First, i thank you for the Dazglam set... and the missing actiongirls pic.
Set038 i posted is 11 more pics than yours if i refer myself to your site.
Concerning set 418, i simply missed it because i didn't know this one begins with outdoors pics, but perhaps some of my pics are better quality than yours (?). I know it's not easy to find the ideal vignet of every sets in your summary pages, but don't you think mine, with silvia's beautiful eyes, is a little sexiest than yours ?
Next time i think i have a set you don't, i'll post it with xxx number ; that will simply say i don't find it in your site and that could be a new one, but i despair to find one you don't have !!!!
Last remarks, congratulations for the great idea to put together original picset and 'behind the scene' or backstages linked to this set... I never thought of that.
Yes i thank you all for your great posts, this forum is going strong from your input. Every day there is something new to see. And for this i thank you once again.
First, i thank you for the Dazglam set... and the missing actiongirls pic.
Set038 i posted is 11 more pics than yours if i refer myself to your site.
Concerning set 418, i simply missed it because i didn't know this one begins with outdoors pics, but perhaps some of my pics are better quality than yours (?). I know it's not easy to find the ideal vignet of every sets in your summary pages, but don't you think mine, with silvia's beautiful eyes, is a little sexiest than yours ?
Next time i think i have a set you don't, i'll post it with xxx number ; that will simply say i don't find it in your site and that could be a new one, but i despair to find one you don't have !!!!
Last remarks, congratulations for the great idea to put together original picset and 'behind the scene' or backstages linked to this set... I never thought of that.
See you later
-- Edited by adamtomcalova at 11:48, 2008-09-07
Hola Adam
Es cierto que el set 38 que me has pasado tiene 11 imagnes mas, pero todas ellas son duplicados de las existentes en el catalogo y se pueden considerar como variantes.
Por lo menos yo no encuentro diferencias entre ellas.
Tambien es cierto que hay algunos thumbnails de presentacion que se pidrian cambiar y estudiara la manera de poder hacerlo.
Tambien y como ya he dicho intentare sustituir la imagenes con mejor resolucion.
La idea general del catalogo es tener todas las imagnes de un mismo set agrupadas, ya sean Backsgate, scans o sesion, de ahi que las una todas.
Parece que esto ha animado el foro y espero que dure mucho tiempo, puesto que tarde mucho tiempo en poder sacar el catalogo.
Set 346 - 120 pics - Note that i give you the complete folder, because it seems pics 58-59 still missing - if someone have these 2 (if existing !) please share
and set xxx i didn't found on Venizelos site (i bet he'll say that's not a new one)
Set 346 - 120 pics - Note that i give you the complete folder, because it seems [B]pics 58-59 still missing[/B] - if someone have these 2 (if existing !) please share
^I thought I had the complete set, but I just checked my collection and the pics 58 and 59 are missing. The set name is GlassToy.
Yes official set name is silviasaintglasstoy. I have it for many time and remember i searched before for these two missing pics. But every time i saw this set, it was ever with the same missings... That's why i said 'if exists' in my last message...
Yes official set name is silviasaintglasstoy. I have it for many time and remember i searched before for these two missing pics. But every time i saw this set, it was ever with the same missings... That's why i said 'if exists' in my last message...
thanks for information
Gracias por las nuevas actualizaciones adam
Ya tengo preparadas las del set 37 y 346.
El otro set es el 449, asi que no es nuevo.
Repecto a las imagnes 58 y 59 del set 346, no las busques mas porque no existen, asi que puedes dar el set como completo.
La he buscado en viewpornstars y pasa de la 57 a la 60, asi que el set contiene 120 imagenes.
Set 449 ? Oh God, i missed it one more time... Venizelos, you'll kill me ! And worse is yours is 45 pics !!! ... So, the game continues ; i must find one or i eat my hat...
PS : this evening i could post an update with set 328 (140 pics in my collection) It's a little better than yours (67) but the numbers of the pics seems to say the complete set is about 260 pics.
Set 449 ? Oh God, i missed it one more time... Venizelos, you'll kill me ! And worse is yours is 45 pics !!! ... So, the game continues ; i must find one or i eat my hat...
PS : this evening i could post an update with set 328 (140 pics in my collection) It's a little better than yours (67) but the numbers of the pics seems to say the complete set is about 260 pics.
Informations needed please !
See you later
Esto es una cosa frecuente con los set de vivthomas, los cuales siempre contienen una gran cantdidad de imagenes en distintas webs.
Puedes comprobarlos en este enlace, donde hay muchas imagenes que faltan en el catalogo.
it will be a future update...I have a few complete sets, usually from, but not for this set 328 !... So i'll post my 140 pics unless someone could share the complete one...
Add : If someone has access to '', the set is listed there as 'silvia licks ass' - 261 pics
The Set088 update was built from several different sources of variable resolution and quality, but I've filtered out duplicates while retaining the better quality version, and tried to arrange them in some sort of reasonable approximation of correct order. There are 47 pics in all, so should add something to the existing 26 in Venzielos's collection.
The material includes some reasonable quality vidcaps, plus some posters (all with Silvia) that could possibly be used as desktop wallpaper.
I am hoping Venizelos can upload his version of Set088, as there are some in his collection that I don't have and some probably better quality. I'd also like to get my hands on Set022 if that's not too much to ask.
P.S. I tried to check the File Factory link, but the server went down for maintenance straight after I had upped the zip file, so I re-upped to RapidShare as well.