But, i think that every time we have the opportunity to remote a picture from set 'misc', it's a sort of victory...
'Misc' is only a temporary home for pictures we have not found the right place yet !
So, i'd better like Venizelos add the pictures in set299 (only personal opinion of course)
Thanks Schmidde for all your work.
Hola adam
A pesar de qie Silvia lleva el mismo vestido, ambas escenas no pertenecen a la misma galeria.
En la pelicula The Understudy solo hay una escena con Silvia, asi que no creo que deban ir juntas esta imagenes.
Yo no tengo inconveniente en unirlas, pero ¿que ganariamos con ello?
Respecto al resto de galerias, es una buena iniciativa la de buscar la mayor calidad posible y agradezco enormemente todo el trabajo, pero justamente esta no creo que debamos incluirlas en el catalogo.
Son imagenes que a pesar de tener mayor resolucion indican claramente un aumento de las originales perdiendo calidad.Se aprecia claramente cuando comparamos ambas imagenes.
Creo que a veces el mayor tamaño no indica que estemos ante la mejor imagen y este es claramente un ejemplo de ello.
i agree with you. Bigger size is not necessarily better pictures
I noticed, of course, that there was a loss of quality with some pics, but my post is an update for 3 reasons :
- some new pics for some sets (077,099)
- an error to correct in set 077 (pics 33-34 already in set 095)
- and i imagined you could be happy to have some pictures without the double logo from 'silviasaint.net'
For the other point, if you confirm my 2 pictures have nothing to do in set 299, i won't insist... because i know you're the specialist of silvia's movies, not me...
This is a second picture, from a non-existing set...
In fact, in the first posting of the set 'sister silvia saint' (2001) there were a few pictures at the end, with an alien monster, but they were removed... The guy who will manage to find the original set complete is a lucky one
This is a second picture, from a non-existing set...
In fact, in the first posting of the set 'sister silvia saint' (2001) there were a few pictures at the end, with an alien monster, but they were removed... The guy who will manage to find the original set complete is a lucky one
To conclude the debate about these pictures from xxxhorror.com, here you can see the complete add-on to the original serie from 'Sister Silvia Saint'
PS : the creature is called the 'judgment day monster'
PS2 : as Maverick noticed 2 days ago, we are at the beginning of a new era for Silvia's collectors : after Suze.net and DDFprod.com, Galacticgirls.com & xxxhorror.com began to search in their archives to give us new improved pictures of old sets... i ever dream of this, and sometimes dream comes true...
In the next months, all these sets (i hope) will be posted in HQ (1300 x 2000 px) ...
You're right : the suze classics pictures were not posted before on this forum. It's the 2nd suze classics with silvia's pictures. Perhaps we will have news from Suze too in the next months... That's fine because suze pictures are some of the best of silvia's modeling sessions.
Yes, this gallery is old (2001) and JBVideo is not a site you can hack easily. You'll never find password for this site because members are (i suppose) not very numerous. It's a place you only find pantyhose and feet fetishists.
But it's not because i sent a message to JB about Silviapedia, that i took a membership... No, the web is a big world, where you ever find people who have what you're looking for... The only problem is to find what to trade to have what you want.
I'm mad about that, but 'gift' is not in dictionaries anymore...