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From China With Love

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[ 我最喜爱的浪漫电影 ] 16 7月, 2006 01:05


Forever Fiary, Forever Lea De Mae, Forever Love.

谨以本文献给优秀的传奇浪漫影视巨星Lea De Mae

一直想写一些我所喜爱的Private女演员,在满园春色中流连许久,却不知道从谁开始。直到有一天蓦然发现,其实红颜薄命的Lea De Mae才是我的第一最爱。这个高贵、典雅、长相出众、气质非凡的金发女子,以她最真实的一面和坎坷短暂的人生之路,征服了观众,也征服了我。上面这张照片,我从不相信有人能够过目即忘,我想用最华丽但又平实的语言描绘我对她的感受,但这很难。

在与一种极为罕见的脑癌(Glioblastoma,简称GBM)勇敢而痛苦地搏斗了将近半年之后,Lea De Mae于2004年12月9日在捷克首都布拉格香销玉殒。这种脑癌是人类的一大梦魇,在过去的25年里,尽管医疗科技有了长足的进步,但是在治疗这种疾病方面毫无成果,甚至连取得进展的迹象都没有。当疾病夺走Lea De Mae的生命时,她离自己28岁的生日只差几个星期。正处于事业巅峰的她,本想用自己的肢体语言给人们带来更多欢乐和希望,却在黄金年华撒手人寰。

Lea De Mae,本名叫做Andrea Absolonova,曾经是一位优秀的运动员、一位传奇的浪漫影视明星,更是一位令人敬重的优秀女士。我喜欢把她的中文名翻作"李德梅",这让人联想起《大航海时代》中的李华梅,一个优雅、坚强、有个性的女孩子。

我为大家收集了Lea De Mae大量的珍贵照片,希望能帮助大家回忆她演艺生涯中的点点滴滴:


天资聪颖 秉性灵秀

1976年12月26日,Lea De Mae出生于前捷克斯洛伐克(图中左边女孩为Lea,右边是妹妹Lucie)。她一出生就是个很可爱的小女孩,很少哭鼻子,喜欢微笑。她童年最喜欢的事情就是一个人呆在小牛舍里,每次家人发现她不见了,总可以在那里找到她。她从小就很有天分,总是显得充满活力。于是,父母决定让她参加体育学前班。在那里,聪明的Lea De Mae很快学会了花样滑冰和芭蕾舞。学前班结束后,她进入正式的体育学校深造。她每天坚持花样滑冰练习,同时对游泳、体操、球类等其他体育项目产生了浓厚兴趣。

6岁起,Lea De Mae开始接受跳水训练,只经过一年的练习,她已经非常出色了。在接下来的一年里,Lea De Mae在捷克国内屡屡获得少年冠军。勇敢的她很快就学会了最新的高难度动作,并于12岁时被选入捷克国家青年跳水队。跳水成了她生活中最重要也是最主要的部分,为此她每天不得不长途奔波100公里,往返于训练基地和家之间(图为Lea在家中练习入水动作)。

从16岁开始,Lea De Mae在欧洲各国的赛场上频繁亮相,每次都收获颇丰。为了跳水事业,她放弃了上学的机会,但是她利用业余时间努力补习功课,她的冰雪聪明令那些枯燥的课程对她来说一点都不是问题。

值得一提的是,聪明的Lea De Mae竟然精通五国语言,即便是语言系的研究生,也很难做到这一点。


个性坚强 永不言败

由于比赛成绩优异,Lea De Mae从捷克青年跳水队直接升入国家跳水队,并成为绝对主力,主要的参赛项目是女子10M高台。但是在96年夏天,意外发生了。Lea De Mae在备战当年的奥运会比赛时,脊椎骨不慎受伤,被迫退出。我不禁想象,如果她当年没有发生这种意外,我们就少了一位人人喜爱的演员,而亚特兰大奥运会上,中国跳水队就多了一位有力的竞争者,真是造化弄人。


96年的事故的确让Lea De Mae受伤不轻,但她是个顽强的、永不言败的姑娘。在伤势复原的过程中,她坚持艰苦训练,甚至还进入了2000年悉尼奥运会的国家队大名单!但残酷的是,她的伤没能按期完全康复,于是国家队在悉尼奥运会到来前夕,强迫她结束了跳水生涯。但是Lea De Mae并没有就此放弃,尽管她无法再从事高台跳水,对此事业恋恋不舍的她甚至选择参加和高台跳水有异曲同工之妙的高空跳伞。但是半年之后,她发现健康问题始终困扰着她。很显然,任何与"跳"有关的工作都已不再适合她。


挑战自我 书写传奇

2000年,就在她本该代表捷克队出战悉尼奥运会的时刻,Lea De Mae来到美国度假。她选择了一种和体育项目一样需要运动的度假方式--拍摄浪漫影视作品。就在Lea De Mae决定出演浪漫电影不久,各大片商立刻群起争夺她,最后终由五大片商之一的Private成功将她收归旗下。得到Private大力提携,Lea De Mae迅速在美国浪漫影视界窜红。她的取胜之道不仅在于美貌和惹火身材,还有狂野的肢体表现,不少业内导演都公开赞赏她,就连圈中出名的猛男Peter North也大赞她是不可多得的好对手,他说:"她(Lea De Mae)是我遇过的捷克对手中最好的一个,她的忘我表现,令我血脉沸腾,表演起来也特别起劲。"Lea De Mae是几年来加入美国浪漫影视界最好、最成功、最迷人的欧洲超级新星之一,以自己的实力迅速在观众中引起轰动,在2000年曾一度传为佳话。

Lea De Mae最初在荧屏上亮相是在Private美国公司的一部电视剧中,她当时穿着一双网眼长袜,和一对欧洲猛男大演前后DP的好戏,整个表演充满热情,浑然天成,完全不像刚出道的新人。这部电视剧为Private带来了可观的收入,也令Lea De Mae自己获得了成功,她很快获得了担任电影主要角色的地位。在阳光明媚的南加利福尼亚,Lea De Mae在各个影片拍摄地点都留下了热情的足印。在电影《North Pole 16》中,Lea De Mae首次担任主演。在电影《Naughty Little Nymphos 4》中,她则首次尝试双Rear DP的高难动作。

结束在美国的度假后,Lea De Mae飞回了祖国捷克,专注发展欧洲市场,务求成为一位国际化明星。回到欧洲的她,已有20多部电影排队等她接拍,她成了欧洲大陆知名的美人。


六年之恋 欢乐有约

Lea De Mae为我们奉献了六年的精彩节目,特别是她逝世后的这两年,Private一直没有停止发行包括她的各类影片在内的各种合辑。这位远在天堂的美人,依然用我们所熟悉的方式走进千家万户,慰藉我们,温暖我们,仿佛她从不曾离去,她还在我们我们身边,为我们带来愉悦,带来欢乐。

