Okay, first of all this scene is also included as scene no. 3 in "Silvia does it Again".
Originally, I had listed this as scene no.21 in my B/G list, mainly led by iafd's catalog of Silvia's movies to believe that this is actually the original movie it came from. (Silvia does it again is highlighted as a compilation movie in the same list).
However, according to bgafd.com, butt babes is also a compilation movie of "Kay Tees Choice Volumes 1 -3". I honestly don't know anything about those movies...
Moreover, i haven't figured out where the scenes from "Silvia Does It Again" come from. It was suggested in a forum discussion that the first scene, with Rosenberg, comes from "Lee Nover 2: search for the perfect breasts". I stumbled upon the same info elsewhere on the web, but this too doesn't seem accurate, since Silvia is not listed in that movie:
So, since i have no idea where the scenes in " Silvia does it Again" originally come from, IF indeed "Silvia does it Again" is a compilation film, i have included the 3 hardcore scenes as parts of that movie in my list, under letter "S" of course. You can check the scene featured in "Butt Babes" and all others uploaded by foxxy here (scroll to bottom of page):
Looking on screenshots of "Lee Nover 2 - The Search For The Perfect Breast" like http://www.pornstarxs.com/info/820/Lee_Nover_2___The_Search_For_The_Perfect_Breast or http://thc.adultbouncer.com/only-movies-adult/lee-nover-2.htm or http://www.tlavideo.com/raw-lee-nover-2-the-search-for-the-perfect-breast/p-126665-24 I would think that this "Search For The Perfect Breast" appearance is only a myth. But nevertheless the film is mentioned in many biographies of Silvia.
If the scene is from one of "K.T.s choice 1-3", then it would have to be from part 3, because the descriptions of parts 1 and 2 do not mention Silvia, cf. http://bgafd.co.uk/actresses/details.php/id/k00001
Read also http://bgafd.co.uk/forum/read.php?f=2&i=144735&t=144735 and http://bgafd.co.uk/films/details.php/id/k0084 and . It seems other compilations with the scene are "K.T.'s Sex Stars" and "Carrie Potter and the Philosopher's Bone". Or "K.T.'s Sex Stars" is older than "K.T.'s Choice 3".
IAFD is not accurate for "Silvia Does It Again", or where can we find an active guy different from Frank Thring aka Lee Nover or Novak in the second scene? And what about the fourth (solo) scene at the beach? Doesn't it belong to "Silvia Does It Again" as well? At least it is on the DVD cover and I downloaded the scene from adultbouncer under this title. Of course it does not fit to the other three scenes in Prague.
The first three scenes are all with Frank Thring, they are all in Prague, all in the same style with a walk through the city. So at least they should belong to the same set of recording sessions, and I would be a bit surprised if they appeared in different films originally. But IF they belonged to different films originally then I would guess that for scene 3 either "K.T.'s Sex Stars" or "K.T.'s Choice 3" should be the original.
Thanks to you both for your great contributions!
Greetings Bernd
Tazman wrote:
Butt Babes
Okay, first of all this scene is also included as scene no. 3 in "Silvia does it Again".
Originally, I had listed this as scene no.21 in my B/G list, mainly led by iafd's catalog of Silvia's movies to believe that this is actually the original movie it came from. (Silvia does it again is highlighted as a compilation movie in the same list).
However, according to bgafd.com, butt babes is also a compilation movie of "Kay Tees Choice Volumes 1 -3". I honestly don't know anything about those movies...
Moreover, i haven't figured out where the scenes from "Silvia Does It Again" come from. It was suggested in a forum discussion that the first scene, with Rosenberg, comes from "Lee Nover 2: search for the perfect breasts". I stumbled upon the same info elsewhere on the web, but this too doesn't seem accurate, since Silvia is not listed in that movie:
So, since i have no idea where the scenes in " Silvia does it Again" originally come from, IF indeed "Silvia does it Again" is a compilation film, i have included the 3 hardcore scenes as parts of that movie in my list, under letter "S" of course. You can check the scene featured in "Butt Babes" and all others uploaded by foxxy here (scroll to bottom of page):
Notes: Nothing new here, this scene has been posted time and again and rightly so, since it's one of Silvia's hottest. I just took the time to post a rip of mine in a bit higher resolution... In case you're wondering why Bose Madchen 3 was not included in Letter "B" posts, i have that movie as "European ****inent" in my collection and i'll post it under that title. Enjoy!
