Next up is a set from Fox magazine, December 1999:
There is a nice photo on the contents page that I believe is new. It is VERY close to being a mirror of set046_109 (again my scan is the correct orientation) but the finger positions of Silvia's left hand are slightly different.
I had a bit of fun with this blanking out the background clutter first in white (easy) and then in black to make it more in keeping with the rest of the set (hard). Here are my results, along with the original page:
Now for the main set:
The main set doesn't include any new images for the catalogue, but hopefully significant improvements to these:
We already had scans from this magazine, exactly same pictures but not with same quality. As you said, no new pics except your work from summary page. It's funny because the content page is usually a vignet of one of presented pictures.
For information, set 046 needs another update : 40 pics from Viv.Thomas are now 2000px.
Quite a few man hours have also gone into stitching together double-page spreads. Not to mention de-cluttering the contents page in the last set.
It's not a chore though, particularly if the end result is somewhere near half decent.
Algunas horas de trabajo también se han dedicado a unir páginas dobles. Sin mencionar el desorden de la página de contenido en el último conjunto.
Sin embargo, no es un trabajo tedioso, especialmente si el resultado final es casi medio decente.
Thank you for your hard work.
But I think I can imagine your feelings a bit. We (or rather you than me) are like contemporary witnesses or history writers. If we don't give the full information about the (more or less ) hidden treasuries to the world then they will be lost for many or all later generations. Silvia is our Tutankhamun.
It looks like you are quite right. Trust you to spot these differences! This applies to ALL my scans that don't have a corresponding catalogue item in the range 077-085 (i.e. the original Fox magazine scans).
There's one exception though. I misidentified set046_008 as a match for 001, whereas it should have been set046_081. Having said that, 001 is not identical to that catalogue photo either, but only because removed the ugly Fox logo that you can see on the corresponding full-page scan.
I have managed to find some new images, despite not realising it! Thanks, Venizelos!
Parece que tienes toda la razón. ¡Confía en ti para detectar estas diferencias! Esto se aplica a TODOS mis escaneos que no tienen un elemento de catálogo correspondiente en el rango 077-085 (es decir, los escaneos originales de la revista Fox).
Sin embargo, hay una excepción. Identifiqué mal set046_008 como una coincidencia para 001, mientras que debería haber sido set046_081. Dicho esto, 001 tampoco es idéntico a esa foto del catálogo, sino solo porque eliminó el feo logotipo de Fox que puede ver en el escaneo de página completa correspondiente.
¡He logrado encontrar algunas imágenes nuevas, a pesar de no darme cuenta! Gracias, Venizelos!
These are scans from the same Fox mag we already used (in poor quality) in the catalog. How can you find differences ?
Sinceramente, con mucha observación y tiempo, jajajjaj.
Siempre suelo fijarme en las manos que posiblemente a la hora de una sesion con muchas imagenes seguidas, es lo que mas cambia. Luego la cabeza y los labios.
Honestly, with a lot of observation and time, hahaha.
I always look at the hands that possibly at the time of a session with many images in a row, is what changes the most. Then the head and lips.
Next is an update to existing scans from Leg Sex magazine, June 1999.
No new catalogue images here (unless Venizelos can spot some differences again), but I have had a bit of a play around with the cropped parts of several of the smaller pictures that have chunks taken out of them by overlapping photos. Normally we either leave the original content or mask off the inset region in a plain colour (black or white), but I thought it might be fun to "enhance" them by recreating the missing portions.
The first was image 005, which was easy enough to blend in a new section of floor by hand.
The second image, 010, was a bit trickier, but not too difficult. Fortunately, there is an identical image in the catalogue (set043_040) albeit in much lower resolution. I was able to scale this up and patch it into the scan with a bit of work on the textures to make it look more realistic.
I'm pleased with the final two images, 012 and 015. These were much more difficult as there is no identical photo (except the previous low-quality scans with the same parts missing). However there are similar photos from very close to the same perspective as the scans. I was able to scale the photos and blend them into the scans, adjusting slightly for the small change in perspective, textures and colour balance.
Of course, some would say that these "doctored" images are not authentic and have been ruined, but IMHO a photo with a big black chunk taken out of it isn't the same as the original either and is even more ruined. All I can say is I know which ones I prefer!
Try downloading them and switching between them one on top of the other to get a good idea of the differences. I hope you see an improvement and they are not too obviously montages. Feedback would be useful to gauge if it's worth the effort, or if I'm just wasting my time.
Now for the full set of scans, including my "doctored" images (updated to include the final version of 012):
And finally the full-page scans:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
-- Edited by spike on Saturday 6th of June 2020 04:02:05 PM
Sin duda me parece una decisión más que acertada eliminar siempre que se pueda todas las viñetas. En esta ocasión disponemos de imágenes de muy buena calidad donde coger una referencia.
Has hecho un excelente trabajo.
Otro nuevo set que merece una reorganización numérica.
Gracias spike.
Without a doubt, it seems to me a more than right decision to eliminate all the bullets whenever possible. On this occasion we have very good quality images where to take a reference.
You have done an excellent job.
Another new set that deserves a numerical reorganization.
1 a 73 ??? 74 a 113 vivthomas 114 a 128 ??? 129 a 134 scans Men only 639 1998 135 a 139 scans Schlüsselloch Topgirls (1999) No 20 140 a 159 scans Fox magazine december-1999
imagen 8 duplicada de la 94
imagen 3 scan duplicada de 93
Nº imagenes: 158 (actualizado) (renumerado) sustituidas imagenes nº60,66,77 a 81,83 a 86,88,89 (mayor resolució) eliminadas imagenes 8,82 duplicadas añadidas 7 nuevas imagenes nº 143,146,148,154,156,158,159 agradecimientos: spike scans Fox magazine December 1999
Aqui el set completo para la actualización. Asi podemos entre todos comprobar si hay algun duplicado mas, o alguien consigue la version nueva de vivthomas con mayor resolución.
Thank you very much, spike. Of course your result is the best and I always prefer full rectangular pictures. It's really phantastic, even now that I know where to look I cannot recognize that the right picture is doctored.
If in the future this photoshopping should become too much work for you then I would not mind text fragments, at least I prefer them to pictures where these blocks are artificially blanked or blacked.
Greetings Bernd
-- Edited by spike on Monday 1st of June 2020 04:20:38 PM