Lea De Mae是个辛勤工作,十分忘我的人。据不完全统计,在她从影的四年里,一共参与拍摄了多达116部正式影片和两部传记影片,其中独立影片超过80部(IMDB链接:。Lea De Mae的名字往往是高品质的代表,是高销售量的保证。她的经典作品有《Loaded》(《浴血出击》,Digital Playground)、《Pirate Video Delux #11-The Academy》(《欢乐学院》,Private, 联合主演还包括Silvia Saint, Lexington Steele, Sandra Russo, Daniella Rush & Monica Sweetheart)、《Private Penthouse - DANGEROUS THINGS (& sequel)》(《危险时刻》及续集,Private,联合主演还包括Silvia Saint)、《WHEN BIG JUST AIN'T ENOUGH》(《大大传奇》,独立影片)、《APPRENTASS》(《租借美人》,独立影片)、《Red Light District》(《红灯区》,独立影片)。2004年,Lea De Mae接近自己事业的巅峰:她被AVN提名为最佳外语片女主角。




 (continued below)



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红颜薄命 天人共怜

她的逝世为喜爱她的观众带来无尽感慨与遗憾,也令她最好的几位朋友--著名演员Silvia SaintMonica SweetHeart(右图左)、Denialla Rush(下图左)、Jane Darling(右图右)忧伤不已。尽管她们联合著名摄影师Chris Danneffel为Lea De Mae建立了一个医疗基金,但这无法阻止死神的临近。在Lea De Mae治疗的早期,布拉格的6位庸医先后对她的病作出了错误诊断,并采取了错误的治疗方法,极大地影响了她的病情。到了晚期,她的四肢几乎已经麻痹,再加上数年前脊椎骨的旧伤再次复发,在没有别人帮助的情况下几乎不能独自去洗手间。但最不幸的是,在Lea De Mae最痛苦、最需要帮助的日子里,Private公司竟然以"She's just a (one) girl - there are stars enough.(她只不过是某个女孩而已,我们的演员已经够多了)"为理由拒绝提供任何帮助,言下之意是他们从来不认识Lea De Mae,她的生死与他们无关,真是令人寒心。据统计,Lea De Mae为Private拍摄的影片创下了巨大的发行量,Private各类DVD拷贝、录像带和杂志每周在35个主要国家平均售出7万份,总价值超过3000万美元。Lea De Mae的手术费只需要区区15万美元,但是Private的老板Berth Milton就像周扒皮一样一毛不拔(从Lea De Mae的事件可以看出,Private甚至没有给签约演员购买医疗保险,这在美国是违法的!但在西班牙就不得而知了。),反而是Lea De Mae的老东家,美国的Dream公司和Private的竞争对手Hustler伸出了援助之手,并一度想帮助Lea De Mae从医疗条件极为落后的捷克转到德国治疗,不禁令人肃然起敬。

Lea De Mae在得知朋友为她建立了医疗基金之后,坚决地表示,只要她的病情稍加康复,她将把余下的钱全部捐献给和她同病相怜的人,这再次印证了Lea De Mae善良而仁慈的品德和坚强的个性!

说到Lea De Mae,就不能不说她的妹妹Lucie,她和Lea De Mae同样是跳水健将,直到今天依然如此。虽然对姐姐所选择的道路并不赞同,但她始终用伟大的爱和无比的宽容默默支持着姐姐,直到姐姐生命的最后一刻。这是一种没有条件的、自我牺牲的爱,能为虚弱的人带来勇气,为失落的人带来温暖。

Lea De Mae是个很平静的人,但是她喜欢派对,喜欢跳舞--尽管她的交谊舞跳得并不好。她个性坚强,所以喜欢喝白酒,特别是伏特加。

Lea De Mae的葬礼和朋友们为她在天之灵特别准备的派对在静谧的伏尔塔瓦河畔的小岛上举行,她的神态很安详,就像个天使,神圣、超凡,不属于这个世界。她选择了火化,尘归尘、土归土。她是来自大自然的精灵,她想回到大自然的怀抱。她的一生就像闪过夜空的流星,短暂而永恒。


天使落凡 冰雪玲珑

Lea De Mae拥有36C-26-36的纯天然傲人身材,让那些靠人工修饰的艳星为之汗颜,不得不甘拜下风。最让人喜欢的要数她那双清澈的碧蓝眼眸,仿佛总是要对你诉说什么。

女人是水做的,无论中国女人还是外国女人,也许都有这个共同点。Lea De Mae几乎一生都在和水打交道,从游泳、跳水,到接拍浪漫影片,接受"特殊之水"的滋润。也许是水让她的皮肤出奇地好,就像丝般光滑细腻。她并不像其他女人一样需要大量霜、膏、油、粉、脂、露、蜜这些东西,在浪漫影视界,她是有史以来屈指可数几位女神级的演员之一,从头到脚,几乎没有一丝一点微瑕。金发碧眼,如玉彻成。尤其是在看原汁原味摄影较佳的DVD时,她的身材和肌肤的光泽真是令你赞叹不已。按她的美貌气质,完全可以成为名模,唯一缺陷是身高不足1米70。

她的声音也是清亮明快的,即使在表达兴奋,声音也不见失真,但是那股激情却直指人心。很难想象发出那样年轻声音的Lea De Mae已经快30了。

在现代社会,也许一个人一生之中很难看到一个真正的纯自然美人,令人欣慰的是,我们看到了。至少在我们自己的时代,我们看到了。谢谢你,Lea De Mae,谢谢你和我们分享你可爱的个性和魅力,你是上天赐给人间的礼物,你抓住了许多人的心,他们来自五洲四洋,来自地球的每一个角落,你将永远活在她们心中。

Loving you ....


精心收藏 记忆永恒

我知道Lea De Mae不过是今年的事,某天我意外地看到了《Dangerous Things》及其续集,Lea De Mae扮演了一个极其高雅的贵妇,我看了,很喜欢,收藏了,没在意。过了不久,又发现《Private Life of Lea De Mae》,很喜欢,下载了,然后开始收集Lea De Mae的许多作品。

我不是特别狂热的发烧友,我不会狂热地去崇拜去热爱一个明星,但是我会细水长流。就如我一直以来喜欢Nikki Anderson、Sandra Russo、Lynn Stone、Silvia Saint和Natasha Pylyp那样,我虽然才知道Lea De Mae,但是我知道我会一直地喜欢她。

我把Lea De Mae的影视片段截下来,做成片段,放在随身的MP4上,烦恼的时候一个人静静地坐在角落里欣赏。每次看Lea De Mae的电影,总有清新的感觉,仿佛近在眼前的表演,仍然是一贯的Lea De Mae。在Lea De Mae恣意的浅吟低唱中,我的情绪止不住地被牵动。Lea De Mae不是那种令人讨厌的"叫鸡婆",她的声音柔和但有力量,她的笑容灿烂而充满清新,Lea De Mae正是如此一个女人。

看多了Lea De Mae的电影,会发现她其实很自我,因为她总是能够超越别的演员成为瞩目的焦点,可是又不得不让人喜欢。她的很多影片都是在平凡的场景中一些细水长流的动作,很缠绵,很真实。简单明朗的表演,和生活如此合拍,每个动作都能融化进心里去。她的每一个肢体语言,都凝聚着她的自信和对人生最美好的感受,也许是这样的真诚和纯粹,才拥有强大的吸引力吧。不知道有多少朋友看过她的电影,如果还没有的话,建议去看一看。


