Thanks acyole for your "vote of confidence' and all your excellent comments (most of them I am undeserving I'm sure)....ha ha! But one thing is for sure--comments such as yours are what drives me on to do more.....thanks again and I really appreciate your comments.....foxxy! Really.....for PRESIDENT.....ha ha ha!
Foxxy ! Stvarno si odlian ,svaka ast. Ja te ne mogu predloziti za predsjednika Amerike, jer ne mozes biti i moj predsjednik. Ali ima jedna mala pjesmica kod nas u Hrvatskoj, koju mi znamo pjevati naim sportskim prvacima,a Ja je ovaj puta pjevam Tebi u ast. Malo je modificirana (stih sa forumom),ali smisao je isti. Jo jednom Ti hvala za sve sto radi za sve nas . Pozdrav Miro-Zg
Foxxy je najbolji ! Foxxy je slavan ! Nitko na ovom forumu, Njemu nije ravan .
Foxxy! You're really good, congratulations. And I can not nominate for president of America because you can not be my president. But there is one little song here in Croatia, which we know to sing our sports champions, and I was this time in honor of thee I sing. There is little modified (line with forum), but the meaning is the same. Once again thanks for everything you do for us all. Hello Miro-Zg
Foxxy is the best! Foxxy is famous! No one on this forum He is not straight.