Vengo a compartir con ustedes un aporte mas, en este caso las galerias de Suze Randall, por ahora les voy a dejar las primeras tres, pero de a poco voy a ir actualizandolo. Estas versiones que voy a ir dejando son las originales de Suze por lo tanto no incluyen las scans q luego se agregaron aqui en el catalogo...
Set 368 (39 imagenes) - Set 369 (56 imagenes) - Set 370 (51 imagenes)
are these photos of sylvia recent? oh my god she looks incredible, I haven't watched much porn since anita retired and i heard silvia retired in 2001 which makes her....well, a year or two older than when she retired but still she brings tears to my eyes. I just saw her in the "you want my booty" video and she rocked out over all those younger chix, she was queen bitch, you could tell the other girls knew they were in the presence of greatness. ONe thing is for certain, if you share the screen in anything sexy with sylvia saint......the pressure is on man. I love her new trip with the mellower stuff, I now remember her as a porn actress, while researching who lea was I came across videos by private with sylvia that i had seen but that lea wasnt' in. I remember telling myself I didn't want to look at her videos anymore because she was and is so perfect, she looks like a real little flower of a girl and i'm sure she is, yet these men, some of them would treat her like a farm animal and that really upset me. For 99% of the men in the world being with SS means best behavior and manners, cuz that is a priviledge, there is nothing I wouldn't give to love sylvia saint, she needs to be respectfully admired and handled especially now as a more mature and classy lady. Just like you wouldn't pick her up by pulling into the driveway with metallica playing and laying on the horn you dont need to be trying to fish hook her in order to stick your magnifying glass up her ass. You gotta have your act together to be with a woman like that and these days the only reason these dudes are allowed to get that pussy in the movies is cuz the girls let them to take their money. so why do these dudes act like they are the man, spitting on the girls, beating them up, busting in their eyes, gagging them and making them puke. I know who is in control but it still upsets me, its not hot to watch a hairy dude with a beer gut farting and burping stick his bark covered pecker everywhere except where it should be, so, I am very happy that sylvia is the lady she is and now does such beautiful work, it suits her. Sylvia i don't have to watch you to be a fan and admirer, i'll always see you as the classiest of acts in the business and a truly beautiful lady and will continue to check in on you to see what you have been doing.
Este es el trecer fichero y q contiene una de mis galerias favoritas de Saint, el set 392 Set 380 (44 Imagenes) - Set 390 (24 Imagenes) - Set 392 (69 Imagenes)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quizas de toda la coleccion de Suze que tengo estas son las que mas difieren en cuanto a cantidad de imagenes con la del catalogo, aunque las que estoy postenado son las que salieron en Suze.
Set 371 (16 imagenes) - Set 372 (15 imagenes) - Set 373 (11 imagenes)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tres galerias mas, en este caso el set 395 lo puse en dos partes ya que para mi deberian estar separados en dos set's, las diferencias entre ambos son muy notorias.
Set 395 Parte 1 (7 imagenes) - Set 395 Parte 2 (5 imagenes) - Set 396 (26 imagenes)
Gracias Silviafoxx, Bremac y Venizelos por pasar a comentar. Dejo otro fichero con mas galerias.
En este caso el set 394 (chocolates) solo tengo hasta la foto 20 (segun el catalogo) las demas no las incluia, son imagenes q vengo buscando de hace tiempo si alguien las tiene son bienvenidas...
Set 394 (20 imagenes) - Set 397 (11 imagenes) - Set 398 (26 imagenes)
Link: Pass: lamoledora ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Este es otro fichero que contiene las galerias mas nuevas que Silvia hizo para Suze, en donde practicamente los tres sets son muy similares entre si, inclusive pude ver en algunos lados en donde los set 402 y 403 solian venir en un mismo rar...
Set 400 (61 imagenes) - Set402 (27 imagenes) - Set 403 (32 imagenes)
Thanks a lot Lamoledora28, as many of you already know, I am mostly an avid movies collector of our angel Silvia. At one time many years ago I had a big collection of her pic sets and I lost them all. I was so disappointed and frustrated for many years I never tried to replace any of her materials. Only in the last few years have I gotten back to collecting her again. Mostly though I have centered on her movies, only have collected a few of her pic sets only a small amount compared to what I once had of her picture sets.....foxxy!
Thanks a lot Lamoledora28, as many of you already know, I am mostly an avid movies collector of our angel Silvia. At one time many years ago I had a big collection of her pic sets and I lost them all. I was so disappointed and frustrated for many years I never tried to replace any of her materials. Only in the last few years have I gotten back to collecting her again. Mostly though I have centered on her movies, only have collected a few of her pic sets only a small amount compared to what I once had of her picture sets.....foxxy!
No es tarde para volver a empezar a juntar sus set's nuevamente, como ya he dicho antes prefiero coleccionar sus fotos antes que sus videos o peliculas (aunq tambien colecciono sus peliculas, pero me centro mas en sus sets fotograficos), en este foro creo que somos pocos quienes preferimos esto. Asi que ya sabes, si necesitas algun que otro set no dudes en consultarme que, aunq todavia me faltan completar parte de sus galerias puedo ayudarte en algo...SALUDOS!!!
Gracias Silviafoxx, Bremac y Venizelos por pasar a comentar. Dejo otro fichero con mas galerias.
En este caso el set 394 (chocolates) solo tengo hasta la foto 20 (segun el catalogo) las demas no las incluia, son imagenes q vengo buscando de hace tiempo si alguien las tiene son bienvenidas...
Set 394 (20 imagenes) - Set 397 (11 imagenes) - Set 398 (26 imagenes)
Link: Pass: lamoledora ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Este es otro fichero que contiene las galerias mas nuevas que Silvia hizo para Suze, en donde practicamente los tres sets son muy similares entre si, inclusive pude ver en algunos lados en donde los set 402 y 403 solian venir en un mismo rar...
Set 400 (61 imagenes) - Set402 (27 imagenes) - Set 403 (32 imagenes)
Paso a dejar otra galeria mas, en este caso no la subi yo, preferi dejar este link porq es mucho mas seguro q no se caiga y pueda estar en la web mucho mas tiempo debido q no tengo cuenta en ningun servidor. En este caso les dejo dos versiones de este set: