This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.
This limit is reached.
If you could upload again, and send me an IM with the address, I think I can take it over with my new Premium Account or re-upload.
-- Edited by spike at 22:29, 2008-11-15
Schmidde kindly shared his additions to set 070 with me, and Venizelos also posted his version with my three additional photos, so I have merged them all together and uploaded here:
Las de esta web no parecen tener logo alguno y como tua apuntas perteneces a la serie wet dreams, pero quizas de la pelicula sex exposed.
estan en lo cierto con estos tres ultimos sets, no estan incluidos en el catalogo, puesto que todas las galerias hasta la fecha eran capturas de la pelicula.
Wowww, where did you get those scans?, it' seems from a Czchec magazine.
Great Job man
We can thank Schmidde for the scans. I just uploaded them for him as he got hit by the 10 download limit on RS.
They are excellent quality, which is why I offered to upload them. I think they are from a Polish magazine, but Schmidde would be better able to confirm.
To show I have not entirely forgotten my promise to add what I can to the project, here is a small update to sets 056, 112 and 143.
One new image in each of 056 and 112 (shown above). Several new images in set 143, although some are "variants" of existing photos, and one image is broken unfortunately. Rather than filter them myself I will share them all and let Venizelos decide which to count as "new".
You might note that I am missing images 002, 004 and 005 from set 056, so would appreciate if someone could share those with me in return.
There is a problem with this topic... perhaps too much pages I can't access to page 12. this post is only made to see if i can add something to restore the content.