As Bernd30 in Germany wrote below 4 years ago, pictures links etc can be suddenly lost. In the Lea De Mae main topic "Remember me", this was opened 16½ years ago on 10th December 2004, the day after lovely Lea (Andrea) passed away in Prague at the age of only 27 years.
571,782 viewings of this topic have been made since that day. I am sure that modest Lea would have been surprised at the affection shown by so many people in various countries - she cried when she heard that people wanted to send cash to help her in her medical situation.
I have a favour to ask of the Moderators who are still active to please check and maintain the main topics that I started for Silvia, Monica and Lea where there are a lot of photos videos links etc from time to time and make any corrections. I have recently been through all 18 pages of the main Lea topic and made corrections or replaced non-working links wherever possible. On some other sites, where links have been lost, you get blanks or similar and it doesn't look nice. Where there are film clips, sometimes these get withdrawn but usually you can find a similar replacement one. If not, I have altered the posting to rectify this.
I think that most of the photos & wallpapers/posters that I have displayed within various postings are not actually stored on sites like those mentioned by Bernd30 so should be OK as long as this site itself is still available on the Web, so it may be just a few future corrections/replacements will be needed here and there now and again in my absence.
I have also been through the 6 pages of the "Cool Silvia Wallpapers!!" topic started by Fira 15 years ago and which has received 221,645 viewings to date and it seems to be in good order.