这世上本来没有路,但是走的人多了 ,自然有了路

这世上本来没有天使,但是有了Lea De Mae,自然有了天使

娱乐圈本来一片肮脏,但是有了Lea De Mae,自然有了纯真

Lea De Mae,这个曾经坠落凡间的天使,永远活在每一个喜欢她的人心中


永远的天使,永远的Lea De Mae,永远的爱

Forever Fiary, Forever Lea De Mae, Forever Love


Remember me as a sunny day
That you once had, along the way
Didn't I inspire you a little higher
Remember me as a funny clown
That made you laugh when you were down
Didn't I boy, didn't I boy

Remember me as a big balloon
At a carnival that ended too soon
Remember me as a breath of spring
Remember me as a good thing

Remember me when you drink the wine
Of sweet success and I gave you my best
Remember me with every song you sing
Remember me as a good thing


And if I ever lost you,
How much would I cry.
How deep is the ocean,
How high is the sky?


Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky,
you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through
for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

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5 Comments on "永远的天使·永远的Lea De Mae·永远的爱"

  1. 作者 性美 [ 回复 ]

    永远的Lea De Mae,我们永远的爱,喜欢她美而不淫的艺术作品。支持作者写了这么篇好文章。

  2. 作者 Donatino [ 回复 ]


  3. 作者 Love sandra [ 回复 ]

    很想知道拍电影能赚多少钱?难道Lea De Mae连15W都没有吗?
    真的很希望这些AV女郎幸福~也很关注SANDRA RUSSO的幸福~不知道她过得好不好~她的年纪也不小了,得为自己找条好的后路~

  4. 作者 lynn 怀念她 [ 回复 ]


  5. 作者 [ 回复 ]

    From Vic in London, UK.

    Well done on this fine tribute to the late Lea De Mae (Andrea Absolonova).

    Best wishes from London,
    Vic (ClubSilviaSaint Forum member)


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Monica is next

Donatino (in China) is now composing a tribute for Monica Sweetheart and he refers to this on the Web in the French XXL Forum.

I liked the one he did for Lea De Mae and he has also done one for Niki Andersson too.



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RE: From China With Love

Dear vic, thank you for doing this. Can you do me a favour? I need more information about Monica. I have sent a e-mail for you.

Forever Lea De Mae / Forver Love


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From China With Love - re. Monica

Dear Donati,

I will check through my e-mails tonight as I am about to go out now, but I thought I would just mention that the third from last picture from your big Chinese tribute is not displaying either on this Site or your own one. I think the source picture must have been lost?

I will write more tonight.

It's still very warm here in London, although there was a big storm a couple of days ago with lightning strikes causing damage in the Surrey area.

One thing you can put in your information about Monica is that she is crazy about Robbie Williams!  Monica drove 7 hours from Prague to Budapest, Hungary on the 18th July to catch Robbie's concert the following day, which she greatly enjoyed.

Best wishes from sunny London.

Vic  29/7/06.

PS. Are you coming over here on holiday to visit sometime?



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Photos selection

Dear Donati,

I forgot to mention that some time ago, I placed some very nice photos of Monica Sweetheart on the EuroBabeTalk Forum as well, maybe some different ones as well.

Please check out at:   (using the "Search" facility, you should find a few topics about Monica and you will be able to locate the photos in one of them).

Also, there are many "Show" Pictures (quite a large size of good quality reproduction without the black frames) on the French Site "XXL", which you are already familiar with.  These are in a topic "Lea, Monica, Daniella, Laura..."

Vic. 29-7-2006 
London, UK. 10.27am.




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RE: From China With Love

Yeah, it's a good idea for me to spend some holidays in London or Prague, I should have some rest, give myself some time to relax, because I'm too tired recently.

The site where I posted the picture you mentioned have been hacked just this morning, the administrators are working on it. Should be recovered soon, I think.

We've got big flood here in south part of my province without any signs, floodwaters inundated over 20 villages, it's really a disaster.

Donati, July 29

-- Edited by donatino at 12:28, 2006-07-29

Forever Lea De Mae / Forver Love


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Dear Vic,

I have finished English version of tribute yesterday! Now I'm doing a back-check. I'll send it to you via E-mail tonight.

Donati, July 31

Forever Lea De Mae / Forver Love


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RE: Tribute to Monica for China Blog.

Dear Donati,

I have spent about 3˝ hours going through your text translated from Chinese that I received by e-mail yesterday.  I have made numerous corrections here and there, also updated a few points and e-mailed it off to you about 15 minutes ago. It's very detailed.

It's now after 3am and before I fall alseep at the keyboard, I'm off to get some rest!

Well done on your Triibute. It reads very nicely and should look good when lots of pictures are added hopefully.

Regards, Vic. 1-8-2006  London 3.05am.



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for Monica - From China With Love

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[ 我最喜爱的浪漫电影/My Favourite Porn Movie ] 02 8月, 2006 00:16

Sweet Lady in Everyone's Heart of Hearts - Monica Sweetheart

by Donatino from China

A special thanks to Victor from London for his kind help

Click here for full English PDF version of this tribute (RAR, 291KB)

人如其名的甜心俏佳人Monica Sweetheart
Monica Sweetheart - A sweet lady with a sweet name

About Monica's date of birth and hometown

1981年6月23日,伴随夏日脚步的临近,可爱的姑娘Monica Sweetheart(原名Monika Listopadová)诞生在原捷克斯洛伐克西部著名的交通重镇贝隆(Beroun。背景资料:贝隆始建于1265年,毗邻布拉格,处于布拉格、捷克西部与德国之间的交汇处,有原住居民1万8千人,是地区文化、政治、轻型和中型工业中心,同时是重要的交通枢纽。如果你去捷克旅游或度假,一般都不可能错过此地!)。

On 23 June 1981, in Beroun, Czechoslovakia (as it was then), with the footsteps of summer drawing closer, lovely Monica Sweetheart came into this world (with the name Monika Listopadová).

The Royal Town of Beroun was the gate to ?esky kras and K?ivoklát region and lies near to Prague at the crossroads of the capital, the west part of the Czech Republic and Germany. The old mercantile road is replaced by the D5 highway and railway tracks connecting Beroun with Prague, Plzeň and Rakovník. The present Beroun town has nearly 18 thousand inhabitants and is a cultural, administrative and industrial centre of the region. The first written report about the town is in the document of P?emysl Otakar the II from 1265. Beroun is an important gateway to the west of the Czech Republic, if you travel to the Czech Republic for the purposes of tourism or family visit, you can't miss it!


