What a surprise! Our former Prime Minister died yesterday and I had the television on when a programme called "Laid Bare" just started 11 minutes ago on "Pick TV" (Channel 11 Freeview).
Lo and behold, our own Silvia was on and very close-up talking to the camera.
The film was from the set of "Wicked Pictures" movie "Inside Porn" (Director Jonathan Morgan). Randy Spears was there although it appears that another actor had to be brought in! It was being shot in a small room with lots of photos on the wall.
The film was not dated and the programme is being presented without suggesting that it was old footage.
I wonder when "Inside Porn" was actually shot?
It must be prior to Silvia's retirement in 2001, since there is male/female regular action, so it must be about 12 years old. Is that right?
Silvia was saying that she hadn't worked with Randy Spears before. The Director asks Silvia if she is married. Silvia says no, then the Director asks about her boyriend Hakan. Silvia said they lived together for two years but she doesn't see him anymore. Silvia says she feels more comfortable if she knows her co-performer.
The film segment lasted about 10 minutes. Various other performers are on talking, etc.
The programme just ended at 1.27am and I noticed the end credit was "Art Attack" and dated 2000. There's the clue, I guess.