i said i would'nt not open a new topic... but i can't find a place for this message.
Now we have a catalog of (almost) all silvia's pictures, and the listing of (almost) all her films, i try to put her model & pornstar career in chronological order.
Any informations are welcome to identify her first pictures and films, the particular events in her live. Everything you know about her, and can help to create a real silviapedia !
That's not because my avatar is a 'wiki' that i'll make this alone, so please help...
Thanks in advance,
See you later
PS : Thanks krkflyd for your suggestions ; an old idea is now reborn in my mind, and i hope i will go to the end, this time...
We can gather a group of friends and fans of Silvia, collect data and prepare the Silviapedia!
You, with Venizelos and other members also have a real arsenal of photos, scenes and full movies of her, I can help with full movies, i have many full movies and scenes, for the younger members, who do not yet know the work of our beautiful blonde iran enjoy!
Well, that and my buddy Adam!
Let's talk about, trying to join a group, then delegate tasks to each one, so, can form the Silviapedia!
Now we have a catalog of (almost) all silvia's pictures, and the listing of (almost) all her films, i try to put her model & pornstar career in chronological order.
Any informations are welcome to identify her first pictures and films, the particular events in her live. Everything you know about her, and can help to create a real silviapedia !
Of course, the job begins here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvia_Saint All people who have something to complete this article is welcome...
But don't tell me that you got to know Silvia only by Wikipedia's predecessor Bomis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bomis).
Considering the particular events in her life we could get in conflicts between our curiosity and our loyalty to Silvie. The informations she gave up to now are very scarce. We even don't know for sure if she is married or was it (apart from VictorandSS's testimony, but he met her 5 years ago). So I assume she does not like the idea of seeing such personal things published.
I agree with Bernd. A persons private life is personal and should remain private. I would think the best person to ask about her feelings on this subject would be Martin.
when you do a biography, you try to collect informations first, and then you make choices. You're right we know very few about her personal history, and i admit i'd like to know more !
But, i don't want rumours, just facts... and if we can't find any facts, then we will ask her ! But to do this, we must interest her in this project.
I want to collect all i can about her career, to present her an advanced work, and ask her to fill the blanks (or correct the errors).
If Silvia thinks it could be interesting... then she will help us.
Sure she will ! And our job will be in a good place on her site !
Dreaming... ever dreaming !
PS : Eisbahn, you're right about Martin, but the problem is the same : he could help, but only if the project interests him.
@Eisbahn: I would not put it as strict as you did, because someone who works in a job with a certain publicity must also accept a certain curiosity by the public. I only meant that we as Silvia fans should particularly keep an eye on the sensibility of this matter.
@Adam: No objection from my part (although I admire your optimism). Actually it was me who contributed the question about politics to the interview. Perhaps just this question is the reason the interview will remain unanswered.
Bernd, the problem with the interview is not your 'politics' question. You can be sure of that. If Silvia doesn't want to answer a question, she can say 'no comment' on it, and nobody will reproach her this position.
The real problem is that Silvia doesn't have many time and, for some years now, she's not interested anymore by our community of crazy admirers.
I remembered she sent messages sometimes on the first yahoogroup, and Victorandss had some contacts too, but it's about 3-4 years we don't have news anymore, except Martin posts (only to announce new modeling sessions)
It's a fact that, for the moment, Silvia forgets her fans.
Martin, if you see this post, please ask her to send us a little message sometimes. It would be nice. And tell her we'd like to have some informations about her life (personal, professional) to create our silviapedia...
i sent a message to all websites Silvia participated in the last years for original modelling sessions : Suze.net, vivthomas, JBVideo, DDFprod, Adultfantasypark (spacegirls, horrorsex), Actiongirls, Sexole, Penthouse, ALSscan, JokersX (via viewpornstars), CDgirls, Danni & ATK...
i asked them all, the dates of the photo or video sessions, if they have souvenirs or anecdotes to tell about these days, and ... if all silvia's pictures were posted on their site or if they still have exclusive or backstages they could post one day.
For the moment, 2 answered : JB and AFP. Not really a mega success, but some interesting informations nevertheless. I'll tell you more as soon as possible
all biographies of Silvia refers to her 'pet of the year' appearence on Penthouse (czech edition) in 1996.
Do someone have information about this ? Cover of the magazine ? Content ?
And, 'pet of the year' is a poll. That means she appeared before in the magazine pages... Any informations are welcomed
I have almost everything from Penthouse US (1998 to 2003) but nothing from this old czech magazine... How could i begin a silviapedia without her first pictures ?
Eisbahn, ssaintfans, thanks for the pictures. I never saw these covers before.
But it's a fact none of us never try to collect all silvia's magazine covers : there must be a lot, from different countries, and i think it would be difficult to find all.
I'll try to find more informations about czech magazines. That is very important i think, because there are the first photos which helped silvia to become the star she's now.