Scene of Town Beroun

About Monica's career and talents

年满十八岁之后不久,大约在2000年左右,Monica开始涉足成人影视。刚入道的Monica出演了 Buttman's Anal Show 2 这部影片,甜美的扮相和出色的演技让她一炮走红,迅速声名远播。和一般的欧洲成人女演员不同的是,Monica能说一口流利的英语,因此她也获得了不少在美国业界出演的机会,使北美观众能够一睹她的风采。在不少影片(场景)中,Monica还与身体强悍的非裔美国人合作演出,充分展示了自己在业界的表演能力。现在,Monica往来奔波于布拉格和美国,务求使自己成为一个真正的国际化明星。她的代理商已经由过去的LA Direct Models转变为现在Absolute Stars(Czech agency)。在演出之外,Monica已经开始尝试为片商Zero Tolerance担任影片导演,她在一个叫做Monica's Sweethearts(Monica的情人们)的系列电影中做到了自编自导自演。过去我认为这种才华是很多长相美貌但是头脑简单的业内女星所不具备的,但是Monica做到了,而且做得很好。她是一个令人惊奇的姑娘,很有天赋。在那些努力工作的成人演员中,总有一两位出众的人物,Monica无疑是她们中的佼佼者之一。Monica绝对值得我们称赞。

Monica first got into porn in 2000 shortly after turning eighteen. She gained notoriety with her luscious appearance and wonderful performance in Buttman's Anal Show 2. Because she speaks fluent English, Monica does not project the image of the stereotypical speechless European pornstar. Monica now spends her time between Prague and Southern California, and is a well-known and most popular international star.

The fact that Monica speaks near-perfect English with a lilting charm to her voice only adds to her erotic appeal, letting the people from America to all over the world know her more. Monica also has starred in numerous scenes with African-American men. Sometimes, such scenes brought out the best in her. Monica has in the past been represented by the adult agency LA Direct Models, but is currently represented by the Czech agency Absolute Stars. In addition, Monica has begun directing adult films for the production company Zero Tolerance. Monica is directing and starring in a series entitled Monica's Sweethearts. I thought that few or even none porn stars have such a talent, but actually, Monica has done this well and she really is an amazing girl, a genius. In the hard-working porn cast, there are one or two standouts and Monica seems to be at the top of the pile. Monica is most definitely worthy of our praise.

About Monica's movies



在2004年,Monica因为在电影Eye of the Beholder(旁观者之眼)中的出色表演,获得了X-rated Critics Organization(XRCO)的Best Group Scene(最佳多人场景)大奖提名。

Monica Sweetheart is a prolific actress. To date, Monica has performed in some 230 movies during her six years in show biz and her name in every movie was a symbol of "high rankings" or "high viewers" - her scenes always being memorable to her audiences. For several years, Monica has been at the summit of her career. Fans love her, and many producers likewise. Monica has been one of the hottest in the industry of late. I have noticed that Monica is usually acting in the leading role or is the cover girl on the DVDs of her latest movies. Monica also has a somewhat unusual tattoo - a lobster on her right shoulder blade, it's very cute. In the year 2004, Monica was nominated for the Best Group Scene Award by the X-rated Critics Organization (XRCO) for her scene in Eye of the Beholder.



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CHINA TRIBUTE (continued)

Monica和Lea De Mae的友谊
About Monica's friendship with Lea De Mae

Monica是已故著名模特兼成人明星Lea De Mae的一位挚友,Lea De Mae2004年12月死于脑癌。当年夏天,在Lea刚刚接受手术之后,Monica与Lea的妹妹Lucie、好友Chris一道悉心照料她,并一度打算帮Lea转到医疗条件先进的德国慕尼黑进行治疗,可惜一切为时已晚。

Monica Sweetheat、Lea De Mae、Silvia Saint、Daniella Rush、Sandra Russo曾共同演出了Frank Thring导演的著名电影 The Academy (欢乐学院)。Monica Sweetheart、Lea De Mae、Silvia Saint、Daniella Rush四位捷克美女曾被人誉为"Dream Team(梦幻组合)"。

我为Lea De Mae撰写了一篇纪念文章,并放在这个Blog上(地址:。如果你还记得可爱的Lea,并且和我一样怀念她,请向她的亲人和朋友们致以衷心的祝福,愿她们一切平安。

Monica was a close friend of the late Lea De Mae, a former model and pornstar also from the Czech Republic, who died from brain cancer in December 2004. Monica helped to care for Lea after the operation Lea underwent and was working with Lea's sister Lucie and Chris to try to get as much help as possible for Lea in order to have Lea airlifted out of the Czech Republic over to Munich to a special clinic having good results with brain tumours in summer 2004.

Monica made an early appearance (aged eighteen) along with Czech porn actresses Lea De Mae, Silvia Saint and Daniella Rush in Frank Thring's feature The Academy (Pirate Video De Luxe) amongst other popular movies. The four Czech stars were known as the "Dream Team".


Sandra Russo, Daniella Rush, Silvia Saint, Lea De Mae And Monica Sweetheart

I have put up a tribute for Lea De Mae on my blog ( which can be found at this address: ). If you remember lovely Lea and if you miss her too, please send your best wishes to her family and best friends.
God bless them all.

About Monica's beauty and personality

Someone said, Monica was a sweetheart in every sense of the word, a raven-haired beauty whose lush natural charms were more than any man can resist. I can't agree more. "Sweetheart" is such a suitable name for her! Sometimes, I really can feel her beauty and attraction through the screen, - she is quietly stunning and gorgeous as if she belongs to some kind of fairyland more than our mortal world… "Sweet and Lovely, Sweeter than the roses in May. Sweet and Lovely, Heaven must have sent her our way".

Just as Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Austria and many other European countries, the Czech Republic is a picturesque and beautiful place. Someone said, "Czech women rule!!! The most beautiful women come from Czechia (Czech)!" It looks as if it's a rule of nature that Czech girls always are Junoesque and lovely.

I have met two Czech girls in ShangHai before. They trusted themselves for everything, they loved fashion, cosmetics, light music, dance, and so on, just as they loved their own perfect bodies. If you pay attention, you could always find out which girl was Czech in bunch of mixed girls came from different countries.

Monica was such a Czech girl. In other words, those romantic things could be with her pure soul anyway.
Monica represents the best that Czech has to offer, she's got a deliriously curvaceous body, with full and luscious breasts and a wonderfully wide backside that betrays not the slightest hint of flab.

I remembered one time she chatted with some fans via an Internet chat room (Details can be found in, and many were impressed by her blandness, gentleness and assured manner. I didn't have an opportunity to join that chat (maybe someday Monica could chat with fans again?), but I have read all that was said. My feelings were as if I was there in the chat room at that moment too, it felt so good.

Interviewed by ADT

AdultDVDTalk的Astroknight曾经对Monica进行了一次简短的采访,我注意到,他在文中提到:Monica是一个总是耐心而亲切的人。对业界的女演员来说,这种品格是非常难能可贵的,甚至可以说非常稀有。而我看到我国不少演员对待身边的工作人员总是耍大牌,一副盛气凌人的样子,简直还比不上人家的Porn Star!Monica还说她很喜欢为片商Zero Tolerance拍摄影片,也许是因为Zero Tolerance让演员自己对影片有一定的支配权,而不是要求她们一味服从。


Astroknight from once had a short interview with Monica in 2004. He mentioned that Ms. Sweetheart was always very patient and gracious. Monica has a wonderful personality. Let me tell you, I don't think my native actresses have such personality. Monica also said that she'd like to shoot movies for Zero Tolerance, maybe Zero Tolerance has really been very supportive of her and everything?

