Rehi adamtomcalova, and thank you for your recent contributions. Nice to see you back home.
This seems to be one of few cases where the corona virus restored someone, who was considered dead, back to life. Usually it's the opposite direction. So we should praise the Lord (and above all the Saint) for this Lazarus like event.
Greetings Bernd
PS: For some reason Adam's last message above had been blocked erroneously as spam by the system. If this should happen to someone else then he should mention it here in the forum, I can release the message then.
I though it was Spike who unblocked one of my message some years ago, but it was you, of course, the last administrator in chief of this forum.
I'm happy to come back after these 2-3 years of silence. I was not dead for sure, but in a common path of live where you need to begin new activities and find new horizons.
I continue this way but I'll try to come here sometimes, to share some good memories.
Yes, it was me some years ago. But like then also today I wonder why you are not able to unblock these alleged spam messages yourself, because AFAIK you are like me a moderator of this forum so you should have the same additional options when clicking the "More" button in the upper right corner of every message.
I tried everything but I didn't find a way to restore this blocked message because it didn't appear anywhere in the content's list of the topic. In my opinion, the poster is unable to unblock his own messages.
And I'm only moderator, you are administrator, as your name appears in bold when you're connected.
-- Edited by adamtomcalova on Thursday 2nd of April 2020 08:39:51 PM
Glad to hear I wasn't losing my memory and it was Bernd rather than me who fixed your problem last time. I'm neither a moderator nor an administrator, so I thought it was unlikely I would have been of much help.
As I mentioned, I also had a post blocked as "potential spam" but had no idea who to contact to release it. Bernd now says we should contact him, but I can't find anything in Bernd's profile or the user list to indicate he is our "go-to-guy" for all things technical on the forum. Is there any way we can find out who is an administrator or moderator if Bernd is unavailable?
Good question, as far as I know you could not find this out until now, even not for me. If anyone knows a method to do it then he should post it here.
For the moment I changed my "User Title" from "Senior Member" to "Moderator", so in my case you can see it now under my avatar picture.
But please do not contact me every second day for technical questions of little importance, only if necessary. The forum worked well for several years without frequent actions from my side.
Oh, I found it out. If you go into the source of the user list (or probably any other forum page) then you find near the end a line
abmModeratorIDs = [6422,6940,9813,924119,8997];
These are the user IDs of the moderators, but none of them belongs to adamtomcalova, so it's not a miracle that he has restricted rights. The moderators are (or were) apart from me Victorandss, juhani_1, Juha_ni_1 and camanos.
Thanks for looking into that, Bernd. I promise not to hassle you.
However, given that you and victorandss are the only two moderators who appear to be active on the forum, it might help to add new moderators from trusted active members. Is that even possible?
What I mean is that is not the same pics that I see in "diosasuprema" gallery 415 than the ones that appears on the zip of th pubication some messages before on this Topic
"here is a link for upgraded pics (set 415) from privateClassics. I have no time to post a preview