silk, just crying out to be stroked and fondled as brutally as any man could manage. Who wouldn't love to eat her up, she's God's gift to the male libido.

As a result of her impressive capacity for work (literally capable of giving the most professional film crew a hard-on, from the camera operator to the cutting room staff), we have now seen her in over 30 films, as well as a whole series of photo sessions: her CV is complete. From her early work such as "American Girls" and "Assault That Ass", to her most recent interpretations for Private, before the explosive "Sodomania Slop Shots" and "World Class Ass", Lea de Mae is back with us once more, delighting us with her body and her soul, as can clearly be seen in her participation in the "Matador" series.

Having her back on the team is a Godsend: just to see the self-confidence and verve with which she swings those hips before getting into a scene or posing for photos is a show in itself. She doesn't even look like a true professional because she enjoys every minute before the cameras, whether still or moving, posing or in action, so much so that those who are present, oh what lucky men, cannot believe that she is acting.

She's a powerful sex machine with incredible skills and erotic .. technique - it's no accident that she doesn't have a favourite coital position: in fact she dominates them all....Her hottest scenes are when she's working with three or four men, or even more; or playing up to the camera when her partners are one or more women, what else can I tell you? Literally... she dominates them, she's the centre of attention..her body kicks into gear and she transmits a radiation that unleashes our deepest and most basic instincts.

I remember the first time I saw her in "Matador Sex Trip" - brunette, almost unrecognisable, but as evocative as they come. Her debut in Triple X was also incredible...topping the bill with Silvia Saint, one of our most mind-blowing blondes, they shot "Dangerous Things".  
An in-depth report about this shoot was printed in the magazine, accompanied by a mouth-watering selection of stills. The beach, the boat, the bikinis... The whole scene was lit up by her presence - that cute little surfer-girl look, almost virginal, in marked contrast to the wanton horniness that she displays.

Sometimes her sexual aggressiveness is concentrated in her look, sometimes in the adorable perkiness of her tits, the slit of her pussy, or her expression of defiance as she spurs on the lucky guys.. Her intense turquoise blue eyes are a real head-turner; her gaze can be withering, no doubt about it. Even women find themselves irresistibly attracted to her, everyone is keen to get it on with Lea. Take my word for it, I swear it's the truth. Selling your soul to the Devil would be a small price to pay for a night with Lea.

Dreaming of Lea is just too much, it doesn't get any better. It's as if our subconscious is aware that she's a special memory and brings her back larger than life itself. I don't think I've ever had such an intense erotic, that is, pornographic dream than the one in which Lea de Mae appeared. Many experts would say our subconscious never lies... What you see in this article, the impressive, lustful presence of Lea, could come back to haunt you when you're least expecting it, and then you can tell me whether I was right or not!

Enjoy it you simple mortals, because a woman like this only comes along, perhaps once or twice a year - with her succulent, full and well-formed lips, her impressive tits, God-given of course... Every square inch of this babe's flesh will be branded directly into your brain; her powerful thighs, capable of absorbing the assault of one or more studs, regardless of their angle of approach. Just check out the evident satisfaction of her partners, fully erect from the very first take...These guys have the same dreams as everyone else, lusting after her ....calling to us like the sirens of Ulysses ...The divine thrill of her lips ... what more could a man ask for? ... the enthusiasm that makes this babe unique. Lea de Mae, we love you!"


"PRIVATE" (founded by Berth Milton in Sweden nearly 40 years ago) along with Larry Flynt's "Hustler" is one of the two largest adult entertainment publishing organisations in the world.

"PRIVATE" alone sells some 70,000 Dvds, videos and magazines weekly - carrying out their lucrative business in over 35 countries. I myself have supported them for over 35 years. After an absence, the founder of this prestigious company, now based in Barcelona, Spain is back at the helm.

On behalf of Lea's fans in the United Kingdom (and I am sure that I speak for Lea's many fans all around the world), I appeal to Berth Milton to help save the life of the beautiful and unique Lea de Mae by contributing to the vitally necessary life-saving treatment urgently required by Lea, as doctors in her home city Prague are unable to treat her aggressive brain cancer fully and it is clear that outside advanced specialist help is required from America, Germany or Sweden.