Monica was still very young...I picked up some lines from this interview which can tell us how cute she is:

Astroknight: Can you sing?(你会唱歌吗?)
Monica Sweetheart: No, I'm sorry. I mean, I can in car, when I'm alone. (laughs) I can do it well, but not in front of people.(不,很抱歉。我是说……也许一个人开车的时候,我会(笑)……我唱得蛮不错的,但当着别人的面我可不唱。)

Astroknight: After you have a long day on the set shooting scenes, when you go home, what do you do to relax?(干了一整天的活,当你回家后,你做点什么来放松?)
Monica Sweetheart: Well, first I have bath, then I eat something good, and then I have sex again. Sometimes. (laughs)(嗯,首先洗个澡,然后吃点好吃的,然后……再来一次……有时啦)

Astroknight: Do you prefer dogs or cats?(你养狗和猫吗?)
Monica Sweetheart: For what???? (laughs)(什么意思????)

As pets! Pets! (laughs)(别想歪了,我是说宠物啦……)
Monica Sweetheart: Okay! Well I have my dog here at home.(当然!我现在家里就有一条狗)

Astroknight: What kind of dog?(什么样的狗?)
Monica Sweetheart: He's mutt. Mixed. And he's cute.(是条杂种狗,杂交的,但是很可爱的)

Astroknight: When you're out in public, on the street, shopping, do you have people recognize you much?(当你外出时,比如逛街啦、购物啦,经常有人认出你来吗?)
Monica Sweetheart: None at all. I'm not known enough. (laughs)(从来没有,我还不是那么太有名啦)

Astroknight: Do you like it that way or when you go out to you want to get recognized?(你希望别人认出你来吗?)
Monica Sweetheart: I don't want to be, no. I love it like this. (laughs)(不想,不,还是现在这样比较好)

Astroknight: When you're going to do something, do you normally plan it ahead?(在你做一件事之前,常常会计划好吗?)
Monica Sweetheart: No, not at all. No, I do day by day. I'm always waiting for what will come. (laughs) Don't like planning.(不,一点也不,我有点像流水帐,是走一步看一步的人,不太会计划事情)



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RE: From China With Love

Monica's Popular Music Interests

这是题外话,Monica是Robbie Williams的超级歌迷,7月18日她专门开了7个小时的车跑到匈牙利首都布达佩斯去观看Robbie Williams的个人专场音乐会。其实我个人也有一些Robbie Williams的唱片,比如 Sing When You're WinningSwing When You're WinningIntensive Care 。我认为Robbie Williams的音乐还是不错的,很有特点。 By the way, Monica is a huge fan of UK singing star Robbie Williams, - she drove on a journey of 7 hours from Prague to Budapest for Williams' concert in 18 July 2006.

I have some albums by Robbie Williams myself, such as "Sing When You're Winning","Swing When You're Winning" and "Intensive Care". I like his music, it's quite extraordinary.

The Movie World

从Monica口中我们可以得知,美国对业界女演员的保护要远好于欧洲,那里很干净,每个演员都要经过严格的体检才能上岗,这也是她为什么喜欢到美国拍片的原因。"那真的很好!"Monica说。我不禁再次想到可怜的Lea De Mae,她的死Private是要负很大责任的!

除了可爱之外,Monica还兼具优雅和性感。优雅是一种感觉,这感觉来源于丰富的内涵和感性的完美结合。一个容貌美丽的女人未必优雅,而优雅的女人一定"美丽"。她们通常是经典的,自然的,却又有着耐人寻味的迷人风情……不能不承认,可爱的Monica同时又是优雅的。最令人心动的是,她有一双很美的眼睛,长长的睫毛,脉脉含情,温柔异常。我觉得Monica在 My Plaything Monica SweetheartTwo in the Seat #3ApprentassNatacha四张DVD封面上的眼睛最美,不要说男人无法拒绝,连女性也会被她深深吸引……Monica有着流畅的曲线,完美的胸部和光洁的肌肤。1米75的身高和一双无比修长的美腿也是她全身最大的亮点,而且身材特别匀称。这个典型的长腿美人,无论她如何穿着,总是能成为众人瞩目的焦点。性感则是Monica在业界取胜的致命武器,她似乎有永远无法满足的欲望,这让她看起来充满活力,充满自信。有人说,巨蟹座的女人对性爱有一种逆来顺受的特质,几乎没有底线。Monica在镜头前总是如此出色,从单人场景到多人场景,她是当之无愧的Anal sex的女王--可不是什么人都可以有这种功力和效果的。除此之外,她的脸上总是挂着迷人的微笑。仿佛要告诉你,她是多么热爱这个,她爱自己,爱所有的人,更爱生活,她总是那么充满了活力!Monica堪称最解放自我的美人。

According to Monica, the adult industry of the USA does enough to protect the girls' and the mens', safety and health more than in Europe, So that's why Monica always likes to work in the USA. It's clean and fine and everybody is tested. "That's perfect", she said.

Monica is a woman of unstudied elegance as well as sex appeal. Elegance is a feeling which roots itself in one's perfect internal and external behaviour. A beautiful woman may not always carry herself with dignity and polish, but a woman with elegance must be beautiful. Usually, they are classical, natural, with charms. I must say, lovely Monica is a sweet lady of grace all the time and she has a pair of the most pretty eyes full of emotion that we've seen in some time.

I like her eyes on DVD cover of My Plaything Monica Sweetheart, Two in the Seat #3, Apprentass and Natacha, they're beautiful and attractive. I thought maybe even women couldn't resist the temptation! At a height of 5 feet - 9 inches with long legs, Monica is slender as a willow shoot is - and equally graceful and erect. I believe whatever Monica wears, she would always become the focus of attention in people.

On the other hand, sex appeal with long legs and tantalising thighs should be her trump in the industry. Monica looks cute, but she has a ravenous sexual appetite. Monica has done it all, from solo to gangbang, and the smile on her face tells you she loves it all too - it looks like she is always full of energy!

Monica is a Cancer star sign girl. Someone said that Cancer girls have a special power for sex, and they don't have any bottom line. Monica's trademark is without a doubt enthusiastic anal sex, often as part of group or interracial sets. So, whether you want a private dance, masturbation, lesbian, oral, DP, ATM, anal or just plain old sex. Monica will deliver! The smile on her face will tell you that she loves herself, she loves her career, she loves everybody who loves her, she loves everybody who she knows, and she loves her life and lifestyle more. Monica is the most self-expressed beauty in my heart.

