Gracias por tu trabajo y las nuevas imagenes adam.
¿No te parece que puedan ser capturas?
Esta imagen del set060 siempre me ha parecido que no encajaba en ningun lugar, asi que decidi ponerla en miscellaneo.
Hola ssaintfans
No se si te refieres a la imagen que has puesto de muestra, pero si es asi, pertenece a la pelicula Hawaiian ecstasy y la puedes encontrar en el set425.
As i said before, this last picture is missing. Link is broken or dead. Many comments on the Vintage forum about this one. A .zip of the set was made... but the link is broken too !!
I wanted to post a message to the original poster, but, as newbie, i can't do that for the moment !
Here are some pictures from Hotvideo site. All the 27 pics are originally in a flash page, so i had to catch them with a screen capture. The quality is not the best, but i found no other way ...