With this illness, there must be no delay. Please help Lea de Mae fight back so that this charming and lovely young lady can regain her health and the world will be a better place for it.

The Lea de Mae medical treatment fund is being administered by Oldrich Widman (Silvia Saint's friend and former Agent in Prague) and Lucie (Lea's sister). Full details are contained in adjacent postings on this Site, also on other sites.

Mr Milton, in the name of humanity, I beseech you to do this good deed and do it quickly - while there is still time. You will have the gratitude of the world.

Thank you in anticipation.

God bless dearest Lea and keep her safe and give her the strength to come through this ordeal.

From London, UK fans of Lea de Mae, Silvia Saint,
Daniella Rush & Monica Sweetheart - all from the Czech Republic.
Wednesday 27th October, 2004.

"I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow-creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."




SPANISH SITE'S TEXT  (after Lea De Mae's death on 9th December 2004)

Lea de Mae, one of the most beautiful and popular adult performers from the Czech Republic, passed away in Hospital Bulovka in Prague at 03:15 P.M. on December, 9th. She didn't want to go there in any case. Lea wanted to stay in the Military Hospital which is an institute on a high international level. There she underwent several surgeries and received a good treatment. But the doctors explained that they decided to transfer her back to the previous hospital for further treatment because of the lack of capacities. A transfer to Germany was discussed as well and would have been possible as soon as Lea's condition would have allowed it. But she did not recover from her last operations.

In the middle of August 2004, Lea de Mae had to go to hospital unexpectedly because of headaches and problems with her left eye and movements on the left side of her body. First, the doctors treated her by prescribing mostly analgesics. They prescribed stronger and stronger analgesics without any effect. This situation reached the point where Lea started to suffer from bad vision and she also started to barely feel the left side of her body. When the pain was completely unbearable and she couldn't stand on her own legs, the doctors sent her for a computer tomography examination (which revealed a brain tumour close to her basal ganglias).

The situation was seriously bad so Lea had to undergo surgery immediately. The entire operation was performed by famous Dr. Benes in the Military Hospital. Dr. Benes carried out an unbelievable successful and clear operation. He succeeded in removing all of the tumour except for one small piece which had already infiltrated into the brain, because by removing this small piece, it would have caused great danger to main vital functions. But the histological examination of the removed tumour revealed the worst form of cancer that can exist. Accordingly with this bad news, Lea's condition went again down with the same symptoms before the surgery. Lea immediately underwent radiotherapy and after a 2-weeks problem with the insurance company, also chemotherapy.

Thanks to Lea's long-time manager Oldrich Widman from Dream Entertainment, a "Lea de Mae Medical Fund" was founded with the kind support of famous Silvia Saint. Ever since then, many people around the world have kindly sent money to support her. And to receive money from other people who want to help her almost seems embarrassing to Lea. She mentioned, that if she doesn't need the money for her own treatment anymore, she wants to give the rest to a foundation which cares for people with the same illness. And due to never ending activities of some true fans, Hustler finally got in touch with Lucie. They got the number from Monica Sweetheart. It seems that they wanted really help. Larry Flynt had very kindly agreed to help with medical treatment costs if Lea could get further medical help abroad, as Czech doctors were perplexed how to deal with this aggressive illness. Lucie thought that it could be the best to let Lea be treated in some very good hospital in Germany. The money of the donors would be needed for this.

On the other hand, many people (fans, managers, actresses and also producers) start thinking bad about Private, as they had not shown any reaction in regard to Lea's illness so far. Nobody had received a word from Lea's main studio despite repeated appeals for financial assistance made directly to Berth Milton (founder of the company 40 years ago in Sweden). Private along with Hustler is one of the two largest adult entertainment publishing organizations in the world.

Lea de Mae (Andrea Absolonova is her real name) had a 6-year perfoming and modelling career and would have turned 28 on December, 26th. She earned a nomination for AVN Foreign Female Performer of the Year for the 2004 ceremony. Some of Lea's more work included performances in "Wet Dreams Cum True #02" (Zero Tolerance), "Broken English" (Platinum X), "Dripping Wet Sex #05" and "Juicy G-Spots" (Simon Wolf) and the 2003 compilation from Private, "The Private Life of Lea de Mae". She also was Hustler's centerfold last September.