About my favourite movies of Monica's

如果你要问我最喜欢Monica这200多部影片中的哪一部,首先我当然会选择 My Plaything: Monica SweetheartAdultdvdtalk的一片评论(Review)说:由于她的性感和美貌,你很容易了解为什么她多年来一直有那么多爱好者。这也是她被Digital Plaything看中,并入选My Plaything系列的原因。的确,对一个你所喜爱的明星来说,没有什么比My Playing这个系列更让人感兴趣了,除了能最大限度给你真实感的互动操作之外,整个影片展示的是明星所能展示的一切。在My Plaything: Monica Sweetheart中,Monica看起来美极了,一切都很自然。这部影片在虚拟系列中是非常完美的一部,甚至在它已经发行几年后,它仍然是值得人们记住的一部。此外,The Academy中的场景也是我所喜欢的。虽然这是Monica的一部早期作品,但是品质相当不凡。这个场景发生在一所培养浪漫影视明星的欢乐学院里,同样来自捷克的大美人Daniella Rush与男演员David Perry为Monica和她的女同学们上了一堂生动的实践课程。Monica的很多精彩片段都集中体现在The Private Story of Monica Sweetheart中(我很奇怪为什么Private不沿用Life系列而改用Story系列)。

有一位朋友评价说,Monica在Private's Matador #05中扮演的女职员也是比较成功的形象,因为和她演对手戏的两位男演员真的度过了一个"令人难忘的假日",而Monica似乎也很投入。另一位朋友则比较喜欢Buttman's Anal Show #02,他认为这是Monica最出色的一场表演。在这次演出中,Monica和以狂野著称的女演员Laura Angel、著名猛汉Christophe Clark联手打造了一场激情四射的热辣之旅。


If you ask me which my favourite movie of Monica's is, I'll choose My Plaything: Monica Sweetheart as the first. A review in said: With her tight body, nicely natural rack, long legs leading up to a perfect ass, and a pretty face, it's easy to see why Monica Sweetheart has had a long list of fans for several years. It also makes it easy to see why she was selected to be in Digital Plaything's My Plaything series. My Plaything: Monica Sweetheart is a great virtual sex release even a few years after it was released. Besides, I like the scene in The Academy also. Although, it was an early production of Monica's, but it was of high quality. The scene takes place in a sex academy for adult film stars-in-waiting. Monica and her fellow classmates are given a guest lecture by the oh-so hot Daniella Rush and David Perry gives the ladies up-close and-personal 'acting' lessons.

I have read an article in which the writer gives a good review on Private's Matador #05 and Buttman's Anal Show #02. It said that Monica played a dazzling desk clerk who made two guys' vacation a memorable one in Private's Matador #05. She joined the guys for a feverish threesome that featured some anal action that drove her right through the roof. While In Buttman's Anal Show #02, Monica turned in one of her best performances. She hooked up with Laura Angel and Christophe Clark in a wild trio scene that really lets her friendly and winning personality shine through.

Anywhere in Europe, in US or in Far East here, you always can find Monica's fans. Monica's career continues strongly. I wish her more success and I wish her good luck with all my heart. The story of this sweetheart will go on; the advance of her footsteps will never stop. Monica is a living legend in the industry, a landmark performer. I hope she will win the Best Actress Award with highest honours at the AVN Awards, Monica deserves it. Let's wait and see!



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(cont) From China With Love

Monica 的个人小档案
Personal Details of Monica Sweetheart

本名:Monika Listopadová
身高:5 ft 9 in (1.75 m)
体重:105 lb (59 kg)
艺名:Monika Listopadová, Monika Sweetheart, Monica Sweetheart

Birthdate: 23 June 1981
Birth location: Beroun, Czech Republic
Birth name: Monika Listopadová
Measurements: 32B-22-34
Height: 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m)
Weight: 105 lb (59 kg)
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Brunette/Blonde
Natural bust: Yes
Ethnicity: Czech
Stage Name(s): Monika Listopadová, Monika Sweetheart , Monica Sweetheart


Click here for Monica's photo album ---->

Click here for Monica's list of movies ---->




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Monica Sweetheart影片列表(不全)
Monica Sweetheart's List of Movies

