Venizelos, i'm happy you decided to post the sets from your catalog.
If you authorize me to give an opinion, i want to see more hardcore sets, because Silvia doesn't make hardcore anymore, and these old pics (and the films of course) are great.
Please, for your next post, share with us your sets 012,093,246 or 303,
Thank for the sets ; i never hoped you would share all the 4 sets. It's a wonderful surprise for me.
I'm very sad to have nothing to share with you ; i will try to find something new for your catalog, because it's not normal you share all this stuff with nothing in return.
Gracias venizelos.. como siempre eres lo maximo..y le das vida a este foro... Ahora a riesgo de abusar de tu gentileza, si tuvieras en tus archivos.... los siguientes sets me interesan: 032, 033, 068, 084, 099, 131, 137, 282, 352, 405 y 443.. Los set antes posteados, en su gran mayoría, no los habia visto, por lo tanto reitero mi agradecimiento.
Gracias Venizelos por los excelentes materiales, que deben ser años de busqueda, de tiempo. Se que poco es decir gracias, pero q otra cosa se puede decir... Sigue así. Saludos
Eisbahn originally found the pics from one month ago
Eisbahn noticed yesterday these pics were related with a 'Paris' session, posted in 2005 in Club
And Eisbahn forgot to tell us the link between these 2 pictures sets ...
So, thanks man, now we have a new set695 to find !
Actually Sir you have it wrong, (courtesy prevents me from saying "as usual"). My post was not in relation to the set from one month ago.
It was in answer to Bernd's reply to Victor, asking when the actual photoshoot took place. And as your main purpose in life seems to be finding new sets of Silvia, I would have thought you would be pleased.