Rest in peace, Lea. From here we offer our condolences to Lea's family and friends in this time of grief and loss.



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Lea De Mae, Monica Sweetheart & Daniella Rush (2001)

LDM.MS.DRonbedLas Vegas 2001.adj.Xat.jpg

Lea De Mae, Monica Sweetheart & Daniella Rush in Las Vegas in 2001.



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Sur Le Pont D'Avignon in France


Monica Sweetheart and Lea De Mae in Avignon, France in 2002.

Wow!  What a lovely picture. All the beauty of nature.
That's the famous bridge from the children's song too....
"Sur Le Pont D'Avignon" 

One of the verses goes,...

Sur le pont d'Avignon,
L'on y danse, l'on y danse,
Sur le pont d'Avignon
L'on y danse tout en rond.
Les belles dames font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça.
Sur le pont d'Avignon,
L'on y danse, l'on y danse,
Sur le pont d'Avignon
L'on y danse tout en rond. 

From the Web....


Sur Le Pont D'Avignon
by LoriPori

Made famous by the well-loved children's song "Sur Le Pont D'Avignon", the bridge was built during the 12th century, linking Avignon to Villeneuve-lez-Avignon, which belonged to the King of France. According to legend, the young shepherd Benezet heard divine voices bidding him to build the bridge. It was originally 900 metres long and crossed the two arms of the Rhone river, which was highly turbulent and wild waters. The frequent high waters eventually washed away much of the bridge and after the 17th century, was no longer re-built. 

According to legend, it was a divinely inspired young shepherd called Benezet who caused the bridge ("le pont") at Avignon to be built. To validate his mission he lifted up an enormous stone block and cast it down at the designated site. The Saint Benezet Bridge was built in the twelth century.

First made of wood, it was the first bridge spanning the Rhone river, dividing line between France and the Holy Roman Empire. Its reconstruction in stone dates from the end of the thirteenth century. Several times mistreated by wars and the flooding Rhone, it was continuously under repair until the seventeenth century when it ceased to be restored. Now only four arches survive of the original twenty-two.

The bridge ended on the Avignon side at the Chatelet tower (fourteenth century), and on the opposite, Villeneuve side at the tower of Philip the Fair (end of the thirteenth century). The Saint Nicolas Chapel, on the bridge, was dedicated to the patron saint of mariners. It has two stories, the lower dating from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Standing right at the foot of the Chatelet, the recently restored "Mariner's Chapel" was built in the eighteenth century and became the new cult centre for the Rhone boatmen. From this position Louis XIV looked out on Avignon and exclaimed, "it is the most beautiful place in my kingdom".

The song "Sur Le Pont D'Avignon", by an anonymous composer, is now famous all round the world.




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Drinks time (in London 2003)

LDM.MS.drinking juices copy.Framed.43pcent.jpg

         Lea De Mae and Monica Sweetheart in London 2003.



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Monica Sweetheart and Lea De Mae in London, 2003.


Glamorous in London (2003)



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January 2004 - signing at a Show in Las Vegas (for the last time)

MS.LDM.signingat Show.adj.Xat.jpg

Monica Sweetheart and Lea De Mae in Las Vegas on 9th January 2004  - for the last time.



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Barcelona 2005 - remembers Lea.

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Spains porn superstar, Nacho Vidal, at Barcelonas FICEB

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From El País (in full):

Porn film festival brings superstar Nacho Vidal to Barcelona | For the first time in 13 years, the Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival (FICEB) is getting recognition from the regional government of Catalonia, which included it in its official festival list. Among the guest stars at the event, Stormy, Silvia Saint and Katsumi figure prominently, along with Spains biggest porn superstar, Nacho Vidal - who following his recent marriage has dropped acting to get behind the cameras.

Organisers hope to receive 50,000 visits to the five-day event, which ends on Sunday. This year, the festival is playing tribute to John Holmes, a US director also known as Big John Fallus, who is credited with giving new impulse to the genre in the 1970s. Of the more than 2,200 films to his name, the festival is screening classics like Tits & Ass and Video Vixens.

is also showcasing the films of Lea de Mae, who died at the early age of 27 but left behind such works as Snow Sluts, also being screened.