1 Orgy Addicts (2005) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
2 Cum On In 2 (2005) .....
3 Fem: Sonata (2005) .....
4 Natacha (2005) .....
5 Up'r Class 2 (2005) .....
6 50 to 1 (2005) .....
7 Lick It Up (2005) .....
8 Nasty Dreams (2005) .....
9 About Face 2 (2005) .....
10 Suck, ****, Swallow 2 (2005) .....
11 Nuttin' Hunnies 2 (2005) .....
12 Lady Lust (2005) .....
13 Cum Stains 6 (2005) .....
14 Spunk'd 2 (2005) .....
15 Tic Tac Toe's (2005) .....
16 Forever Jessica (2005) .....
17 Drive Thru 3 (2005) .....
18 Finger Licking Good 2 (2005) .....
19 Head Master 1 (2005) .....
20 The Best by Private 65: Anal Madness (2005) .....
21 Latex House Wives (2005) .....
22 Pleasure (2005) .....
23 Pussy POV 1 (2005) .....
24 Squirt for Me P.O.V. (2005) .....
25 Gina Lynn Reinvented (2004) .....
26 Groupie Love (2004) .....
27 Pussy Party 4 (2004) .....
28 Cytherea Is the Show Stopper (2004) .....
29 Eye of the Beholder (2004) .....
30 Baby Doll Cheerleaders (2004) .....
31 Assed Out (2004) .....
32 Internal Cumbustion 4 (2004) .....
33 Deep Throat This 20 (2004) .....
34 The Best by Private 62: Private Penthouse Greatest Moments 1 (2004) .....
35 Alien Love Fantasy (2004) .....
36 Stick It In My Face! 3 (2004) .....
37 Intensitivity 2 (2004) .....
38 Take That! The Biggest Pop Shots of Deep Throat This (2004) .....
39 Nuttin' Hunnies (2004) .....
40 Hot Auto Bodies (2004) .....
41 Hustler Centerfolds 2 (2004) .....
42 Young Girls in Dark Territory 2 (2004) .....
43 Voracious (2004) .....
44 P.O.V. (2004) .....
45 Myne Tease (2004) .....
46 Mad Skillz (2004) .....
47 Wrestle with the Devil (2004) .....
48 Gentlemen Prefer Anal (2004) .....
49 Her First Anal Sex 1 (2004) .....
50 Erotic Stories: Lovers and Cheaters (2004) .....
51 Cum Stains 5 (2004) .....
52 Filthy Things 2 (2004) .....
53 The Art of Anal 3 (2004) .....
54 The Best of Cum Drippers (2004) .....
55 Barely Legal 50 (2004) ..... DVD only
56 Totally ****ed (2004) .....
57 Anal Addicts 15 (2004) .....
58 Apprentass (2004) .....
59 Slexy 2 (2004) .....
60 Share the Load 2 (2004) .....
61 Foot Worship Adventures! (2004) .....
62 Strip Tease Then **** 5 (2004) .....
63 White Chicks Gettin' Black Balled 2 (2004) .....
64 Lick 'em and Stick 'em (2004) .....
65 Interracial Sex Shooter 6 (2004) .....
66 Iron Head 2 (2004) .....
67 A Night at the Bordello (2004) .....
68 Ass Angels 3 (2004) .....
69 Monica Mayhem Restrained (2004) .....
70 Porn Star Station (2004) .....
71 Broken English (2004) .....
72 A2m 4 (2004) .....
73 Catwoman Goes Naked (2004) .....
74 Semen Shots 2 (2004) .....
75 When Big Just Ain't Enough (2004) .....
76 Catch Me If You Can (2004) .....
77 Barely Legal All Stars 1 (2004) .....
78 Cheeks 14 (2004) .....
79 Double Stuffed 4 (2004) .....
80 Best of North Pole (2004) .....
81 Droppin' Loads 4 (2004) .....
82 When Porn Stars Play 2... Sluts in the Sun (2004) .....
83 Interracial Cum Junkies 2 (2004) .....
84 Droppin' Loads 2 (2004) .....
85 Bella Loves Jenna (2004) ..... (as Monika)
86 Blow Me Sandwich (2003) ..... Monika
87 P.O.V.: Up Close and Personal (2003) .....
88 Ass Cleavage (2003) ..... Monika
89 What Girls Like (2003) .....
90 Two in the Seat 3 (2003) .....
91 Wet Dreams Cum True (2003) .....
92 Girls on Girls (2003) .....
93 Anal Trainer (2003) .....
94 Parfum du désir, Le (2003) .....
95 The Voyeur 26 (2003) .....
96 All at Once (2003) .....
97 Sulfureuse, La (2003) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
98 Hi-teen Club 2 (2003) .....
99 Mélanie la jouisseuse (2003) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
100 Private Sports 5: Surf ****ers (2003) .....
101 Ten Little Piggies (2003) .....
102 Sextrem: Sophie's Nightmare (2003) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
103 Jack's Playground 3 (2003) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
104 Cum Stains (2003) .....
105 Fatale (2003) .....
106 Crack Attack (2003) .....
107 Heavy Metal 4 (2003) .....
108 Crazy Bullets (2003) .....
109 Mandingo 5 (2003) .....
110 Hot Bods and Tail Pipe #29 (2003) .....
111 Performing Ass (2003) .....
112 Monika Sweetheart AKA Filthy Whore (2003) .....
113 Anal Thrills (2003) .....
114 Cum Swapping Sluts 6 (2003) .....
115 Ass Stretchers (2003) .....
116 Three for All (2003) .....
117 Please Cum Inside Me 14 (2003) .....
118 Cum Dumpsters 4 (2003) .....
119 Train My White Ass 4 (2003) .....
120 Pussy Foot'n 4 (2003) .....
121 Cum Stains 2 (2003) .....
122 Lex On Blondes (2003) .....
123 Bigg Z and the Beauties 5 (2003) .....
124 Just Anal Sex (2003) .....
125 Love Stories (2003) .....
126 Grand Theft Anal 2 (2003) .....
127 Eye of the Beholder (2003) .....
128 Filthy Little Whores 5 (2002) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
129 Sweet Cheeks (2002) ..... Monika
130 Dirty Newcummers 10 (2002) .....
131 Black Cravings 9 (2002) .....
132 Deep Throat This 2 (2002) ..... Herself (Monika Sweetheart)
133 Devon Stripped (2002) .....
134 Swap Meat (2002) .....
135 Buttfaced 3 (2002) .....
136 Candidate, La (2002) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
137 Cum Dumpsters (2002) .....
138 Cum Drippers 2 (2002) ..... Herself (Monica Sweetheart)
139 Squirting Illustrated 5 (2002) .....
140 Sodomania: Slop Shots 11 (2002) .....
141 Pornutopia (2002) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
142 Eager Beavers 4 (2002) .....
143 Luxure (2002) .....
144 2 On 1 #12 (2002) .....
145 Lex the Impaler 2 (2002) ..... Herself (Monica Sweetheart)
146 Hot Showers 4 (2002) .....
147 Rectal Rooters 2 (2002) .....
148 Tits and Ass (2002) .....
149 Seductions 1 (2002) .....
150 Barely Legal 23 (2002) .....
151 Down the Hatch 7 (2002) .....
152 Gutter Mouths 24 (2002) .....
153 Hot Bods and Tail Pipe #22 (2002) ..... Monika (as Monica Sweetheart)
154 Assault That Ass (2002) ..... Monika
155 The Best by Private 40: Private's Most Beautiful Breasts (2002) .....
156 Assficianado (2002) .....
157 Barefoot Confidential 17 (2002) .....
158 Asses Galore 16: The Journey to Get In Two Girls' Ass Continues! (2001) ..... Monika
159 12 coups de minuit, Les (2001) ..... (as Monika)
160 Sex Meat (2001) .....
161 Service Animals: The Service Providers (2001) ..... Monica Sweetheart
162 Anal Angels In High Heels (2001) .....
163 Exposed (2001) .....
164 Balls Deep 3 (2001) ..... Monika
165 North Pole #22 (2001) ..... Monika
166 A Whore's Life Part 1: The Dollhouse (2001) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
167 Immortal (2001) .....
168 Worldwide Sex 6 (2001) .....
169 Rocco Ravishes Prague 4 (2001) ..... Monika
170 Innocence (2001) .....
171 Up Your Ass 18 (2001) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
172 Nasty Nymphos 30 (2001) .....
173 Anal Addicts 3 (2001) .....
174 A Perverted Point of View 3 (2001) ..... Monika
175 The 4 Finger Club 18 (2001) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
176 Lulů (2001) ..... (as Monica Tore)
177 Rocco: Animal Trainer 6 (2001) ..... (as Monica Sweetheat)
178 Affaire Katsumi, L' (2001) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
179 Un-Natural Sex 4 (2001) .....
180 Colorsex (2001) ..... Miss Yellow (as Monica Sweetheart)
181 Bring'um Young 4 (2001) ..... Monica Sweetheart
182 The Best by Private 27: Anal Toppers (2001) .....
183 Grrl Power! 6 (2001) .....
184 Private Matador 5: Sex Trip (2001) .....
185 Assman 12 (2000) .....
186 The Club (2000) ..... (as Monika Sweetheart)
187 Siciliana, La (2000) ..... Miss Tyra (as Monica Tore)
188 Une nuit au bordel (2000) .....
189 Private Odyssey 2001 Part Two (2000) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)
190 Buttman's Anal Show 2 (2000) .....
191 Pirate Video Deluxe 11: The Academy (2000) ..... Student (as Monica Sweethart)
192 Call Girl (2000) .....
193 Anmacherinnen 9 - Arschgeile Flittchen, Die (1999) ..... (as Monika Listopadova)
194 Face Dance Obsession (1999)



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((4) 评论  | [ (0) 引用 ] | [静态链接网址] 4 Comments on "人见人爱的甜心俏佳人——Monica Sweetheart (中文/English)"

  1. 作者 tim1950 [ 回复 ]
    我很喜欢Monica Sweetheart这个演员,觉得她人如其名长相确实甜美,表演也很本色,不象有些演员表现的那么夸张。我个人觉得她越来越漂亮了。记的The Academy中还不怎么起眼,好象整过容

