1; is it absolutly necessary to create a new topic each time you find a video to share ?
2; i already posted this one here not so long ago ! (OK, i created a topic for it, so you can bite !)
i noticed you post your files on many forums. Of course you can, but i'd appreciate you make an effort for us : here, you're not on a basic sharing forum... it's Silvia Saint one ! Perhaps you could give us an opinion about the films you share...
Estoy de acuerdo contigo Adam. No es necesario crear un nuevo post, sino buscar lo que ya estan creados y agregar la info. Otra alternativa es poner los link en el topic Found On the NET: http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=9318&p=3&topicID=24171599 Para mantener un poco el orden. Saludos