Sorry my man!! Knew not content with porn images were being banned from "imageshack" ... I ask you and the other hands members of the Forum here, where can I by images, or better, tell me a good site to host the images I make caps for films and scenes of our goddess Silvia ...
I await the response from you ... Big hug! Stay with God! Bye!
Sorry my man!! Knew not content with porn images were being banned from "imageshack" ... I ask you and the other hands members of the Forum here, where can I by images, or better, tell me a good site to host the images I make caps for films and scenes of our goddess Silvia ...
I await the response from you ... Big hug! Stay with God! Bye!
Cara, To a um tempão atras dessa cena ai que esta no caps... achei uma fez num forum com o titulo de silvia saint embaixo d´agua, mas nunca consegui baixar pq dava erro no link... cara, se vc puder postar eu agradeço demais....
Tranquilo mano... Tranquilo... Vou postar o filme completo pra vc baixar vlw? Além desse, pretendo postar um outro... Nel Sedere Per Godere, este, contém apenas uma cena dela, com Hakan, mas muito maneira a cena... Vc e todos do Fórum irão gostar... Tenho certeza... Vlw Mano Eurace! Grande abraço! Fica na PAZ.. Fui.
I know that you have been a fan and enthusiast for many years in Hungary (most famous here for the gorgeous Angelica Bella of about 20 years ago and said by many including the late Michel Ricaud of VMD to be "the greatest").
You will remember Roeschu in Switzerland (he had the picture of a message from Silvia to him!).
Perhaps, you can tell us in another topic about all your recollections of Silvia and also all the Hungarian stars that we came to know and admire. I know that Monique Covet (who was the only Hungarian star to film with our "Ben Dover") had a bad patch but she was very popular here and we hope that she has recovered. But was her illness caused by the pressure of the porn films?
Silvia seems to have kept her head well not getting too involved unless fully protected with advisers these days. I suspect that her manager Oldrich Widman was not too happy with any of her boyfriends from what he told me in London in November 2004.
Here in the UK, it's Bank Holiday Monday - the weather is however cloudy but warm. No Sun at all!
Silvia seems to have kept her head well not getting too involved unless fully protected with advisers these days. I suspect that her manager Oldrich Widman was not too happy with any of her boyfriends from what he told me in London in November 2004.
Regards, Vic. 25 May '09.
Mmmmm, interesting information. Please Victor, do you know Silvia's exboyfriends?? Of course, the names.
Could you confirm that Hakan Serbes and Mr. Marcus were her exboyfriends??