SSMovies, you are right, I do not understand you. The word "forum" means a public marketplace, so it is a place for exchange of messages. It is not a stage where one person has the right to act as it pleases to him or her, and the others have to keep out of it. Discussions about postings have always happened in the years since you joined the forum, so you could not be surprised about it. The discussions belong to this thread and not to a different one. Here is not Wikipedia, where you would have a separate discussion page to each article.
Nevertheless I would have respected your wish if I had the impression that you accept the wishes of others. But your reaction on Silviafoxx's posting ("idiocy") indicates the opposite.
Does your latest statement in Portuguese really mean that you save the planet if you pay your phone and internet bills by uploading copyrighted stolen content? (American and European content, by the way) Not that I would mind your illegal uploads, but you should not pretend to become Mother Theresa or a saint by doing so. The only Saint here is Silvia.
Sleep a night about it and come to your senses. Maybe you will restore your links then. I think nobody here wanted a quarrel or the deletion of your good uploads, but you should accept that no single person (apart from moderators) is entitled to change the rules here against the majority of the active posters.
que pena que o SSMOVIES se irritou, e usou esses "termos" e percebí que ele digita muito bem o português...
Camarada SSMOVIES...
Os amigos VENIZELOS e SILVIAFOXX são grandes amigos de todo mundo e ajudam os colegas sem ganhar nada, apenas por gostar da Silvia! È normal fazer comentários em posts de postagem de links...
Lamento esse tópico tão bom como estava estar desse jeito...
O forum é tão bom, tão legal, que eu de jeito nenhum vejo necessidade de Moderação estar corrigindo alguém...
em 4 ou 5 anos aqui, é a primeira vez que vejo algo assim!
Sinceramente, também não compreendi a atitude do meu conterâneo SSMOVIES.
Meu camarada, acho que você levou a discussão para um lado que não tem nada a ver. Sua indignação com os estados unidenses e eurpeus não justifica retalhar um membro por causa de um comentário no seu post.
Estamos sujeitos a bons e maus comentários aqui, cabe a nós estar fazendo sempre por onde receber mais bons comentários que maus.
É uma pena meu amigo, você realmente possui uma boa coleção de vídeos da nossa deusa loira. Iria ajudar muito os membros iniciantes e até mesmo os mais antigos que perderam seus vídeos.
Espero que isso se resolva da melhor maneira possível, atitudes drásticas demais não ajudam em nada, creio que uma boa conversa, levará tudo a um entendimento, a um denominador comum!
I honestlydid not understandthe attitude ofmy nobleSSMOVIES.
My dear, I thinkyoubroughtthe discussiontoaside thathas nothingto do.Hisoutrage atEuropean and united statesdoes not justifyashreddingmemberbecause ofacommentin your post.
We are subject togood and badcommentshere,it's up tous to bealways doinggoodwhere toget morecommentsthan bad.
my friendand a pen,you reallyhaveagood collection ofvideosof ourblond goddess.Memberswould help a lotbeginnersand eventhe older ones thatlost theirvideos.
I hopeit settlesin the best waypossible,nottoodrastichelp at all, I thinkagood conversation,allledtoanunderstanding,acommon denominator!
As for being called an "Idiot", I can only say that I've been called worse, and whether I deserved it is up to you of course! I did what I felt was best for the forum as well as the members here. I will move on and put this to rest behind me (I harbor no animosity toward anyone here--life is too short for that and I will soon be 67 years old) - I have more work to finish here and I hope that is in agreement with all of you.....Silviafoxx