Nearly 80 exhibitors will display the latest developments in the sex industry, and there will be debates around the state of porn.



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13th International Erotic Film Festival Of Barcelona

The 13th International Erotic Film Festival Of Barcelona (Festival Internacional De Cine Erotico De Barcelona) will be held again this year at the Farga de L'Hospitalet in Barcelona from October 5 to 9. This is one of the biggest industry events held in Europe each year, and each year more members of the American adult film industry take part. Top stars on the marquee this year are Rocco Siffredi (showing his latest film), Private's Silvia Saint and Wicked Pictures' Stormy Daniels and Nina Hartley. 

There will be career retrospectives, special presentations, concerts, parties, art exhibits and a special tribute to porn star Lea De Mae

There will be a large commercial exhibits section, offering novelties, toys, DVDs, crafts, etc. And there will be the infamous live shows - with content not permissible in most North American venues. Club Bizarre: A place where fetishism and pleasure get dressed in leather. 

Adult Webmasters Conference: On Saturday, October 10, the VI Adult Webmaster Congress will be held at the show, providing international webmasters new networking opportunities and a chance to discuss the latest international online issues. Awards Show & Gala Dinner: Dinner, musical performances, shows and an 11pm awards ceremony to celebrate the best erotic cinema from around the world. Official FICEB Porn Casting:  If you'd love to be a porno actor or actress, at the festival you will find your opportunity to jump to fame. One of the objectives of the FICEB is to discover and promote new porn stars. It's for that reason that the organization of the Festival has decided to organize a professional casting-call during the show, the only objective of which is to present new porn artists. The prize for artists who pass all the tests will be the opportunity to work in this exciting sector, as well as to be invited guests of honor at the Gala Dinner of FICEB 2005. Clau De Dona Women's Space: Like its name indicates - Clau de Dona (the key of a woman) - this space is designed for women's use and enjoyment. Shows, bar, exhibitions and a set for in-depth video interviews for those that dare to speak about sexuality. This is where a group of prestigious sex-therapists and professionals will meet. Appearing:  Stormy Daniels   Silvia Saint   Nina Hartley   Rocco Siffredi   Terri Summers 

Location: La Farga de L'Hospitalet. Barcelona St., Barcelona, Spain.

More Info: Festival Internacional De Cine Erotico De Barcelona.

Terri Summers, Nina Hartley, Silvia Saint, Rocco Siffredi & Stormy (Waters) Daniels. [due in Barcelona 2005]Silvia Saint in FICEB 2005. This year IFG brings to the FICEB the TOP porn star Silvia Saint. The Czech porn most universal. Thanks for coming Silvia! XIII Festival Internacional de Cine Erótico de BarcelonaDel 5 al 9 de octubre de 2005www.ficeb.comEl XIII Festival Internacional de Cine Erótico de Barcelona (FICEB 2005) abre un año más sus puertas del 5 al 9 de Octubre en La Farga de LHospitalet, Barcelona. El certamen, que rendirá homenaje a Lea De Mae, ofrecerá un casting dirigido a futuras estrellas del porno, que será protagonizado por las actrices del género Salma de Nora, Silvia Lancome, Valeria do Fogo, Dúnia y Laura Brent, y Nacho Vidal, que, ya retirado, dirigirá una película en directo con la presencia de las principales travestis del sector Porno.

Retrospectiva LEA DE MAE, Domingo 9 octubre, 19.30h Auditorio, Recinto FERIALea Andrea Absolonova, Praga 1976-2004. En 2003 recibe en el Festival Internacional de Cine Erótico de Barcelona la Ninfa a la mejor escena de sexo por su actuación en la película Hot Rats, del catalán Narcís Bosch. La actriz murió en diciembre de 2004, a causa de un tumor cerebral, con tan sólo 27 años. El Festival quiere rendir homenaje a esta increíble actriz, que estuvo presente en varias ediciones del certamen. RETROSPECTIVAS.El mítico John Holmes, alias 35 centímetros, y Lea de Mae, ambos ya desaparecidos, serán objeto de las retrospectivas. Del primero se proyectarán 4 de las 2.274 películas que protagonizó. De la segunda, 7.   

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