-- Edited by Tazman on Friday 30th of December 2011 01:58:05 PM
Notes: As much as i know, this movie only exists in VHS. Even now there are some guys selling vhs tapes of CC5 (I hope they also include the VCR to go with it ;)). Anyway, if somebody comes across an official dvd release of CC5 please PM me. Thanks!
-- Edited by Tazman on Tuesday 8th of November 2011 09:25:26 PM
-- Edited by Tazman on Friday 30th of December 2011 02:03:10 PM
http://www.bgafd.co.uk/films/details.php/id/r00294 says that "Rude Britannia 2" is a compilation. Another name for this compilation is "Filthy English ****ers 2".
Tazman wrote:
On a more recent note, the same scene appears in the movie "Rude Britannia 2" .
However , I'm still unable to determine whether this is the original movie it came from or another compilation (most possibly the latter).
Thanks guys for the input , keep posting if you find anything!
Indeed Foxxy! There's a compilation series called private penthouse greatest moments, vol.1, 2 and 3. This is actually a 'best of' by private which was released in collaboration with penthouse for USA promotion mostly i think... Anyway there's lots of Adamo's work in there and a lot with Silvia, anyone who hasn't seen those films should definitely check them out.
Bernd30, it is as i suspected about Rude Britannia 2. However, Dungao has brought some stuff to my attention about "the search for the perfect breast 2", which might prove the biographies were not that wrong after all (???). I asked him to post it here as well, we'll see it sooner or later. Anyway, thanks for the info, keep up the good work!
@Tazman and dungao: Thank you both. This would mean that there are two different covers and possibly two different versions of this film. Either the version with Silvia would be a compilation where they added her scene afterwards (then from a different original film). Or they would have cut out Silvia's scene from the original film (hard to believe, but possible). Or they published two different versions in parallel (For the American and European market? Not too likely either.)
Until now none of the VOD sites I checked had a Silvia scene in TSFTPB2. (But I did not check all of them.)
He he glad to see i spiked your curiosity for investigation my friends... Here's my comments about this film... 1. Bernd30 if you look closely it's not one but TWO scenes with silvia in this version of the film, the first two also featured in "Silvia does it Again". 2. I totally agree it's highly unlikely silvia was included there in the beginning then cut out from the next version. That is INSANE, i think we all agree on that. This however does not necessarily make this second version posted by dungao a compilation (although that is the most probable scenario). Here is why: Every gonzo porn film is more or less a compilation. There is no story, so usually scenes are not shot for a specific film. For example, it's just good old filthy Frank Thring touring Czech Republic, finding hot girls, shooting porn with them and afterwards, when he goes back to his porn mansion or whatever in England sorts out the material he's collected, picks the girls with the nicest tits and ... voila, you have "the search for the perfect breast". So, there's a chance that Silvia's scenes were shot after the first release, then included, for the first time, in a later version... Anyway the reason i first started this inquiry is because, if "the search for the perfect breast " is indeed a compilation, that would mean there is another Silvia movie, unknown to us and possibly Silvia's first (???) Keep up the good work, thanks guys...
Thank you, dungao, for the three links http://www.kporn.com/30055_LeeNover02SearchForthePerfectBreast.html http://www.porndealer.com/PD30055/LeeNover02SearchForthePerfectBreast.html http://www.doggonevideo.com/movie-detail.asp?movieid=869
Could it be http://cavr.com/review/v97r0459.htm ? Same actresses as indicated on the sites dungao sent me. Same length (225 minutes) as indicated on the cover. 6 scenes instead of 5 as indicated on the back cover, but counting scenes is not so easy and the back cover does not have to contain the complete scene list (Probably the outdoor scene 2 is missing). First and last scene with Silvia as indicated on the back cover.
If yes, this would proof the existence before the review date May 3, 1997. And Den noted the production date 11/11/96. (We forgot celebrating 15th birthday last week.) Sadly you cannot ask Den for more information, because he passed away this June. http://business.avn.com/articles/video/CAVR-Founder-Den-Passes-Away-at-67-438926.html