It is sad to think that because it does not have "Silvia, Silvia Granz, Sylvia, Sylvia Saint, Sylvie, Szilvia or Silvia Saint" on the cover these got thrown away with the arrival of CD's, but, this does make it possible some other clips may exist under Natalie Elise, Mareike Elvira or Sperminator Nora!
I wonder which name is Silvia credited as?
Well done Bulbaz, thanks.
Credit & thanks to all originators & uploaders, nun of the above is mine.
I apologize without reserve if bumping this old thread offends or contravenes normal usage but I wondered if the wizards and magicians had got any closer to the full clip?
Thanks for looking
Credit & thanks to all originators & uploaders, nun of the above is mine.
Hi Lew, I wish I had found something , every now and then I do research but I only find videos from the same series but Silvia doesn't we continue Greetings
-- Edited by sazas1 on Wednesday 5th of June 2024 08:26:42 AM
I write in English using Google Please excuse any errors