  2. 作者 Donatino [ 回复 ]
    我觉得今年Monica应该集中力量拍一部精品,争取拿到AVN大奖。相比之下,我感觉现在美国红透半边天的Jenna Jameson有点被吹得言过其实了。

  3. 作者 tim1950 对Jenna Jameson的感觉与你相同 [ 回复 ]
    我也觉得Jenna Jameson确实有点名过其实,长相在同行中并不算出类拨萃,身材也是人造的。看过她几部影片也不觉得有什么出色,不过让她得AVN大奖的那部按摩 师确实是部不错的电影,她在里面表现也很好,那个奖也算名符其实。
    个人认为Jenna Jameson之所以成为美国成人女星的标志性人物,有很大程度是因为AV界需要一个成功的范例吸引观众的眼球与新人的加入。有报道说她一年赚200 0万左右的收入,有很多年轻女孩就是象成为她那样的人物而加入AV界。

  4. 作者 kukol [ 回复 ]
    其实论长相,我最喜欢的是Bobbi Eden!不过她的戏老是没什么激情!感觉就象一只死鱼一样,让人昏昏欲睡!没有那么有自然的诱惑力,不知道差了一点什么!

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(final part) From China With Love


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NB. For some features, please see actual Donatinoi's original Blog Site at:

-- Edited by Victorandss at 15:04, 2006-08-03



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Monica says "Thank you"!

Dear Friends,

I have just received a message from Monica Sweetheart in Prague.

Monica says she is very pleased with the Tribute from China created by Donatino (Donati) and writes: "Hi Victor, WOW! I love my Chinese Tribute.. Thanks to Donati.. and thank you for your perfect english :) I wish I was born in England..My life will be sooo much easier if I speak perfect English.. Maybe in next life :)"

Monica reports that she is shortly to commence filming in Austria along with Sue Diamond and Mick Blue (Sue's boyfriend). Monica writes: "I will be in Austria that time, shooting a mainstream movie.. I still play myself.. pornstar Monica Sweetheart :) I will spend one week there with Sue Diamond and her boyfriend Mick Blue..they are in too.. It will be fun.. New experience.."

As you may have read, Monica is crazy about Robbie Williams and she comments on the news that Robbie Williams likes a Slovak girl and writes:"I checked Euro Babes Talk, how interesting Robbie likes Slovak girl.. he should know Czech girls are better! :) I would love to satisfy him about it !"



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RE: From China With Love

I have changed my blog title-background to this picture, I'm very satisfied with this PS work!

Forever Lea De Mae / Forver Love


Victorandss wrote:

MonicaLea De MaeAbout Monica's friendship with Lea De MaeMonicaLea De MaeLea De Mae200412LeaMonicaLeaLucieChrisLeaMonica SweetheatLea De MaeSilvia SaintDaniella RushSandra RussoFrank Thring The Academy Monica SweetheartLea De MaeSilvia SaintDaniella Rush"Dream Team"Lea De MaeBlog was a close friend of the late Lea De Mae, a former model and pornstar also from the Czech Republic, who died from brain cancer in December 2004. Monica helped to care for Lea after the operation Lea underwent and was working with Lea's sister Lucie and Chris to try to get as much help as possible for Lea in order to have Lea airlifted out of the Czech Republic over to Munich to a special clinic having good results with brain tumours in summer 2004.Monica made an early appearance (aged eighteen) along with Czech porn actresses Lea De Mae, Silvia Saint and Daniella Rush in Frank Thring's feature The Academy (Pirate Video De Luxe) amongst other popular movies. The four Czech stars were known as the "Dream Team".

Sandra Russo, Daniella Rush, Silvia Saint, Lea De Mae And Monica SweetheartI have put up a tribute for Lea De Mae on my blog ( which can be found at this address: ). If you remember lovely Lea and if you miss her too, please send your best wishes to her family and best friends. God bless them all.MonicaAbout Monica's beauty and personality
Sweetheart......MonicaMonicaMonicaAdultDVDTalk.comMonicaSomeone said, Monica was a sweetheart in every sense of the word, a raven-haired beauty whose lush natural charms were more than any man can resist. I can't agree more. "Sweetheart" is such a suitable name for her! Sometimes, I really can feel her beauty and attraction through the screen, - she is quietly stunning and gorgeous as if she belongs to some kind of fairyland more than our mortal world "Sweet and Lovely, Sweeter than the roses in May. Sweet and Lovely, Heaven must have sent her our way".Just as Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Austria and many other European countries, the Czech Republic is a picturesque and beautiful place. Someone said, "Czech women rule!!! The most beautiful women come from Czechia (Czech)!" It looks as if it's a rule of nature that Czech girls always are Junoesque and lovely.I have met two Czech girls in ShangHai before. They trusted themselves for everything, they loved fashion, cosmetics, light music, dance, and so on, just as they loved their own perfect bodies. If you pay attention, you could always find out which girl was Czech in bunch of mixed girls came from different countries.Monica was such a Czech girl. In other words, those romantic things could be with her pure soul anyway. Monica represents the best that Czech has to offer, she's got a deliriously curvaceous body, with full and luscious breasts and a wonderfully wide backside that betrays not the slightest hint of flab. I remembered one time she chatted with some fans via an Internet chat room (Details can be found in, and many were impressed by her blandness, gentleness and assured manner. I didn't have an opportunity to join that chat (maybe someday Monica could chat with fans again?), but I have read all that was said. My feelings were as if I was there in the chat room at that moment too, it felt so good.
Interviewed by ADTAdultDVDTalkAstroknightMonicaMonicaPorn StarMonicaZero ToleranceZero ToleranceMonicaAstroknight from once had a short interview with Monica in 2004. He mentioned that Ms. Sweetheart was always very patient and gracious. Monica has a wonderful personality. Let me tell you, I don't think my native actresses have such personality. Monica also said that she'd like to shoot movies for Zero Tolerance, maybe Zero Tolerance has really been very supportive of her and everything?Monica was still very young...I picked up some lines from this interview which can tell us how cute she is:Astroknight: Can you sing?Monica Sweetheart: No, I'm sorry. I mean, I can in car, when I'm alone. (laughs) I can do it well, but not in front of people.Astroknight: After you have a long day on the set shooting scenes, when you go home, what do you do to relax?Monica Sweetheart: Well, first I have bath, then I eat something good, and then I have sex again. Sometimes. (laughs)Astroknight: Do you prefer dogs or cats?Monica Sweetheart: For what???? (laughs)Astroknight: As pets! Pets! (laughs)Monica Sweetheart: Okay! Well I have my dog here at home.Astroknight: What kind of dog?Monica Sweetheart: He's mutt. Mixed. And he's cute.Astroknight: When you're out in public, on the street, shopping, do you have people recognize you much?Monica Sweetheart: None at all. I'm not known enough. (laughs)Astroknight: Do you like it that way or when you go out to you want to get recognized?Monica Sweetheart: I don't want to be, no. I love it like this. (laughs)Astroknight: When you're going to do something, do you normally plan it ahead?Monica Sweetheart: No, not at all. No, I do day by day. I'm always waiting for what will come. (laughs) Don't like planning.

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