sorry, the language is hungarian, but maybe some links are useful silvia used to loved my forum, i have become from her a private thank-you-letter before the CSS times, it was my only experience with her
i saw my first silvia pics in 1998, they were from this set:
i saw my first movie with her a year later, it was from the "nineteen video magazine", i think all of you should know this movie as well
so, i'm searching for pictures from silvia from her private life! not from erotic conventions, and nor with fans, but with her family, brother (?), sister (??), friends, her partner or something...
i have 4 pics from her, from a czech disco,were she were together with some friends and hakan (after their split!!) they were dancing, drinking, laughing etc... there not so good pictures, but maybe the only ones, from her "real private life"
and i'm searching for pictures about her childhood, or pictures before her professional actress/model carrier
it would have been so nice to see some pics from those old times!
Hi and welcomeTomcalover, as you have seen in this forum everybody try to share what they have about Silvia, so if someone have pictures from her "real private life", don't worry, soon or later it will be upload, but maybe you could start sharing those pictures form her "real private life". I bet everybody would like to see them.
Best Regards,
-- Edited by kkenppe on Saturday 14th of March 2009 01:03:45 AM
you're not the only one who looks for Silvia 'private' photos.
I'd appreciate to have some for my 'silviapedia', but the fact is i can't find any on the web. Silvia protects her private life and it will be a miracle if we manage to find a family photo of her childhood, her wedding (?), and so.
i have many 'non-nude' pictures, from conventions, interviews, awards, and some amateurs 'stolen photos' too, but nothing before the beginning of her career.
My hope is one day, Silvia will accept to give us some photos for the Silviapedia. But the project is not advanced enough for the moment...
PS : i just had a look on your forum. Great job during all these years ! Hope you will be active here too !
You posted many of Dimon's pages. For information, the only still alive are all grouped here :
Sinceramente, como ya se ha comentado, estas imagenes son sumamente dificiles de conseguir por la gran reserva que tiene Silvia de su vida privada, lo cua es muy comprensible.
Si eres tan amable de compartir tus imagenes estaremos sumamente agradecidos.
Amigo Tomcalover aprecio tus colaboraciones, pero, si no es pedir mucho, puedes subirlo a un host free tipo mediafire, o en uno que no tenga restricciones como rapidshare de 10 descargas, pq este set no pude bajar. Alguien haria el favor de subirlo de vuelta. Gracias . Saludos
Any news on the great Angelica Bella and also Monique Covet?
Since we last spoke (by e-mail), Silvia's colleague and co-star the lovely Lea De Mae died at the age of 27 following a brain tumour and she is missed very much.
after the born of her child, she totally left porn industry after that she had some roles in a few hungarian art movie (not pornish at all) and a recent role as a nurse in a hungarian TV soap-opera you can check them at under names "vad katalin" or "michelle wild" and some appearances in some tv quiz shows, and IQ quiz shows, because of her extraordinary high IQ grade (she is a MENSA member!!)
2 months ago she had a soft-nude set again (the first one in the last 4 or 5 years), for FHM or what, with her brand new (!!!) breasts (not natural anymore :( ), but she wouldn't like to make porn movies in the future